Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1571 Poison Eye Centipede

Chapter 1571 Poison Eye Centipede
The poison-eyed centipede watched coldly, not feeling sad at all.

"You kill slowly!"

Hearing this, Ling Yun frowned, the poison-eyed centipede was delaying them.

"Old man Shui, kill him."

To capture the thief first, capture the king, and Ling Yun directly asked Shui Lao to kill the poison-eyed centipede.

"As ordered!"

Shui Lao fought with the poison-eyed centipede with a dodge movement.

On Leng Rushuang's side, she froze batch after batch of poison-eyed centipedes, but this thing seemed to be endless, rushing over without fear of death.

At this moment!
Beibei said: "Handsome Shushu, I saw a centipede king with poisonous eyes, and it is behind the command, I will help you get rid of it."

Ling Yun patted Beibei's head: "Beibei is so smart, he actually discovered it."

Ling Feng's face darkened, the poisonous centipede king hid among the centipedes, commanding them to attack, spit out poisonous mist from time to time.

Originally thought that the poisonous-eyed centipede demon king was behind the scenes, but he didn't expect that this group of deadly centipedes played tricks with him, thanks to Beibei.

"Leng Rushuang, attack that black centipede king." Ling Yun pointed at the centipede king.

"I see."

As soon as Leng Rushuang made a strike, a layer of ice was three feet away, but unfortunately the centipede king didn't stand still, the latter reacted quickly and dodged, and she missed in one blow.

Ling Yun and the others didn't pay attention, and the group of centipedes also crawled behind them, only the little guy saw it.

Little Irene was right behind, but the centipedes didn't dare approach her. Little Irene took a step forward, and the centipede took a few steps back, and she still played with it.

Long Yanran glanced at it, and then said pleasantly: "Brother Lingyun, we can follow little Irene, the centipedes are afraid of her."

An Qing said: "Why isn't she afraid of centipedes?"

Qin Xianglian asked, "What's going on here?"

Ling Yun explained that little Irene was a water phoenix and did not say that she was a fire phoenix, let alone that the latter was a five-colored phoenix.

The five-colored phoenix is ​​a divine beast, and the fire in its body is what they fear.

Although the poisonous centipede is terrifying, it is also afraid of strange fire and lightning. It seems to be the nemesis of venom. It is full of masculinity and righteousness, and it can restrain the evil venom.

"Hahaha, old man, do you want me to poison you to death?" The poison-eyed centipede demon king sneered.

The poison-eyed centipede demon king instantly launched an attack, his body flashed with lightning and thunder, and with a flash, the poisonous gas turned into a dagger.

The dagger pierced the water and attacked. It was quite terrifying. Nine jet-black jets of poisonous smoke flew out of it, each like a poisonous dragon, bursting out into huge waves like mountains and seas.

Shui Lao punched out, and the terrifying air wave shattered the dagger, but his own figure also took a few steps back.

"I actually dreamed of finding my Poison King, with good eyesight." The poisonous-eyed centipede demon king exuded a strong murderous intent.

The black poisonous centipede king had an extraordinary sense of smell, and immediately discovered Leng Rushuang's intentions.

Moreover, he was very afraid of the ice that was as cold as frost, and kept staring at it, and immediately dodged if something seemed wrong.

While they were muttering, the poisonous centipede king suddenly moved forward, and streams of poisonous smoke fell down.

Like a poisonous dragon roaring, it bombarded the ground, causing it to vibrate violently, and gaps were opened in between.

Fortunately, Leng Rushuang reacted quickly and blocked all the poisonous fog.

"court death."

Ling Yun sneered, a strange fire burst out from his palm, like boiling water.

After the strange fire burst out, Ling Yun threw it at the poisonous centipede king, and all the surrounding areas were hit by the strange fire. It was useless for the poisonous centipede king to avoid it. With a scream, the ashes disappeared.

The poisonous centipede attacked even more frantically, without the poisonous centipede king who gave orders, they would be as brainless!

Little Irene stood up, and they froze one by one. The poisonous-eyed centipede demon king saw this scene, and his eyes widened immediately.

"This is, this is..."

Before he finished speaking, Ling Yun's figure was right in front of his eyes!
Ling Yun slapped it down with a palm, and the poisonous-eyed centipede demon king knelt down and spurted blood, his face full of fear, facing Ling Yun's power, how insignificant he was.

He discovered the colorful phoenix, but it became his eternal secret.

Leng Rushuang froze again, this time the centipede swarm never came again.

"Dare to block my way, show off." Ling Yun set fire to the body of the poisonous-eyed centipede demon king.

Shui Lao patted his heart and said: "Pluto is not in good health yet, don't be so impulsive, leave it to the old man."

Ling Yun rolled his eyes, he couldn't deal with a demon king for so long, and he didn't know what courage Shui Lao had to say this.

Shui Lao was not embarrassed, on the contrary, he acted even more, and took a step to explore the way first.

Ling Yun said: "If I destroy the Maple Leaf Forest, I can hurry up."

An Qing said angrily: "You can't worry about your body."

Leng Rushuang also rejected this suggestion, if there were other people in the Maple Leaf Forest, it would not be a disaster.

"Papa, I'm hungry!"

Hearing this, Shui Lao turned his head immediately, and begged the little guy: "My little princess, please bear with me."

An Qing immediately rolled her eyes and said, "My daughter is hungry, what are you holding back?"

Children are in the stage of developing and growing their bodies, so every meal should not be less, let alone make them hungry.

Unexpectedly, Ling Yun stood on Shui Lao's side and said to An Qing and the little ones, "Be patient, there is going to be danger here."

The little guy's eyes turned gloomy, and she also sensed the danger.


"No, here you are, don't make any noise." Ling Yun reluctantly took out three cans of Wangzai and gave them to them, who were very happy.

Shui Lao said: "There are voices, pay attention to them."

Groups of mosquitoes flew densely from the distant sky.

Leng Rushuang turned pale with shock: "No, these are blood-sucking mosquitoes, why are there so many of them?"

Ling Yun said: "They are serious, they must be planning something if they want to use low-level monsters to block our footsteps."

The sky is full of blood-sucking mosquitoes, covering the sky and the sun, each of which is the size of an adult's thumb, and the scalp feels numb when you look at it.

"Stop talking, get rid of them first, Mr. Pluto, you rest and let the old man come."

Shui Lao rushed out, his firm voice echoed in the air, the suppressed strength of his muscles and bones exploded instantly, and he punched the sky.

A large number of blood-sucking mosquitoes died, which made people feel comfortable.

"Wow, grandpa is amazing." The little guy praised immediately.

"not bad."

It was very difficult, and Beibei also approved of this punch, as if a hole had been opened by him in the sky.

"It's not good, they are all flying over and will eat people." Little Irene yelled.


Ling Yun raised a shield, and all these blood-sucking mosquitoes hit the shield. It was really terrifying.

Little Irene was trembling all over, and couldn't help breathing fire!

Seeing a large area of ​​blood-sucking mosquitoes burned to death, they were very happy.

Ling Yun's head was full of black lines. Fortunately, his shield was a single attack, and he could only attack the outside from the inside. If it was closed, then little Irene would be the ones who would suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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