Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1573

Chapter 1573 Vulnerable (one update)
For the little guy who saw the incarnation of the demon king for the first time, he was full of curiosity.

Beibei looked in front of him and didn't leave at first, but said to Ling Yun: "Handsome Shushu, if I slap it flying, a strange tiger that can climb trees will definitely not fly."

Who is in front of me?
Bronze King Tiger!
When he heard this, his teeth itched with anger, and he stared fiercely at Beibei!

"You kid, your tone is too loud. If Hades wasn't here, I would have swallowed you with the garbage around you." Bronze King Hu spit out his words.

The terrifying demonic aura it exudes turned into huge waves, covering all directions!

Leng Rushuang said: "Leave it to me."

"Human bastards, you are courting death!" Bronze King Tiger roared, punching towards Leng Rushuang as if breaking the sky.

Ling Yun said: "You don't need to take action, Beibei will let him know what pain is."

Hear it!

The Bronze King Tiger was sent flying by a force, and it was Bei Bei who shot it, and the Bronze King Tiger screamed all the way.

After the child is done, he still hahas the palm, effortlessly.

Leng Rushuang was dumbfounded, she didn't believe it if she was wrong.

Sufina seemed to know that these three children were not simple, and she felt ashamed. The Immortal Emperor who had cultivated for tens of thousands of years was not as good as three young children.

After being shot several kilometers away, the Bronze King Tiger landed on the ground with a bang, several bones on its back were broken, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of its mouth.

"Fuck, what's going on here, am I being attacked by Hades?"

"I must stop him."

At this moment, the Bronze King Tiger was furious, not only trying to stop Ling Yun with all his strength, but also to prove that he was not a piece of rubbish, each of them could beat Pluto with one or two tricks, but he was shot flying, and he refused to admit it.

"Young master really doesn't need to do anything, I can do it!" Leng Rushuang shook her head.

If you want her to believe that Beibei shot the flying, it's better to tell her that this is just a dream.

Ling Yun shrugged and smiled sweetly!
And Beibei said in a milky voice: "Slap me in the face, let's see if you dare!"


Leng Rushuang and the others all changed their expressions, feeling the ground shaking.

At this moment, there was a roar, the earth trembled, and pieces of ancient trees collapsed, raising dust all over the sky.

Ling Yun suddenly smiled and said: "It's kind of interesting, I don't know how to live or die."

He already knew that the Bronze King Tiger, the demon king, was coming back, and he was very angry.

Beibei said in a childlike voice, "Underground, I didn't expect this strange tiger to climb trees and burrow into the ground."


Another skill of the Bronze King Tiger is to drill the ground!
Leng Rushuang paled in shock, immediately summoned the cold air in her body, and slapped the ground with her palm.

Whoosh whoosh!
A piece of land was frozen, but the Bronze King Tiger broke through the ice anyway.

"Go to hell!"

The fiery red fist came over with a terrifying power.

This time it was Beibei who took the shot and slapped it so hard that the Bronze King Tiger lost a tooth in his mouth, looking very embarrassed.

"Ah! Vomit!"

A shrill howl echoed, the Bronze King Tiger's throat was blocked, and a mouthful of bright red liquid spewed out of his mouth uncontrollably, and the body that had just been propped up lay back again.

"Impossible, is it really you?"

The Bronze King Tiger stared at Bei Bei who was looking up at the sky at 45 degrees.

Leng Rushuang swallowed her saliva, looked back at Beibei with a little fear, and Beibei scratched her head, pointed at Ling Yun, and said in a childish voice, the handsome uncle asked her to do it.

Being defeated by a child, Bronze King Tiger really couldn't accept all this.

He was dead anyway, so he forcibly stopped the bleeding, inserted a silver needle into his head, immediately transformed into a human form, and fought to the death!
After the Bronze King Tiger took shape, his whole body was bronze-colored, a majestic and majestic man.

The Bronze King Tiger probed his hand, his mighty true energy condensed, and turned into a big handprint that covered the sky and the sun, and came to kill Ling Yun and the others fiercely!

Seeing the transformation of the demon king with her own eyes, Beibei became a little frightened. She didn't want to make another move and hid behind An Qing.

Ling Yun said: "You shouldn't have come back just now."

If the Bronze King Tiger hadn't come back to die after being shot by Beibei just now, then he could have escaped! !


Ling Yun didn't expect that Bronze King Tiger would be so ignorant and choose to come back to die.

"I want you to pay the price." Bronze Wanghu gritted his teeth.

Ling Yun's huge fist also smashed over.

The powerful air wave of the punch spread along the point of contact between the two.

In an instant, smoke and dust filled the air, rocks splashed, and the surrounding towering ancient trees were overturned to the ground by the air waves.

The Bronze King Tiger flew away!

Flying away by Ling Yun's fist, the corners of his mouth were covered with blood, his clothes were torn, his whole body was completely dead, without any breath of life.

He never knew where this punch would take him!

The jade-faced hook lion shouted in distress: "Wang Hu!!"

He didn't expect that the Bronze King Tiger would be defeated so quickly.

And although he can't beat Shui Lao, he hasn't lost the wind yet.

While he was distracted, Shui Lao slapped the jade-faced Goushi with his palm, and the latter took a step back, spitting out a mouthful of blood.


"Hehe, it was you who were careless and distracted from fighting with the old man. You can't blame anyone." Shui Lao smiled softly.

And the jade-faced hooked lion looked very ferocious: "We will stop you, even if we can't, we will consume your strength."


A trace of ruthlessness flashed in the eyes of the jade-faced hook lion, and he spread his wings and charged straight at Shui Lao!
The majestic and violent power rushed out like a giant python.

Shui Lao blocked it with a punch, and took a few steps back, but he saw the jade-faced lion's sinister smile.

Just as he frowned, he immediately sensed the danger.

"Grandpa, be careful!"

"It's over, it's over!!" Beibei covered her eyes, not daring to look directly!

"It hurts!"

Shui Lao's figure dodged, and the jade-faced lion's scorpion hook pierced his right arm, and the feeling of being corroded by the venom was too painful.

"Old man, go at ease, you will have to pay the price for killing the Bronze King Tiger."

Shui Lao clutched his right arm in pain, and said, "This little bit of poison is nothing."


Boss Shui yelled, and fire came out of that arm. He had heard Ling Yun say before that fire is the most powerful energy, which can eliminate insidiousness.


The jade-faced Goushi's eyes widened because he saw the venom on Shui Lao's arm being wiped out, which shocked him.

This was the first time he discovered such a detoxification method.

"Although the removal is not clean, it is almost done." Shui Lao smiled, and it was his turn to take action this time.

"Then let me move this knife." The jade-faced hook lion came over in shock, and took out the knife on his back.

That saber is a tiger-headed treasured sword, and he holds the tiger-headed treasured sword, with a vertical and horizontal blade, cutting through ten directions.

However, he saw a faint golden glow on the surface of the jade-faced hook lion, and at the same time, the energy and blood in his body roared, and a layer of flames rose from the surface of his body.

Even the tiger-head sword is different, with a domineering aura!

(End of this chapter)

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