Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1574 Secret

Chapter 1574 Secret (Second Update)
Shui Lao sneered in his heart: "Small tricks!"

He was also mobilizing the majestic power in his body, the sleeves of both arms were shattered, and with a loud shout, his feet exploded, and his figure flew out like a shell.

"Underworld Fist!"

"Splitting Sky Saber Technique!"

Boom! !
When the two martial arts collided, a thousand waves of air were shocked, and layers of fluctuations were set off around.

puff! !

The two flew out at the same time, spitting blood and staring at each other.

Now the little ones are most concerned about who wins!

"Haha, the old man only used [-]% of his strength, and I defeated you, a scorpion lion. I really don't know how you usually exercise." Shui Lao stood up slowly, patted the dust on his body, and the blood on the corner of his mouth was also gone. Will wipe!

At this moment, the jade-faced lion was coughing up blood, the blue clothes were stained with blood, a huge blood hole appeared in his chest, half of his heart was gone.

But that blood hole almost penetrated the body of the jade-faced hook lion, and one could see the faint red viscera in his body.

And the jade face hooked the lion's eyes all the time, and then his body fell heavily.

Light rain began to fall in the sky, as if they were sympathizing with these demon kings against Pluto, wouldn't it be nice to be alive.

Since Ling Yun stepped into the forest of maple leaves, three of the top ten demon kings have died.

further away!
In a mysterious black hole, the seven demon kings sighed, but they didn't realize that there was a person in the deep hole, listening to their dialogue.

In less than an hour, the three demon kings died, which really made them unacceptable.

Of the seven demon kings, the most powerful is the Huntian Demon Ape, then the Poisonous Sky Bee, the Golden Serpent, the Deep Pool Dragon, the Crescent Demon Wolf, the Ferocious Rat, and the Monster Head Carving!
Crescent Demon Wolf suggested: "We are going to die one by one, it is better to hold a group and fight Pluto together."

Shentan Flood Dragon frowned, and said: "The devil wolf is right, even if the seven of us can't kill Pluto, we can still seriously injure him."

"According to reports from other little demons, Pluto made a fuss in the sea of ​​trees and used a total of three ultimate moves. We should all know that once a killer move is used, it will cool down for a period of time."

"And Hades is so powerful that he has already used it three times in the sea of ​​trees."

"I dare say that Pluto will definitely not be able to use it, so time is of the essence."

The golden snake python said coldly.

"That makes sense. The jade-faced hook lion and the bronze king tiger were shot by other people just now. It seems that Pluto is recovering his strength." The strange-headed sculpture nodded.

Huntian Demon Ape huffed angrily: "The confidence that comes from you, what if he has a backhand?"

Ferocious Mouse: "Probably not, he also launched a hurricane just now."

The poisonous sky bee said with some fear: "My subordinates told me that the hurricane is definitely a killer move, very terrifying and very ferocious."

Shentan Jiaolong suggested again: "How about this, let's go out together and unite the formation. I don't believe that the strength of the seven can't hurt him, at least it can be delayed for a few days."

"That's fine, if you can delay for a while, come a few days, even if Pluto doesn't die, it won't be far from death." Huntian Demon Ape nodded, his eyes flickering coldly.

"Pluto is really mad. He wants to destroy our homeland and our demon realm. We must resist."

A nine-headed bird appeared from the entrance of the cave. Although he was still injured, he was fine, but his eyes were full of killing intent.

Hearing this, the seven demon kings were very angry, and immediately picked up the thing, ready to rush out of the cave and kill Ling Yun.


Huntian Demon Ape's eyes were full of coldness, and he said angrily, "Who is eavesdropping inside!"

Nine-headed Bird frowned and said: "I came in just now, and I had a feeling that there are people here!"

In the hole!

"Not good, I was discovered, I must first notify Pluto!"

This person was Ban Kun. He was not eavesdropping, but was sent flying over. He was here earlier than the Demon King.

It's time for him to hide his breath, so the demon king smelled human breath.

Fighting against the seven demon kings alone, Ban Kun is not that perverted. He needs to escape from here and tell Pluto what he knows. The Maple Leaf Forest has secrets.

With a bang, the whole world trembled.

Ban Kun's combat power exploded, and he chose to break through the entire mountain directly.

Amidst the clouds and mist, a mountain suddenly completely collapsed, endless rubble rose into the sky, and countless smoke and dust, at this moment, suddenly covered the sky and the earth, billowing up!

In the smoke and dust, there was a long howl, and a figure suddenly burst out, it was Ban Kun.

With a thunderous and lightning-like light all over his body, he flew away very fast, causing the smoke cloud behind him to follow his figure, and suddenly pulled out a long dragon of smoke and dust, rolling forward.

Immediately, countless figures behind him broke through the smoke and dust, and dragons of smoke and dust suddenly appeared, flying in the air, chasing wildly!

"Damn it, let you escape under our noses, our demon king has a false name." Huntian Demon Ape glared at him and chased after him relentlessly.

And Ban Kun swore that this was the first time in his life that he had escaped, and it was the kind that used all his strength.

"Did I dig your ancestral grave? As for being so excited!" Ban Kun wanted to cry at this moment, but was chased by the seven demon kings, and a nine-headed bird was slowly chasing after him!

"Definitely don't let him live, he must have heard it all."

The Flood Dragon in the Deep Pool was furious, and his speed increased a little.

"Stop him now."


Ban Kun's face changed, he had indeed heard the reason why the seven demon kings wanted to hold Pluto back.

There is an underground palace in Yaoyu, in the forest of maple leaves, where the ancient black-feathered dragon sleeps!

It is said that the black-feathered dragon has reached the highest level of cultivation, because he could not break through to prove the way, so he chose to re-cultivate in a deep sleep and take another path.

And he was also selected by the generation of demon gods among the demon clan.

And the blood demon is responsible for assisting the black feathered dragon. After waiting for so long, the black feathered dragon woke up in two hours.

The blood demon absorbs external power and sends it to the black-feathered dragon continuously. They firmly believe that the black-feathered dragon will definitely be called a demon god.

The Demon King Golden Lion knew about this matter, but he just acquiesced, it was all the blood demon's plan, I have to say, the blood demon is really courageous.

The underworld has also existed since ancient times. Although it was sealed by the Pluto before, Ban Kun still understands the demon god.

The demon god is present, and the blood moon is in the same sky!
The sky at this moment is faintly covered with a layer of faint red.

What Ban Kun has to do is to notify Pluto, but he doesn't know where Pluto is. What he can do now is to hold back the seven demon kings, and they cannot stop Pluto.

So he was constantly being chased, no matter how badly he was beaten, he still wanted to escape.

Ling Yun here!

Since the demon king did not come out, Ling Yun and the others quickly walked deep into the forest of maple leaves.

Along the way, the little guy was in An Qing's arms, her little head resting on the latter's shoulder, her eyes looking at the sky.

She found that it was already night, and the night was different tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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