Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1575

Chapter 1575 When Sugar Water (Third Watch)

The little guy found out that it was already night, and the night was different tonight.

Not knowing if it was an illusion, she just kept watching quietly.

Leng Rushuang suddenly said: "Miss Long, I think your strength is great, this is for you."

The journey was a bit boring, Leng Rushuang and Long Yanran were friends after chatting.

Long Yanran looked at Leng Rushuang's palm, and found that it was a bottle of something that was filled with liquid.

Leng Rushuang explained with a smile that the bottle contained spirit liquid.

Spiritual liquid is helpful for cultivation. Drinking a bottle can replenish a large amount of spiritual energy and quickly improve one's cultivation.

Long Yanran felt like he had found a treasure, she didn't doubt Leng Rushuang at all, and said thank you with a smile.

Before Ling Yun said that he wanted to instill cultivation in her, she refused. Only those who cultivated by themselves are considered real skills. Ling Yun couldn't laugh or cry, so she let her do it.

Breathing out a mouthful of turbid air, Long Yanran held the spiritual liquid tightly, greedily sucking the strong medicinal fragrance overflowing from the bottle.

Suddenly, Long Yanran was shocked.

When the jade spirit liquid entered the body, it was like a clear spring flowing through the meridians of the body, soothing her fatigue and nourishing her spleen and kidneys. The essence of spiritual power contained in the spirit liquid replenished the true energy she had consumed all the way.

Long Yanran let out a small gasp, and a look of joy appeared on her face, because she had touched the golden fairy's barrier because of taking the psychic liquid.

See you!

Leng Rushuang quickly took out two bottles of spiritual liquid, Long Yanran was not polite, poured both bottles of jade spiritual liquid into her mouth at once.

At some point, such a voice came from somewhere.

Ling Yun smiled, and then said to everyone: "Rest where you are, Yan Ran is about to advance."

"Does Aunt Long want to sleep at this time? She's too naive." The little guy said in a milky voice.

"Too ignorant."

"Too ignorant."

Beibei and little Irene are like reading machines.


Hearing this, everyone laughed.


Following Long Yanran's sweet shout, her Mahayana cultivation base leaped to the Golden Immortal.

Her body has also undergone major changes. First, the sea of ​​consciousness has expanded a lot, and her true energy has become more and more refined. Then, her meridians and bones have become stronger, and her dantian has been stained with strands of gold.

In addition to these, Long Yanran also discovered the abundant power contained in her fist, she was confident that one punch at this moment would be enough to punch through a hill.

Following a breath of turbid air, Long Yanran slowly opened her eyes.

"It feels great." Long Yanran laughed!

An Qing pursed her lips and smiled: "This is the fun of cultivation."

Ling Yun reassured: "Work hard."

Long Yanran counted and counted, and it took only two or three years to practice, and she could reach the Golden Immortal. Looking at the seven realms, no genius can compare to her.

The little guy recalled, it seemed that what Long Yanran was drinking just now must have tasted very good, she swallowed her saliva before she knew it.

"This beautiful aunt, I want to drink too." The little guy acted a little coquettishly, blinking his eyes.

"Spiritual liquid, I only have more than 30 bottles."

"Huh, so many."

Originally thought that Leng Rushuang only had a few bottles, but after saying so many numbers, the little guy's eyes turned gloomy.

Having just dealt with the little guy, Leng Rushuang didn't know that the kid would cheat.

This is not!

In two rounds, more than 30 bottles of psychic liquid that were as cold as frost were handed over to others.

"Sister, here you are!"

The little guy divided up the spirit liquid from the pit, ten bottles for each child.

It cannot be said that Leng Rushuang was cheated, the latter is considered voluntary.

The little guy took a painting in exchange.

On the painting is a tiger named Tiger Down the Mountain!
What makes Leng Rushuang's mouth twitch is, is this little tiger called a fierce tiger?She can't do it when she is angry!
The little guy also said that this painting has martial arts, and it's called Heihu Daxin!
In fact, it was the little tiger stroking the heart, what a pitfall, Leng Rushuang was angry and dumbfounded.

Leng Rushuang just give it to them, can you not explain it!
Beibei was the fastest, got the elixir, swallowed all of it, and even licked his mouth when he was done. This elixir is not as good as Wangzai, but it is sweet and delicious.

Depend on!
When Leng Rushuang saw it, she cursed, "Are you really done drinking?"

"Have you all drank?"

Facing Leng Rushuang, the three little guys nodded heavily, frightened Leng Rushuang.

"Do you have a bloated stomach?"

The three little guys shook their heads in unison, and said in a childish voice, "No."

It's no wonder that Leng Rushuang lost his composure. The spiritual liquid contains majestic spiritual power. Drinking the whole bottle will cause the danger of bursting the dantian. Even the monks of the Golden Immortal dare not drink the whole bottle in one go.

Fortunately, they drank ten bottles in one go.

The key is that they are still fine, if not for the fact that all three of them are related to Hades, Leng Rushuang would like to take them back to the Ice Palace immediately to study them carefully.

Leng Rushuang muttered to himself: "Three little perverts."

Swish! !
There was movement in the nearby woods. After Shui Lao let go of his consciousness, he laughed and said: "Don't make any moves, let the old man do it."

Hearing this, Leng Rushuang simply shrugged!

After Shui Lao entered the small forest, there were a few screams of monsters, and Shui Lao's muttering could be heard vaguely.

"I can't miss you when I come here, and there are two more."

"It's a pity that I missed your boss just now. I didn't expect you to come to my door."

"One is stewed, the other is soaked in wine, make up for it!!"

Everyone doesn't know what Shui Lao is doing!

In a moment!
Shui Lao came out, the difference from before was that he had two tiger whips hanging around his waist, the corners of Ling Yun's mouth twitched when he saw it!
Leng Rushuang, An Qing and the others looked a little more rosy.

The little guy was full of curiosity, scratched his head and asked, "Grandpa, what are those two lumps on the bottom of the rice trousers?"

Just as Mr. Shui was about to say something, Ling Yun saw it in his eyes, which seemed to say, "If you dare to say it, I will castrate you!"

Shui Lao subconsciously clamped his crotch, feeling the coldness underneath.

"Hehe, this... little princesses, you are still young, you don't need to know so much, it's all men's troubles." Shui Lao said embarrassingly.

Men's troubles?
The little guy still scratched his head: "Does Papa also have this trouble?"


Ling Yun's face turned dark, but Shui Lao couldn't help but dare not laugh.

"Sissy, don't ask so many questions." An Qing couldn't help giving Ling Yun and Shui Lao a cautious look.

Ling Yun: "..."

This disrespectful Shui Lao, his skin is itchy, right?

"Take it easy, Mr. Pluto, take it easy!"

Ling Yun kicked Shui Lao hard twice, but this sounded very awkward, so he added two more kicks.

"Ha ha!"

The little guy laughed, and when she looked up, she found that the sky was getting redder and redder, especially the moon.

"Papa, if Grandma Moon turns red, is it because she's shy?"



"There will be disasters, or art against the sky!" Ling Yun replied casually!
"Ling Yun, take a look at today's night." An Qing raised her head and looked at the sky that had turned red from her practice, her eyes exuded an incredulous look.

"Papa, it really turned red."

The little guy blinked his eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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