Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1582

Chapter 1582
The true energy in his body was almost consumed, mainly because Ling Yun's martial arts and swordsmanship were too domineering and required too much true energy.

"Hahaha, boy, how are you?"

Suddenly, there was a sound of drinking, the strange head carving stepped on the ground, and the ground cracked open, and his figure was like a flying swallow, floating lightly, and the long sword came straight out, stabbing at Long Xingtian's chest .

But at this moment, Long Xingtian's whole body was guarding against the endless sword energy around him, how could he guard against the attack of the monster head carving, he could only watch the long sword stabbing himself.


An Qing and the others' hearts were hanging to the extreme, and they all opened their mouths to remind.

In the end, a puffing sound spread, and blood bloomed like a rose. The long sword pierced through Long Xingtian's chest, and the blood flowed unstoppably.

A puff sounded again, and the strange head sculpture mercilessly pulled out the long sword, bringing up a spray of blood.

win or lose.

It's clear!

Long Xingtian was defeated! !

"Father!" Beibei's eyes were full of worry, and she couldn't help rushing over.

Long Xingtian shouted: "Stay still, don't come here."

Hearing this, Beibei rubbed her eyes and stood there motionless.

Huntian Demon Ape said: "Is this what you are capable of? We are so disappointed."

Shui Lao said angrily: "What are you crazy about, if Hades is here, all of you will die."

"Hahaha, old man, I don't like you, what do you think should I do?" Shentan Jiaolong said.

Shui Lao was full of anger: "Hit it, hit it, when was the old man afraid of you!"

He is afraid of bloodthirsty monsters, not these demon kings.

Now at this point, the strongest is himself, and he has no other choice but to fight.

"You two together, I want to see how long this old man can last." The bloodthirsty maniac looked at the deep pool dragon and the golden snake python.

Shentan Jiaolong sneered: "I can take care of it by myself, and you can rest while you are at the golden snake."

Hearing this, the golden snake roared angrily: "It's you who should rest, and you don't think about yourself, are you the old man's opponent?"

The bloodthirsty maniac looked at them coldly, and said angrily: "I said let the two of you go up together, don't miss that old man."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The Golden Snake Boa and Shentan Flood Dragon didn't dare to talk back anymore, so they could only draw their swords at Shui Lao together.

"Water shadows are invisible."

"The sword moves the sky."

Soon, as soon as the two moved out, two silver killing swords clanked, surrounded by silver lights, surrounded by raging sword energy, and pierced the air with piercing sounds, which shows how powerful these two sword energy are. tyrannical.

"Come on, Triple Underworld Fist."

With a loud shout of words, he took a step forward, soaring up into the air, and Shui Lao punched him out.

boom! !

The two forceful beriberi struck Shui Lao's red fist, there was a sound of metal colliding, and bright sparks appeared.

Depend on!
The blood in Shui Lao's body was churning, blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, his arms were numb from the shock, and his legs knelt on the ground because they couldn't bear the terrible pressure.

Huntian Demon Ape frowned: "Old man, taste my foot."

Ling Kong's footprints flew out and kicked Shui Lao's body. Poor Shui Lao received a full blow from the three demon kings, and his body flew out immediately.

"Shui Lao!"

"Old man."


An Qing and the others turned pale with shock, they didn't expect the Demon King to be so shameless.

Shui Lao vomited blood, his body trembled slightly, and then Ban Kun came over to support him in an instant.

Shui Lao, the strongest in the group, was severely injured.

Ban Kun said: "Pluto is not here, we can survive unless there is a miracle."

The bloodthirsty maniac laughed, and looked at An Qing and the others coldly: "Okay, it's time to execute the plan, catch them."



Seeing that the seven demon kings were about to come and arrest them, Beibei was completely angry this time.

"Bold, my master Beibei is here, you dare to be presumptuous!"

For a while!

The seven demon kings were so frightened that they couldn't move. The aura just now made them fearful!


Yes, it must be an illusion.

"Little Po boy, what are you talking about?" Shentan Jiaolong gave Beibei a blank look.


"Half Moon..."


The bloodthirsty maniac shouted: "Quickly disperse!"

It was too late, Beibei swung the Thunder Half Moon Slash with the sword he picked up in his hand after finishing speaking, and even the bloodthirsty maniac couldn't escape!
"Depend on!"


"How could she have such a powerful force?"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

The half-moon-shaped sword light of more than 50 feet cut on the bodies of the nine demon kings and the bloodthirsty madman!
this moment!
Whether it was the Demon King or An Qing, they were all stunned.

Seeing such a powerful destructive force, Leng Rushuang swallowed hard.

This beheading made the nine demon kings and the bloodthirsty madman disappear.

And An Qing knew that they were not dead, the force just now was strong, but they had a bloodthirsty madman, who could only seriously injure them by visual inspection.

Putting Shui Lao's body on his back, Ban Kun immediately shouted to everyone: "Hurry up, the ancient demon god is coming back, and we will all be finished by then."

"Where to go!"

"who are you?"

Ban Kun and the others had just run less than 100 meters when they were stopped by Lao Dapeng and Guixianren.

At this moment, Ban Kun was staring at the old Dapeng with coldness in his eyes!

It would be troublesome if it was an enemy, but it is not like a friend, I hope they will not find fault, Ban Kun thought about it.

The old Dapeng and Guixianren happened to be nearby, and the old Dapeng also saw Beibei's Thunder and Half Moon Slash!
"It's you?"

Seeing Beibei and the little guy, Gui Xianren's eyes widened.

"Aha, grandpa, why are you here?" The little guy opened his mouth wide.

The old Dapeng accidentally took a look at Dao Guixian who was pleasantly surprised, and asked curiously, "Do you know her?"

"Well, she is..."

"Hahaha, I know, she is the colorful phoenix!!" The old Dapeng looked at Beibei unexpectedly, who was dumbfounded!


This time it was An Qing's turn to be shocked, and little Eileen shivered and grabbed An Qing's skirt.

"Beibei is a five-colored phoenix? Why don't we know?" An Qing was the first to be dumbfounded.


Beibei scratched her head on the spot, with a dazed look on her face.

Gui Xianren was speechless: "Old Dapeng, are you sure you read it right?"

Just this eye, I don't know how he sees it, it's impossible to be blind!
"Don't any of you try to escape, old tortoise, go ahead and grab the five-colored phoenix." The old Dapeng sneered.

"Old man... old man..."

Turtle Immortal is hard to choose!

"Damn it, I want you to die! Everyone will die."

Not far away, came the angry roar of the bloodthirsty maniac!

"Damn it, he's here to kill." Ban Kun's face was devoid of blood, and there was only fear of the bloodthirsty madman.

(End of this chapter)

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