Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1583 Failed to Escape

Chapter 1583 Failed to Escape

The bloodthirsty maniac never imagined that a child would possess such powerful power. He had been in the Demon Realm for so long, and the first time he was beaten was so painful! !

What made him unacceptable the most was that he was cut off so far!
Of the nine demon kings, only Huntian Demon Ape with rough skin and thick flesh was awake, while the other eight were seriously injured and unconscious!
Seeing the murderous bloodthirsty demon flying over from a distance, everyone's faces were dripping with sweat.

"Who is he!" Only then did the old Dapeng become frightened, feeling the blood and power in the bloodthirsty madman's body, which he could not deal with.

Everyone dared not speak, did not dare to breathe!
And the old Dapeng said again: "Old turtle, you grab the five-colored phoenix, and the old man will try to stop this guy."

As he said that, he rushed towards that bloodthirsty monster!

And Gui Xianren said to An Qing and the others: "Get out of here quickly, don't fall into the hands of the old Dapeng!"

Time was running out, he didn't have time to say so much, it was important to escape!


In a moment!
The old Dapeng flew back, he was no match for the bloodthirsty maniac, the latter is a pervert, he didn't even get close, and was blown back by the bloodthirsty maniac's breath.

"Where's the colorful phoenix?"

The old Dapeng stared wide-eyed, and then kicked Fairy Turtle flying away.

"Old Dapeng, she is my friend's daughter, I hope you let her go!"

"Let her go? Impossible, the Phoenix family needs her, and I need her even more!" The boss was furious.

He didn't need to think about how valuable this five-colored divine phoenix was!

And now!
The Bloodthirsty Maniac and the Hunting Demon Ape have arrived!

"Where are people, where are they!" The bloodthirsty maniac stomped his feet, and the ground cracked a thin crack.

"Who are you, court death."

The bloodthirsty madman is full of anger at the moment, and he just has no place to vent it!
And Huntian Demon Ape recognized the identities of Huntian Demon Ape and Turtle Immortal at a glance.

The old Dapeng swallowed his saliva and immediately knelt down: "Master, it's him or him. He let him go. Obviously I caught him, and I'm waiting for you."

With a punch, the power carried a sense of death and silence. The old Dapeng closed his eyes in despair, and his face was pale.


When he heard a pop, he opened his eyes again, and it turned out that Gui Xianren was thrown backwards by the bloodthirsty maniac.

"Cough cough!"

The mythical beast Xuangui's body is still quite stiff, with only a few broken bones in his back.

"Thank you, Master, for not killing me." The old Dapeng immediately thanked him.

But the Guixian looked at the bloodthirsty maniac in fear. This person's strength is too powerful, so it's no wonder that the old Dapeng bowed his head and surrendered.

"Are you the rumored demon god?"

"Demon god? What the hell." The bloodthirsty madman dismissed it.

He is an ancient demon god with his own pride and self-esteem.


The old Dapeng on one side was also terrified. Such a powerful force was not a demon god, and his eyes didn't put the demon god in his eyes.

"Huntian Demon Ape, take this old man with us, and we will chase after them, we won't be able to escape very far." The bloodthirsty maniac radiated murderous intent, looked at Gui Xianren, and the latter spat out another mouthful of blood.

And Guixian glanced at the big tree next to him! !
In a moment!
An Qing and the others got out of the big tree and patted their chests one by one. It was really safe and sound.

"Thanks to that old man, otherwise we wouldn't be able to escape."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that old man to be an acquaintance. I'm really thankful to him."

It turned out that Gui Xianren hid them in that tree, and there was a secret treasure hiding all the breath, so the courage is really great.

"Yeah, thanks to Grandpa Turtle." The little guy felt sad, and knew that the Turtle Immortal was in danger.

"Cissy, don't be sad, good people will be rewarded." Long Yanran comforted.

"Hahaha, that's a good point, then you can see what kind of good reward this bad guy will have."

A figure fell from the sky, blasting a deep hole near An Qing and the others!
Isn't that figure the Turtle Immortal?

"Grandpa is so miserable."

"Bad man!"

The faces of the three little guys were full of anger.

But An Qing and the others were all shocked and began to despair, but they were discovered, and another person was implicated.

Then three figures slowly stood in midair, looking down at An Qing and the others.

"People who dare to let me catch them are simply tired of their jobs." The bloodthirsty maniac looked at the Guixianren, who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, with such arrogance and domineering look that Ban Kun didn't dare to look at him.

The old Dapeng didn't dare to bring up the matter of the five-colored phoenix, for fear that the Huntian Demon Ape on one side would know about it, but he looked at the turtle fairy in the pit and shook his head slightly.

Old turtle!

It's better to die one of you than to die two.

You should return this favor to me, and we owe nothing to each other.

Old Dapeng thought to himself.

"Little guy, tell me, why do you have such a powerful force in your body?" The bloodthirsty maniac suddenly changed his gentle face, and looked at Beibei with a constant smile.

The old Dapeng felt a lump in his heart, and then he was overjoyed. Before that, he couldn't fully confirm that Beibei was a five-colored phoenix, but now that the bloodthirsty madman saw that it was extraordinary, he believed it.

And the bloodthirsty maniac is very interested in Beibei. Although he doesn't have a pair of spiritual eyes, his senses are still very strong.

He sensed the existence of the artifact on Beibei's body!
Beibei was furious, waved her small fist and said: "If you come here again, be careful and I will beat you."

The little guy was a little timid, and whispered: "Sister, will they eat children?"

"Don't be afraid, sister will protect you." Beibei calmly stroked the little guy's head.

Seeing that Beibei didn't answer his words, the bloodthirsty maniac said to the old Dapeng, "Go and chop her, or stab her with a sword."


The old Dapeng looked at the bloodthirsty maniac in disbelief!

That's a five-colored divine phoenix, it's not okay to get hurt! !

"Do you want me to do it myself?" The eyes of the bloodthirsty maniac turned scarlet instantly, and a murderous aura raged in his body.

The old Dapeng couldn't resist, so he could only compromise: "Okay!"

"What are you going to do?"

Long Xingtian was the first to stand up. He did not allow anyone to hurt Beibei, but that was his daughter.

"Boy, it's none of your business, get out!"

"You want me to get lost? Ask about my sword!" Long Xingtian had a hard look, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The old Dapeng punched Long Xingtian on the ground and rubbed Long Xingtian. The latter was not his opponent, and he was injured before.

"I'm so incompetent that even my daughter can't protect me."

After Long Xingtian finished speaking, he lost consciousness. He was beaten all over his body, and Beibei cried.

The old Dapeng dismissed it and said: "You trash, you still want to ask about the sword in your hand? Haha!"

Just when the old Dapeng was about to attack Beibei, there was movement in Guixianren's pit!

In the pit, as if unreal, Gui Xianren's eyes, which were covered by endless darkness, slowly opened at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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