Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1584

Chapter 1584
His vision was a little blurred, and his eyes were pitch black, as if he was in darkness.

Gui Xianren bit his tongue and kept murmuring, the next moment he felt dizzy, his eyelids were so heavy that it was unbearable, but he forcefully opened them wide.

During this period of time, his body outside was crackling, and his consciousness was thinking of Ling Yun!
Silly boy!
The old man still has breath!

You can't watch them being bullied!
The old Dapeng looked at the pit in surprise, frowned and said: "Old turtle, why don't you take a good rest, you have to toss!"

To be honest, Gui Xianren is not dead, he is also happy, after all, he has guilt in his heart!


He knew that once Gui Xianren stood up at this moment, he would have to deal with him himself, which was the last thing he wanted to see.

"Yo yo yo, this kid has a little ability, I want to see what monstrous waves you can create." The bloodthirsty maniac said.

"Let me do it, this trash can actually stand up." Huntian Demon Ape frowned!
Gui Xianren jumped up and slapped the pretentious Huntian Demon Ape with a slap.


Such voices continued one after another, Gui Xianren grabbed one arm of Huntian Demon Ape, treated him as a whip, and threw him to the ground one after another.

So much so that Huntian Demon Ape's viscera were displaced by his fall, and he smashed out a humanoid shape on the ground.

No matter how strong Huntian Demon Ape's body is, he can't stand this kind of fight.

The old Dapeng swallowed hard and said, "You're crazy, that's your beast blood!"

The bloodthirsty maniac smiled with great interest: "It's interesting, it's so hard, even if you burn all your blood, you're still no match for me."

Guixianren didn't speak, he didn't care about anything anymore, maybe this life should have died long ago.

The little guy rubbed his red eyes, choked with sobs and said, "Grandpa, hit the bad guy!"

Little Irene saw the turtle fairy so violently, and knew that the latter must burn life essence and blood.

And Beibei was crying, shaking Long Xingtian who was in a coma with her little hand!
"Okay, okay, let's see how grandpa beats up the bad guys!" The bloodthirsty maniac smiled cheaply.

An Qing clenched her hands tightly, her palms were pierced by nails, and a trace of blood came out, the more she had to calm down at this time.

The little guy glared at the bloodthirsty maniac, and called himself her grandfather. It's too shameless. When her father comes back, he must make this bloodthirsty maniac look good.

"I'll accompany you through a few tricks, and let you see what strength is."

The eyes of the bloodthirsty madman narrowed slightly, the deep eyes became narrow and long, and then suddenly opened.

With a low shout, accompanied by a gust of wind, the whole person disappeared in place!
His speed was extremely fast and his momentum was like a rainbow, but in the blink of an eye, his whole body had already swooped in front of Gui Xianren.

This surprised everyone, who did not expect the speed of the bloodthirsty madman to be so amazing.

The bloodthirsty madman waved his hands, and the fists he swung brought the sound of whistling wind, and there was a crackling sound in the air, the power of the fist was astonishing.

Every move and every style of attack is perfect, flowing clouds and flowing water generally do not have any flaws, every punch is as powerful as a thousand catties, and instantly launched a storm-like offensive, and launched a strong attack on Guixianren .

"One power down ten!"

A cold light flashed in Guixianren's eyes, his body stabilized, his feet stood on the spot like a boulder, and his upper body leaned forward slightly.

Then he punched and turned, and the fist turned into a magnificent crescent moon, which collided with the fist of the bloodthirsty madman, and the sonorous and undulating sound shook the eardrums.

Gui Xianren fell into a disadvantage in an instant, and a lot of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Facts have proved that no matter how much you resist, you are still an ant, and an ant should have the consciousness of an ant."

In an instant, I saw that overwhelming shadow of fists turned into a heavy punch and blasted at Guixianren suddenly, the power of the fist was astonishing.

And the ground under his feet also cracked, only forcing Immortal Turtle's chest to be hit.

Gui Xianren shouted loudly, and the surrounding atmosphere changed instantly, as if the air was about to freeze, and then an invisible force erupted from Gui Xianren's body, with an astonishing momentum.

True energy swept in like a stormy sea, and suddenly spread from Guixianren's side, bursting out, forcefully pushing the bloodthirsty maniac back!
His power erupted, and the powerful aura had already completely suppressed the aura of the bloodthirsty madman just now.

"You are really crazy, a desperate lunatic, but this is not enough, you still don't understand the gap between us, I only use [-]% of my strength, do you understand?"

Hearing this, Guixianren and Lao Dapeng's pupils are getting bigger!
The third achievement made the Guixian who burst out with all his strength helpless, so what is the full strength of the bloodthirsty madman.

"He is stronger than in the dead spot!"

An Qing didn't doubt these words at all, she muttered to herself and smiled wryly!

The little guy still had red eyes, and he seemed to be crying but not crying: "I want to tell my papa, if you pretend to be aggressive, you will be struck by lightning."

Long Yanran's eyes lit up when she heard this, "Qi Qian, tell your father quickly."

"Papa doesn't know where it is." The little guy shook his head, she couldn't even sense where Ling Yun was, and she wouldn't notify her.

Hearing this, Long Yanran and the others could only smile wryly, they still had to rely on themselves.

The bloodthirsty maniac smiled coldly, his figure flickered, and he rushed forward like an arrow flying off the string.

A bloody ray of light flashed, and I saw countless fist shadows attacking Gui Xianren in the void, and the overwhelming attack was impenetrable.

Gui Xianren also concentrated all his strength on his right hand, and he swung a heavy fist, colliding with the bloodthirsty madman's overwhelming fist shadow forcibly.

Fist shadow and fist shadow faced each other, making a piercing sound like steel colliding, powerful forces intertwined.

The energy fluctuations rippled out, causing the two of them to recede back abruptly.

Guixianren was sweating profusely, breathing heavily, his face was extremely pale, even if he was a black turtle, he couldn't bear such a fierce attack.

When fists and feet intersect, every time they crisscross and collide, there will be the sound of piercing and tinnitus as if the air is being exploded.

The invisible energy fluctuations between the heaven and the earth follow the two people's fight, like ripples on the surface of the water, rippling layer by layer.

"Let me tell you, even with this kind of strength, in my eyes, I still exist like an ant, I have played enough, let you see my strength."


Guixianren never expected that the speed of the bloodthirsty maniac was so fast that he had no time to react.

When he came back to his senses, the bloodthirsty maniac had grabbed his neck fiercely, and he was lifted up, his feet hanging off the ground in mid-air.

(End of this chapter)

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