Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1588

Chapter 1588
The bloodthirsty maniac took this opportunity to punch Ling Yun in the back.

"Hahaha, I succeeded, this force hits you, and you will be injured even if you don't die!" The bloodthirsty maniac laughed loudly.

boom! !

The dull violent noise echoed in the night.

"not good!"

The bloodthirsty maniac exclaimed, and as soon as his fist touched Ling Yun, he could only feel the thick force rushing up layer by layer, one layer stronger than the next, and layer upon layer.

But the next moment, the bloodthirsty maniac opened his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief, he felt like he was dreaming at this moment!


He firmly believed that this punch could hit Fei Lingyun, but the latter remained motionless, not moving half a step, and he himself was injured by the shock.

"It's so terrifying, the bloodthirsty maniac's signature martial skill was smashed to pieces!"

The surrounding seven demon kings also revealed an unconcealable shock.

That punch!
They have seen it with their own eyes, it is very terrifying, and the power of the evil spirit Konglingzi has also been crushed!
The only explanation is that the strength gap is too great.

The evil demon Kong Lingzi and the bloodthirsty maniac were both abused by Ling Yun, and they were beaten helplessly.

Ling Yun punched to the flesh, and he didn't give the opponent a chance to breathe. If he didn't release the anger in his body, the bloodthirsty monsters would not die so quickly.

It's not just Ling Yun who is fighting here!
When Long Xingtian and the others arrived, when they saw Ling Yun being so domineering, the blood was aroused in their hearts.

"Hurry up and save people."

Shui Lao yelled, bringing them back to reality from the shock Ling Yun gave them.

Looking at the menacing Long Xingtian people, Shentan Jiaolong said: "Damn, why are they still alive?"

"We are not the opponents of Pluto, but if you want to die, you will be fulfilled."

"Want to save someone? Ask about the sword in my hand."

"Ask my fist to answer."

Although Poison Sky Bee and the others were seriously injured, Long Xingtian and the others were equally as good, but the number of Demon Kings was large.

The bloodthirsty madman was punched by Ling Yun again, and the blood flowed continuously!

"It's not an opponent at all, we must think of a way."

At this moment, his hair was disheveled and messy, and there was blood streaming from the corner of his mouth.

"It's a good thing I have the black armor I made! After putting it on, I won't be easily beaten to death. It will consume him to death."

The bloodthirsty madman was moved, and a black battle armor appeared on his body. It was radiant and metallic, with extremely strong defensive runes flowing on the surface of the black armor.

Generally speaking, the bloodthirsty maniac would not use the black armor, because there were not many people worthy of his use.

This is the bloodthirsty maniac's god-level spell armor, black armor, which is a divine weapon, because he was a craftsman in ancient times.

The only way he could think of was to resist Ling Yun's attack, and when Ling Yun was exhausted, then the feng shui would take turns.

"Hit, hit, hit me quickly, hahaha." With the black armor, the bloodthirsty maniac gained a bit of confidence and began to become arrogant.

"Huangsha Zhenhai Seal!"

The evil spirit Kong Lingzi on one side broke out another extreme move, and the power in his body surged in his dantian.

Terrifying power surged along the veins and burst out.

In the void, there seemed to be the sound of surging waves and surging tides.

The endless power turned into a wave that hit the sky, and among them, a Yinjie broke through the waves, carrying a power that seemed to be able to break through everything, and came to suppress Ling Yun below.

"It was an appetizer just now, feel the pain that will follow."

What Ling Yun said was not a joke, he just used his strength just now, he didn't make any moves.

"It's been a long time since I've used this kind of method. Today I'll let you see why I was the King of Pluto in ancient times." Ling Yun's eyes were as dark as abysses, gradually covered with a layer of blood.

He clenched the air tightly, and a light knife was condensed in his hand!

This scene shocked the ancient demon god bloodthirsty maniac. This method was against the sky, but he didn't understand why Ling Yun would do it. It was an ancient supernatural power, and few people knew it.

"The waning moon!"

Ling Yun waved his light saber and swept upwards, a blade that pierced the sky and swept up the sky. Accompanied by the terrifying scene of the fall of gods and demons, it was like a crescent moon, the void exploded, and the air was torn apart.

The deafening sound of collision resounded in all directions.In the horrified gaze, the sword light was already like a red half moon, and then hit hard on the yellow sand reclamation mark.

Like a big star exploding, the violent power suddenly spread.

The entire mountain forest is in a mess, as if it has been trampled by countless wild beasts.

The aftermath hit the bloodthirsty maniac. Although he was protected by black armor, his internal organs were still trembling, and he vomited blood again at this moment.


And the evil spirit Kong Lingzi let out a scream!
"My hand, my hand."

A stream of blood spurted out, and then his bloody arm fell from the air. The demon Kong Lingzi's face was pale and his body trembled like a chicken. If he hadn't dodged quickly, this knife would have ended his life.

A crack appeared under one blow, and it was still a huge crack hundreds of feet deep, spreading to the end of the sky, seemingly endless.

This is the waning moon who slashed the land of clear water. Although he didn't use the ice sword, his strength was more than ten times that of that time. This is Ling Yun's first demon form.

There is no accident at all, the demon domain has been split in half, and tens of thousands of people have seen the miracle again.

And the place where the crescent moon passed happened to be the Red Cloud Mountain Range, Ling Yun's seal was broken by himself, and the black feathered dragon broke out.

The black-feathered dragon roared angrily, the mountains and rivers changed color, and thunder criss-crossed the sky and the earth, covering the sun and the moon.

An Qing recalled the remaining blood just now, and smiled wryly: "It turns out that the power of the waning moon is so great, and what I used is less than one percent of his."

Qin Xianglian and Leng Rushuang were so shocked that their faces turned pale. It was the first time they saw such a terrifying saber technique!
At this moment, the bloodthirsty maniac and the evil Kong Lingzi really feared Ling Yun.

But fear is fear, no matter what Ling Yun will not let them go, so they have to calm down, calm down, calm down!

The bloodthirsty maniac stared at the sky coldly, his pupils were instantly swallowed by blood, he looked at Ling Yun in midair, Ling Yun holding a light knife in his hand, and felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

This is the first time, from ancient times to the present, he only admits that Ling Yun is comparable to those gods who suppressed him in ancient times.

The earth-shattering waning moon made the three little guys beside him tremble with fear.

The three little guys covered their two little eyes with their two little hands with a look of reluctance, and peeked through a small slit on the two little hands. They looked very cute.

And the little guy liked the knife in Ling Yun's hand very much, and his eyes began to turn gloomy again.


The demon Kong Lingzi howled again, and his arm grew back again, Ling Yun frowned, it was the same as Yin Lingzi's.

(End of this chapter)

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