Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1589 Threatened

Chapter 1589 Being Threatened (One More)
The waning moon not only cast a shadow in the hearts of the evil spirit Kong Lingzi and the bloodthirsty maniac, but also left an indelible shadow on those who saw the waning moon in other places.

"You are even worse than the demons you killed before."

This is Ling Yun's evaluation of Kong Lingzi!
It was said that the evil spirit Kong Lingzi looked at Ling Yun with resentful eyes, he didn't care about the evaluation, but thought of his younger brother who died in Ling Yun's hands, and he wanted revenge.

"Come again!"

Without any hesitation, the bloodthirsty maniac stepped on the ground and rushed forward again. He didn't want to give Ling Yun a chance to rest, so he had to consume Ling Yun's strength and stamina.

"Hundred Demons Exterminate the World!"

The bloodthirsty maniac punched out, and a figure of the Demon Emperor loomed behind him, and the black fist turned into a huge fist mark.

The incomparable fist energy swept in all directions, the ground collapsed, and cracks spread. The power of this punch changed the world and shook the world!
Holding the light saber in his hand, Ling Yun whispered, "Ba saber!"

With a sweep of the knife, the blood-colored knife glowed in the sky, piercing the sky, and the blood-colored knife energy seemed to pierce the sky.

With a crackling sound, the bloody knife light tore through the air, and slammed into the bloodthirsty monster's fist!
The fist print was shattered in an instant, the bloodthirsty monster's pupils widened, and a wry smile appeared on his face. This ending was expected, but he didn't expect it to be so vulnerable, like an egg hitting a rock.

Ba Dao slashed at his black armor, leaving cracks all over it.

The bloodthirsty maniac felt as if his chest had been trampled by an ancient giant elephant, and then he fell down from the sky. With a bang, he hit the ground heavily, spitting out blood.

He stood up with great difficulty, his chin was covered with blood, and the black armor on his body had cracks like spider webs on his chest, and then a knife mark appeared on his chest, covered with blood.

I still underestimated Ling Yun's Tyrannical Saber. It doesn't matter if his divine weapon black armor is broken. As a strong demon body, his body has been slashed, and the wound is so deep that he can't accept it.

His demon body is formed by collecting bad luck from the world, it is immortal, as long as it keeps sucking blood, it will be forever strong!
The little guy didn't even blink his eyes: "Papa is so amazing."

"Handsome Shushu, you must teach them a lesson."

The demon Kong Lingzi is very calm at the moment!
If he fights for strength, he and the bloodthirsty maniac are completely suppressed, and they are not opponents, but killing a person does not depend on strength alone.

His complexion is pale, and all kinds of weird and twisted runes are painted on his face, which looks extremely weird.

But what is eye-catching is not the fluctuation of true energy, but the coercion of the soul emanating faintly.

But it's a pity, no matter how powerful this evil spirit Kong Lingzi's soul means are, it can't be stronger than Ling Yun who has the strongest soul.

Ling Yun is a person who can condense the phantom of the soul, his sea of ​​consciousness can be imagined, how huge it is.

The evil spirit Kong Lingzi started to attack, his body was like a ghost, his eyes were instantly black, and the power of the soul surged out.

Gradually his eyes darkened, and a jet of black soul force surged out, directly bombarding Lingyun Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Ling Yun looked completely fearless, and glanced at him from the corner of his eye.

"The soul attack is the most difficult to deal with. If it is blasted into the sea of ​​consciousness, Kong Lingzi can shatter the sea of ​​consciousness of Pluto in a single thought and turn him into an idiot." The bloodthirsty madman was extremely excited.

The moment the demon Kong Lingzi's soul entered Ling Yun's sea of ​​consciousness, he was shocked!
He found that he was wrong, outrageously wrong, Ling Yun's sea of ​​consciousness is actually boundless, just like the sea, and it seems to be a world, which is beyond common sense.

However, Ling Yun's chaotic sea of ​​consciousness swirled suddenly, and an incomparably terrifying soul power swept out like a huge wave.

The evil spirit Kong Lingzi's face changed drastically, and with a scream, he sacrificed his own guardian spirit of the sea of ​​consciousness.

The star soul beam blasted into the sea of ​​consciousness of the evil demon Kong Lingzi, he hugged his head and screamed, fell to the ground, his body twitched endlessly.

His body trembled, he got up with difficulty, and put his head in his hands. His sea of ​​consciousness was about to split open, and his face was distorted. If it weren't for the spiritual creature protecting his sea of ​​consciousness, he would already be an idiot at this moment.

Losing a spiritual object is nothing compared to being an idiot.

But this time he was lying on the ground breathing heavily, his face was pale, and he needed time to recover, so he couldn't fight for the time being.

"No... I will never believe it!"

The evil spirit Kong Lingzi felt that he had been humiliated. He cultivated his soul on the dog, and he was a little suspicious of life. The soul attack was one of his trump cards.

What the hell!

Even the soul attack can't do anything to Pluto, and the bloodthirsty maniac is also starting to shrink back at this moment.

"You devil, you should be ancient."

"The ancient times would not have produced such a powerful demon as you."

"Give me a way out, I am also ancient, I can give you whatever you need."

"By the way, do you want to go to the death spot? It's like another world. As long as you say a word, I will take you there right away. I will never break my promise."

In order to survive, the bloodthirsty maniac went from humble begging at the beginning to throwing the bait at this moment, step by step, he was dying.

Achilles heel?

This bastard doesn't know that the ancient demon god in the deathbed is dead, it's really sad.

Ling Yun raised his hand lightly, the light saber in his hand was particularly dazzling, the bloodthirsty madman knew that if the saber went down, he would be doomed if he didn't dodge it.

"Yo yo yo, it really made me watch a good show, Kong Lingzi, you have this day too."

The voice came from the ground, and suddenly, a mist emerged from the ground, and a figure in a blue robe appeared.

He is the third demon Taozhilang that exists in Yaoyu!

"Stop talking so much nonsense, let's kill him together!" the evil spirit Kong Lingzi said.

"You are so stupid, can you use your brains." The evil Tao Zhilang shook his head. He also knew Ling Yun's horror, and a direct confrontation would not bring good results.

Having a good brain is much better than having strength.

What do you mean?
Everyone was puzzled, but Ling Yun's face suddenly changed, and he shouted: "Dare to stand up!!"

Ling Yun's figure rushed halfway, and was forced to stop, only to see the evil Momozhirou put a knife on the neck of the little guy and the three of them.

"If you dare to take a step forward, they will surely die."

The dragon has reverse scales, and if touched, it will die. At this moment, the sky is really furious, and every thunder is accompanied by countless lightning bolts, so many people are already the power of God's punishment from Hades.

"you wanna die!!"

Ling Yun's voice was like the whisper of death, which made people shudder, but he still stopped.

"Hmph, do you think you still have the ability to be crazy at this moment?" Momozhiro looked at Ling Yun with cold eyes, so what about a strong person, as long as he grasps his weakness, he can defeat him.

"Hahaha, well done, why didn't we think of that." Kong Lingzi slowly stood up after swallowing the elixir.

And the bloodthirsty maniac was also excited, walking over with a limp.

(End of this chapter)

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