Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1590 Abolished?

Chapter 1590 Abolished? (two more)

If Pluto is not cold-blooded, then he will definitely compromise.

An Qing's face was pale: "Don't hurt my daughter, I beg you, they are still children."

"Hmph, let's see if Pluto listens." Momozhiro sneered.

An Qing: "Ling Yun, don't be arrogant."

She is most worried that Ling Yun will indulge their daughter at this moment, but she is also very worried about Ling Yun's personal safety.

"You guys are so despicable, if you can't beat them, you're cheating." Leng Rushuang was unwilling, her eyes were full of frost.

The bloodthirsty maniac said: "Brother Momozhiro, tell me what to do now?"

"What to do, of course let Pluto cultivate at his own expense, or we can smash your dantian, in short, we will destroy you and leave you to die." The evil Momozhiro smiled unabashedly and coldly. .

Hearing this, An Qing's face turned pale, abolishing her cultivation would mean that life would be worse than death.

Shui Lao said: "Master Pluto, no!"

What he meant was obvious, even if the lives of the little princesses were presumptuous, their cultivation could not be abolished.

Momozhiro squinted at Shui Lao with angry eyes: "Old guy, shut up, believe it or not, I'll kill you with one knife."

Ban Kun has nothing to say, everything needs Ling Yun to make a decision.

The bloodthirsty madman said: "Wait a minute, I see that his physical body is very strong, I will imprison his physical body first, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

A yellow paper spell entered Ling Yun's body, and the latter squinted his eyes. This is an ancient spell!
"Kong Lingzi, smash his dantian, he has no choice, if he resists, I'll kill them, don't think I'm joking." Taozhiro said.

"Okay, hahaha."

The evil spirit Kong Lingzi pressed on step by step, and came to Ling Yun's side, with a vicious smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hehe..." Ling Yun smiled.

A little bit at first, then the laughter gradually increased, and finally it was a big laugh.

The laughter was like the low moan of the god of death, which made the evil spirit Kong Lingzi feel as if his whole body was in the icy water, and his whole body couldn't help trembling.

Unknowingly, the waning moon of Lingyun reappeared in his mind, and his face turned pale instantly.

"Keep your mind Kong Lingzi, don't be influenced by him." Momozhiro said.

Almost instantly, the surrounding air seemed to condense, and the temperature dropped extremely.

That's killing intent!
Extremely strong killing intent.

The surrounding people all changed their colors. Just the spread of killing intent made them feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave, and a chill rushed up their spines.

Ling Yun's dark eyes were gradually covered with a layer of blood, and a pair of scarlet eyes stared at Momozhiro deathly, and the blood red pupils reappeared.

"Damn it, you still dare to show your killing intent to us at this time, so die to me." The demon Kong Lingzi gritted his teeth, he really hated Ling Yun and gave him deep fear.

Kong Lingzi's eyes were cold, with murderous intent boiling. , roared: "Zhou Tian Xing Chen Fist Gang!"



Seeing this scene, An Qing and Shui Lao were all struggling.

Kong Lingzi punched out, accompanied by the vision of the stars exploding, as if there were stars from the sky manifesting, the power of his punch directly penetrated Ling Yun's dantian, and the latter spurted out a mouthful of blood.

This force roared and shook the sky, and the fist seemed to be endless, exuding a destructive aura, transforming into a virtual dragon, directly devouring Ling Yun's dantian.

Under the shocking loud noise, this fist instantly produced powerful ripples of power. Under such conditions, everything behind Ling Yun was quickly reduced to ashes, and a road was blasted out.

Ling Yun never yelled from the beginning to the end, nor did his body move an inch.

An Qing stood there dumbfounded, as if she had lost her soul, her beautiful eyes became hollow.

Momozhiro shook his head and said: "Kong Lingzi's ultimate move is a bit overkill, it's just destroying his dantian, why should he go all out."

The evil devil Kong Lingzi's face was pale, and his whole body seemed to be falling apart, but he didn't regret it, at least he knew that Lingyun's dantian was destroyed, and that was enough.

"Hahaha, let you kill my brother, make you so crazy just now? Are you still crazy?" The demon Kong Lingzi grabbed Ling Yun's head.

After saying that, he grabbed Ling Yun's hair and threw it fiercely towards the ground, a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out from his mouth and splashed on the soil on the ground.

Ling Yun stood up again, standing upright, with blood streaming down his head.


Seeing that Ling Yun, who was aloof just now, was in such a mess at the moment, both the demon and the bloodthirsty maniac laughed.

An Qing's heart felt like a knife was twisted, she couldn't cry, the iron chain that locked her was stained with blood, she was desperately resisting.

"Bastards, you are despicable and shameless, let me go if you have the ability." Leng Rushuang shouted.

It was the first time for the little guy to see Ling Yun in such a miserable state, and he burst into tears!

Beibei rubbed her eyes, she didn't understand how this happened.

Little Eileen: "Come on!"

A huge figure flew over quickly in the mid-air in the distance, and everyone looked up, and it turned out to be an angry black feathered dragon.

next second!
The black-feathered dragon was full of murderous aura, and it came in an instant. A spear pierced Ling Yun's head and pierced through the latter's left eye!

This scene scared everyone, and there was an eyeball on the ground.

"Pluto must die!"

The sound was magnificent and loud, echoing around, and the echo repeated several times!

"You let him go and kill me." An Qing cried bitterly.

With a puff, a mouthful of blood spat out from Ling Yun's mouth, but he still didn't yell.

"Why are you crying? I'm not dead." Ling Yun replied with a smile on his lips.

"He's not dead now, but he's about to die," Momozhiro said.

"Since our plan is successful, we don't need to put the knife on their necks."

The evil spirit Kong Lingzi glanced at Ling Yun, who was already useless, let them manipulate him.

Momozhiro was very cautious, shook his head and said: "No, be careful sailing for ten thousand years."


With a loud shout, the black feather dragon pulled out his spear again, blood spurted out, and he stabbed Ling Yun's head several times, Ling Yun's head was no longer considered a head.

"Yo yo yo, the demon god is angry!" Momozhiro joked, "But you have to be merciful, this arrogant Pluto is still useful, and he can't be killed now."

"who are you?"

Only then did the black feathered dragon look directly at the two demons!

"They are the guests of our monster clan, and they are here to help us." Shentan Flood Dragon replied on the side, his eyes were filled with admiration.

"Oh, it turned out to be an ally, thank you for your help." The black feathered dragon broke the spear into the ground, and cupped its hands at the demon and the bloodthirsty maniac.

The bloodthirsty maniac smiled and said: "It's all in such a miserable state, and you are still alive, you are indeed the King of Hades."

The little guy didn't cry much when he heard Ling Yun's words just now, but seeing Ling Yun like this made his heart hurt!
Suddenly the sky and the earth turned pale, the originally cloudless blood moon was covered with dark clouds in an instant, and even above the height of [-] meters, there were dozens of bolts of lightning surged wildly, just like the end of the day, the situation was extremely terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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