Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1650

Chapter 1650
No matter what Ling Yun said, the little guy just nodded!

And she was wondering why there were so many people outside.

But Beibei asked: "Handsome Shushu, is there a group of bad guys outside?"

Her small eyes were looking at the busy Ling Yun, and she admired the latter's knife skills like flowing water.

The little guy ate half of the meat, which made her scream.

"It must be a good thing Papa did."

As soon as she hit it, Ling Yun didn't dare to say much, and told them to go out and not come in to make trouble.

"Sister, take a look, it's my dad who did it."

Ling Yun didn't answer, so the little guy was sure.

After going out, the little guy started to use his brain, she planned to help Ling Yun solve the mess outside the city of Suiyue.

Seeing Ling Yun busy with lunch for them, it was so hard and he didn't have time, so he was generous once.

"Sissy, why are your eyes turning?"

Long Yanran on the side was cleaning the table, but she noticed the little guy's actions, and the latter's little hands started to pick out his pockets again.

"I took the test today and I didn't cheat."

Long Yanran: "..."

Ancient lady piano?
Seeing the little guy taking it out, Long Yanran felt that it was not a good thing.

"I... I learned it from my tutor today, and now I have to review it."

Looking at it with questioning eyes, the little guy had no choice but to lower his head and start wiping the strings.

Years outside the city!

In the sky far away from the city, a large black cloud suddenly came over.

"What is that, has it changed?"

"No, no, that's... the army!"

Some cultivators of Time City were stunned for a moment, and after concentrating their eyes, they suddenly screamed in horror.

What was pressing down from the distant sky was not dark clouds, but a large piece of floating airship, which was the backup of the Snow Dragon Clan.

Beside it, the golden flying boat is menacing, with the air of a gold and iron horse, that is Shang Yuntian's flying boat.

There are also some smaller building boats, exuding a deadly and murderous atmosphere, like ghost ships.

Feeling the terrifying aura of black clouds pressing down on the surroundings, the expressions of the monks from various forces surrounding him changed wildly.

This kind of posture is definitely to occupy the Wuhun Continent. After all, the Wuhun Continent is not as good as before. In the last battle of Baihua Palace, many immortal emperors died.

There is only one outcome of this battle, and that is that the Wuhun Continent will be taken by the Snow Dragon Clan.

"finally come!"

An Qing, Feng Ruqing, Yan Xuefei and the others all looked extremely serious.

There are also immortal emperors standing on the city wall with extremely dignified expressions.

The flying boat team of the army stopped dozens of miles outside the city of Suiyue.

In the team, a figure stepped out of the void. They were all worshiped by the royal family of the Xuelong clan, and the elders of Xuerongtang were also watching from the head of the flying boat.

"I never imagined that the former Wuhun Continent would be so vulnerable."

"I never thought that our Snow Dragon Clan would still have this day!"

There are also shadows of dragons in the sky, they are walking through the void, frightening others.

Shang Yuntian pointed to Fengruqing in Baihua Palace and said to everyone: "Your Wuhun Continent is already in my pocket, you should surrender quickly, and those who don't will be killed without mercy."

All the Snow Dragons behind him yelled to kill without mercy, the scene was very shocking.

Feng Ruqing said: "There is a lot of tone, we just didn't have time to prepare, don't think we are easy to bully."

An Qing moved lightly into the void with lotus steps, her beautiful eyes glanced at the rest of the Snow Dragon Clan, and she also said in a cold voice: "Are you sure you want to make a move?"

Shang Yuntian looked at An Qing coldly, and sneered in his heart, a mob also wanted them to withdraw from the Xuelong clan, it was impossible.

"You Wuhun Continent deceived people too much. You forced us to kill the prince first, and then the Xuelong clan. Isn't this all your fault?"

A certain royal family enshrined with murderous intent.

This time, the number of the Seventeen Immortal Emperors in the Xuelong Clan Army is nearly 200, and there are also quite a few Eighteen Immortal Emperors.

This is an extremely terrifying number.

It can be said that, looking at the Seven Great Domains, apart from giant forces like Tianmen, there is almost no force that can stop this terrifying force.

In comparison, the Wuhun Continent is weak, and the disparity in strength makes this battle no suspense at all.

It was precisely because of this that Shang Yuntian didn't pay attention to An Qing, Yan Xuefei and others, as if he had already regarded Wuhun Continent as fat meat.

This continent rich in martial arts is unique, and he has wanted to occupy it for a long time.

"We don't want to explain why they died. If you don't retreat, you will stay here forever."

There was a chill in An Qing's cold eyes, her arrogance was menacing, the Wuhun Continent had just been captured by the little guy, she would not let the results go to waste!
"Trash, since you don't know how to flatter, why not kill you?"

Shang Yuntian snorted coldly.

On the other side, a certain elder of the Xuerong Hall, Elder Zhang, said: "Ghost Island, to be honest, there is no suspense in this battle. If you choose to capture them with nothing, we will not kill them wantonly."

Elder Zhang glanced at Yan Xuefei's delicate body, shook his head and said.

It would be a pity for such a charming beauty like Yan Xuefei to die on the battlefield like this.

"Ghost Island is not what it used to be. If the Ghost Emperor were here, there might still be some chances of winning, hahaha."

Shang Yuntian laughed at Yan Xuefei and the others, making fun of them for being overconfident.

"That's right, except for the Yan family and a few people who must die, if the rest choose to surrender, we will definitely not kill them." The priest of the Xuelong clan royal family said in a loud voice.

If it is possible to take down Time City without any effort, that would be even better.

After all, the Snow Dragon Clan doesn't want to take over a devastated Wuhun Continent.

"Hey, even though I'm a daughter, I'd rather die than surrender. You want to take down the City of Time and the Land of Martial Souls, it's wishful thinking!"

Yan Xuefei scolded coquettishly.

She is usually charming and beautiful, but now she shows the demeanor of a heroine among women.

"That's right, what Ms. Yan's family said is right, we are born as people of Wuhun Continent, and we will die as ghosts of Wuhun Continent, we swear we will not surrender!"

In Suiyue City, an ordinary sword repairman roared suddenly.

"I don't vote either."

"You young people, you are doing well, and the old man will not vote."

"I won't kill dragons for the rest of my life, so let's kill a dragon today."

"I, Li Yanhai, have been in Suiyue City for 23 years. No one wants me to betray you, even though I am only a Yuanying!"

"me too!"

Within the years, hoarse roars came out.

At this juncture, almost all those who stayed behind in Suiyue City were the most loyal to Wuhun Continent.

Persuading them to surrender is simply as difficult as ascending to heaven.

"Haha, Shang Yuntian, why do you talk so much nonsense, kill if you want, fight if you want to fight, my old bones can still hold on!"

When Blood Knife, the ancestor of the Titan family, heard the screams in Suiyue City, a little sparkle flashed in his old eyes, but it was immediately covered up.

An old man with aspirations for thousands of miles, a martyr in his old age, full of ambition!
Although he is no longer young, he is still capable of fighting, with a knife in his hand, and his aura is domineering!
"Old man, let's kill them hard today, drink together in the future, and promote my new overlord!"

The leader of a knife, Zuixin, also stepped on the void, facing hundreds of thousands of Xuelong clan, without fear.

(End of this chapter)

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