Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1651 The Darkness Before Dawn

Chapter 1651 The Darkness Before Dawn
"Wait a minute, I am responsible for the death of the Snow Dragon King, so let me do it first."

An Qing said!


Yan Xuefei, who knew An Qing's identity, was the first to disagree, but it was too late, An Qing had already rushed to the enemy camp.

If something happened to An Qing, how could she bear it?

"Haha, there's me too!" Lao Gao Lang, the leader of the Jusha Gang, laughed, and also stepped into the sky.

All of a sudden, except for Yan Xuefei, all the eighteen emperors in Suiyue City stepped on the sky at the same time, like pillars supporting the sky!
In addition, more than a hundred immortal emperors also followed closely behind, each with a high-spirited momentum and a shocking fighting spirit.

Even in the face of enemies that outnumbered them several times, they did not retreat in the slightest.

"Hmph, ignorance, ignorance!"

Seeing this, Shang Yuntian's face darkened.

In fact, he didn't have much hope for persuading surrender, he just tried it.

Seeing An Qing's sudden attack, Shang Yuntian yelled.


Next, the two sides had no room for relaxation, and the war began directly.


Su Yu, the wind is like Qing, the ancestors are bloody swords, drunk, they have no fear, and they greet and kill the twenty or eighteen immortal emperors who are rushing towards them.

It can be described as soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals.

Almost instantly, terrifying waves exploded, the earth roared, and the clouds in the sky were scattered.

It didn't take long for the ground to be stained with blood, and corpses were everywhere.

The sounds of killing, screaming, and howling intertwined with each other, forming a bloody and tragic picture, with blood flowing all over the place.

Seeing this scene, the many monks watching the battle around Suiyue City were all shocked.

As time went by, the people in Suiyue City gradually couldn't hold on.

Although every participant in Time City had a high fighting spirit, they couldn't bear the huge disparity in numbers.

The Yan family fought hard, and many children were injured, such as the ancestors of the Yan family and the elders of the Taishang, who were seriously injured.

There are also many masters of the Sword Dynasty's Shenfu Realm who fell to their deaths.

But every immortal emperor who is about to fall will choose to explode at the last moment, trying his best to cause harm to the Xuelong tribe.

Of course, the most important battle situation is still on An Qing's side.

It is still the top combat power that decides the outcome of the war.

Therefore, the Immortal Emperors above seventeen in Suiyue City were tightly suppressed, their clothes stained with blood, and they suffered heavy injuries.

After Su Yu came back from a serious injury, he said to Yan Xuefei, "Let her do it, even if it comes from behind."

She was Beibei in his mouth, and Yan Xuefei shook her head, not wanting to expose her goddaughter to others' sight.


Suddenly, as the fluctuations spread, dark clouds gathered in the sky above the City of Time, and there was a muffled thunder sound.

Among the cultivators watching the battle in the distance of Time City, many people's pupils widened and they gasped, their expressions were extremely incredible.

What a rare and rare scene that was, they couldn't tell whether it was Heaven's Tribulation or Heaven's Wrath!
Seeing the tumbling thunder in the sky, the faces of many monks who stayed in Time City showed incomparable excitement.

This feeling is like a ray of dawn suddenly appearing in the darkness.

"Great, it's the emperor..."

At this moment, Dongfang Honghong, who was full of scars, also revealed a ray of joy on her beautiful and charming face.

This is God's punishment, but it's not Ling Yun's, but the naughty Beibei's.

Although Shang Yuntian's expression changed, he was not too frightened.

It's just that there was a faint unease in his eyes, and he always felt that Lei Ting was conscious.

Sure enough, this divine punishment fell and went straight to the members of the Xuelong tribe.

There were screams, accompanied by charcoal-like corpses falling down, it was a bit horrible!
"Damn it, it's God's punishment, there is absolutely no mistake, that man is here, hall master, this subordinate suggests retreating immediately."

A certain elder of Xuerong Hall broke out in cold sweat, his feet trembled and his scalp went numb when he thought of the Lord Taishang here.

The key is that Taishenjun has another identity, that is the ancient Pluto!

To be honest, if he retreated at this moment, he would be cowardly, and he would still have face in the dragon clan in the future, so his expression became unnatural.

"No, attack in, it's just the Wuhun Continent, why should he meddle in his own business!"

Shang Yuntian gritted his teeth and vetoed it with one word, the overwhelming crowd was almost breathless.

With the help of God's Punishment, the monks in Time City relieved a lot of pressure.

Yan Xuefei looked at the sky and muttered to herself: "Could it be him who made the move?"

Right now!

This zither sound pierces through gold and rocks, like a heavenly sword piercing through the sky.

All the hundreds of thousands of Xuelong people with low cultivation levels immediately felt a headache when they heard the sound of the piano, and their figures slowed down involuntarily.


Shang Yuntian noticed it and couldn't help but temporarily stop.

Could it be that there is still a supreme piano master in the city of years?

Not only Shang Yuntian and the Xuelong clan, but even An Qing, Yan Xuefei and the others had a look of astonishment on their faces.

At such a critical moment of life and death, there is still someone playing the piano?
Isn't this piano sound the same as the empty piano sound a few days ago, but the melody is a bit exciting.

The little guy played the piano score that Ling Yun just took out, and his proficiency was very unfamiliar, so he dealt a heavy blow to the enemy.

A lady's piano is presented in front of her.

At this moment, that little figure was playing the qin with his hands, and a terrifying force permeated his whole body, matching the sound of the qin, the sound shook for nine days and ten earths!
And the piano score that Ling Yun took out was a song about war, the darkness before dawn!
With the playing of the little guy, the sound of the piano kills people invisible, the sound of the piano is like a sword, clanging, like a knight, the sword breaks the end of the world!
Ripples of terrifying power burst out like thunder.

The million soldiers suddenly discovered that the sword in their scabbard began to tremble involuntarily, as if they wanted to worship the emperor in the sword.

At a certain moment, the little guy picked up the string at will, the situation changed, and the world resonated with it!

The heaven and the earth resonate, and the sky shakes!
This scene made everyone lose their voices in shock!

However, the weapons in the hands of hundreds of thousands of Xuelong clan shattered, and many people fell to the ground and died from the vibration of the zither.

Hundreds of thousands of troops were shaken back at the same time, their faces were pale, blood gushed from their mouths, and their heads seemed to burst!A song of darkness before dawn, shocking the Xuelong army back!

Between heaven and earth, there is absolute silence.

The retreated Xuelong army all had pale faces and blood stained the corners of their mouths.

Their eyes are full of unprecedented fear and fear.

The sound of a zither aroused the resonance of heaven and earth. The destructive power was too strong, and the sky was filled with thunder.

At this moment, the Wuhun Continent trembled a few times, and Tiandao said in his heart, "I was terrified just now!"

At this moment, on the walls of Time City, everyone's expressions froze.

The end of the song! !
(End of this chapter)

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