Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1652 1 Qu Town Kill

Chapter 1652
The little guy stopped his hands, blinked and blinked at Ling Yun, expecting the latter to give him a comment!
"Practice a little more in the future, the first time you get a full score of [-], you can only get [-]!"


Hearing this, the corner of the little guy's mouth twitched, expressing his dissatisfaction and wanting to do it again.

"It's time to eat, stop playing!"

Ling Yun kicked Lady Qin into the void, the latter's instrument spirit trembled deeply, feeling the approach of death, and startled it.

It's a good thing the little guy didn't see it, otherwise I feel bad, a good piano won't be broken by kicking.

If the kick is bad, then it is not one of the top ten ancient artifacts.

"Papa, you have a song, or I won't eat it."

It can be seen that the little guy is serious, so it seems that Ling Yun shouldn't have given her the piano score just now.

She must want to learn, or to listen to Ling Yun play.

Years outside the city!

Shang Yuntian was undecided, he didn't know what to do next, the sound of the piano disappeared, probably because it was to teach him a lesson, if he persisted, he would die!

This is a warning from the strong!

But God's Punishment suddenly disappeared, and a voice came from above the sky.

"Go away, think about my fate with the Dragon Clan, or die!"

Ling Yun's domineering voice resounded through the sky, the sound alone made many people's legs go weak.

finally he sighed
"You go back first!"


Although Ling Yun agreed to withdraw all the Xuelong clan, but this is still letting the tiger go back to the mountain, and Liang Zi has already formed.

An Qing and Yan Xuefei disagreed, so...

"You must sign an agreement and stop making troubles in Wuhun Continent, otherwise you will not be able to leave." An Qing said!

"You Wuhun Continent won't bully people too much."

Shang Yuntian was furious, this time everyone was injured by the sound of the piano, and it was impossible to repair it within three to five years.

"To sign or not to sign?"

An Qingjian pointed at Shang Yuntian, her beautiful eyes radiated coldness.

"What are you, if you ask me to sign it?"

Shang Yuntian gathered all his strength and punched An Qing. The power roared and shook the sky, exuding a destructive aura, transforming into a thunder dragon, trying to swallow her directly.

Facing the giant fist that covered the sky, An Qing's expression was calm and calm.


An extremely cold voice sounded from the void.

That voice was like the crooning of a god of death, making Shang Yuntian feel that his whole body was in the icy water, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

Then a pleasant tune sounded, and the air seemed to freeze.

A melody-transformed ice sword energy came from the void to break through the boundary, piercing through the space, causing cracks to spread in the surrounding void.

With a sweep of sword energy, Shang Yuntian's strongest punch was deflected and disappeared into the void, and then a streak of blood flew across!

Shang Yuntian's head was cut off directly, and was thrown flying, blood flowing horizontally.

The piano sound continued, but there was no other lethality. Everyone held their breath and sweated profusely!

Shang Yuntian is dead?
Shang Yuntian, who couldn't be shaken by the few immortal emperors, was killed by a rhythm like this, everyone couldn't believe it!
This song is not the sound of a piano, but a piece of music, which was played by Ling Yun being acted like a baby by the little guy, and it was done with just a leaf.

This song belongs to the war song, beautiful and exciting, everyone was shocked in place, unable to recover for a long time.

The end of the song!

Ling Yun said: "There is no need to sign an agreement, the Xuelong clan can come if they want to die."

This sentence scared all the Xuelong people to flee from the Wuhun Continent. This is the sleeping place of the demons, and they would not dare to give them 1 courage.

Everyone in Suiyue City cheered and thanked Ling Yun loudly, but apart from An Qing, Yan Xuefei, Dongfang Honghong, Gui Yasha, and Su Yu, the others did not know who made the move.

"Wow, Papa, you are so powerful, you can play well."

The little guy had an adoring expression on his face, with little stars in his eyes.

Beibei opened her mouth wide, she didn't know everything outside, she was just intoxicated by the song, and Ling Yun only used a leaf, she felt that she had learned a lot.

"Everyone applaud."

After being intoxicated, Beibei's mouth opened a little wider, and her little hands kept flapping.

"Come over to eat soon, you guys are the only ones to worry about." Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and filled their bowls with rice, which was extremely considerate.

The little guy was moved again, rubbed his eyes, and said softly, "Papa, I don't want to grow up."

Ling Yun gave them some green vegetables, looked at the little guy and said: "It's up to you, age is not what you want or not."

"I know, I have a way."

"Oh... what can I do?"

Ling Yun suddenly became curious.

"It's just not counting this year, and it will continue to be called next year..."

Ling Yun understood what she meant, she just wanted to live a year in vain!

Ling Yun: "..."

Long Yanran: "..."

Time flies, it doesn't count if you say it doesn't matter, what is the little guy thinking in his head!

"I'll be four years old next year, and the year after that, and everything after that."

The little guy became more and more excited as he talked, and he even stood on the chair.

An Qing heard it as soon as she came back, and came over and asked, "Sissy's wish can't be fulfilled, but it's still possible here."

"Because the time here is different from that of Blue Star!"

"Aha, let me just say, I'm the smartest."

The little guy put down his chopsticks, put his hands on his hips, and looked at everyone with gloomy eyes.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Everyone shook their heads and laughed.

The little guy was the slowest eater, Ling Yun and An Qing didn't care about her, telling her to feed her as soon as she ate.

Ling Yun asked: "Everyone from the Xuelong clan has retreated."

"And thank you for letting them go."

An Qing nodded and rolled her eyes at Ling Yun.

Ling Yun touched his nose, expressing that he had no choice but to act.

It is certain that he has a relationship with the dragon clan, otherwise why his body would be in the form of a dragon, this secret is unknown and who knows.

Except for that ancient memory, no one will know about it.

Besides, Shang Yuntian was already dead, and the Xuelong Clan would not have come to the Wuhun Continent as long as they hadn't been overwhelmed for a hundred years.

This time, the Xuelong Clan's vitality can be said to be seriously injured, and they are heading for decline.

Lingyun has been teaching the little ones alchemy these days, and they have also made achievements, except for little Irene who is lazy and plays games.

The little guy and Beibei are already fourth-rank alchemists, while Long Yanran is fifth-rank!
As soon as he heard that Long Yanran was the fifth grade, the little guy said he heard it wrong, and Beibei also said it was impossible, they are so smart, they have been refining for so many days!

The two of their children didn't know that Long Yanran could refine without sleep, but they couldn't. An Qing asked them to go to bed at ten o'clock, starting at 06:30, to go to school in the morning, and to practice in the afternoon.

With such a speed, how could it be possible to catch up with Long Yanran, besides, Long Yanran's master is Ling Yun, who should focus on training.

The little guy and Beibei don't need to be taught anymore, as long as they are willing to take the time to practice, it is a matter of time for the supreme alchemist.

(End of this chapter)

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