Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1653

Chapter 1653
It has been two weeks since the soldiers approached the city. During this time, none of the seven domains dared to come to Wuhun Continent lightly.

Because at this moment, Wuhun Continent is famous, stronger than before, and there is a mysterious overlord!

Ling Yun's previous attack was considered to be the overlord behind the scenes, and it was rumored that the hot Martian overlord was a master of rhythm.

this day!
The little guy is very happy after school, because today's exam results.

It's all about little knowledge about different worlds, and she passed No.3 in the exam, a perfect progress award, and Ling Yun must be rewarded, and the latter can only reward one boo!


Today's Long Yanran didn't make alchemy, but the little guy's eyes turned gloomy.

"Aunt Long, my dad said he would take me out to play, but now he doesn't."

"That's right, why haven't I heard of it." Long Yanran rolled her eyes and said.


"Don't fool me, my mother eats more salt than you."

Long Yanran shook her head, she would never believe it.

The little guy was muttering and couldn't go out to play. How many days had passed, and he felt isolated from the world.

"If you don't take me out, I'll sneak out!"

"I heard that there are a lot of human traffickers recently..."

Hearing this, the little guy trembled and immediately hugged Long Yanran.

"Aha, Aunt Long..."

Long Yanran couldn't laugh or cry, there are many ways to treat the little guy.

Beibei on the other side said: "Auntie, let's play a game together, and we will give you this if you win."

What she has in her hand is Lingyu!
Long Yanran's eyes were straightened, but she knew that Beibei was a little money fanatic, so she couldn't take it out so easily.

"Then... I lost?"

"Take us out to play, if you don't go, you will pay [-] spirit stones!"

Anyway, Beibei was determined to go all out, and if he couldn't get out, he would cheat Lingshi.

Long Yanran didn't even think about it, she must have lost and agreed to take them out to play, she didn't have that many spirit stones, not even 100 yuan.

"My old lady has lived for so long, she will be afraid of you, a little brat."



The corner of Beibei's mouth twitched when she heard it, and she felt that her aunt's violent female image had reappeared in the world.

Afterwards, the two little guys murmured to each other, looked at Long Yanran seriously again, and let out a milky voice.

"You old lady, listen carefully, under what circumstances, Sun Wukong killed the second senior brother?"


Long Yanran was stunned, this is too difficult, she couldn't think of it.

"Unexpected circumstances."

"No, no."

The little guy immediately shook his head and laughed, and Bei Bei shouted that he could go out and play.

Long Yanran: "..."

"Auntie, you can't!"

"You can not!"

Hearing this, Long Yanran is so angry, what is the answer!
"Wait, I'll ask Brother Ling Yun."

A while later, Ling Yun received some news, and just went out to relax, Venerable Qingyi agreed and told her the answer, but Long Yanran's eyes lit up!

"Aunt Long, do you know?"

"Of course, I'm your elder, there's no reason why I don't know."

"Oh... then tell me."

"In the glory of the bull."

Hearing this, the foreheads of the two little guys suddenly went black, they really got the answer right, this time they were speechless.

"It's up to me, do you dare to challenge me? If you lose, it will be this piece of spiritual jade." Long Yanran planned to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, and make a good fool of Beibei and the little guy.

"OK then."

Beibei looked a little like she was on the battlefield, and she was also a little bit reluctant to part with this spirit jade.

"I read a sentence, and you repeat it to me. If you make a mistake, you lose. Do you understand?"

Long Yanran has already brought a bowl and is placing it in front of them.


"The bowl is round."

"The bowl is round."

"The bowl is square."

"The bowl is square."

"Bowls are round and square."

In this way, the little guy said in his heart that he could follow him until the evening, no problem.

The corner of Long Yanran's mouth curled into a smile, she exhaled, pointed to the bowl in her hand and asked, "What shape is this bowl?"

Beibei and the little guy looked at the circle, and happily replied: "It's round."

"Haha, this piece of Lingyu is mine, you are still too young, you can't do it."

Long Yanran was holding the spirit jade, which made her happy, this piece of spirit jade was worth a lot of spirit stones, and it finally made her win the round.

Beibei rolled his eyes at the little guy: "Stupid, this bowl must be a bit square and a bit round."

The little guy said unconvinced: "Then you still say it's round."

Long Yanran: "..."

"Aunt Long, tell me quickly, what shape is this bowl? Is it because my sister made a mistake? I knew it must be square."

Long Yanran: "..."

Little Irene, who was playing games, twitched her lips, and looked at her two sisters speechlessly.

Just this IQ?

Still out to hang out...

This bowl is round with a square, but now she has to protect the crystal, and she can't waste it. She has given away more than a dozen heads, so I can't tell them.

Ling Yun happened to pass by her side, glanced at the screen, and found that it was a human-machine, that is, little Irene was training a hero.

"Auntie, tell my sister, am I right?"

The two little guys each held Long Yanran's foot, and their little eyes looked at Long Yanran expectantly!
Long Yanran expressed her submission, but rubbed her temples helplessly.

"Don't ask, just go out with me and take you for a walk."

Ling Yun said!

They are all familiar with Suiyue City, and Ling Yun is taking them to the next conquest, a corner of the dead zone!
The most important planet in the dead zone, full of aura, the number of monks is very dense, there are many sects, and the major forces are constantly conquering each other.

It is the planet that Fudi Wansanqian attaches the most importance to, Cyanwood Planet, Yannan Continent!

Yannan Continent has the most exchanges, and it is also the most important source for Wansanqian to obtain spirit stones, grasping the important origin of spirit stones.

Ling Yun decided to let the little guy take the Yannan Continent into his pocket, so let them take a stroll with them first, that is, to get acquainted with the environment.

Coming here, Ling Yun still has a small plan, which is to open up the channel to the Wuhun Continent and build a teleportation formation with a hundred people.

It will be much more convenient for ordinary people to come and go in the future. This matter needs to be discussed. Although Ling Yun can do it, but no one supports him, he can't stay here for the rest of his life.

There are five major cities in the Yannan Continent, and Ling Yun chose one of them, the Lion City.

The Lion City has a history of several 10 years, and its lord has not changed. It is Wuxin who broke through to the Eighteenth Immortal Emperor a year ago!
Hearing this name, everyone thought he was a young man, but in fact he was already an old man. Liao Wuxin was unique in Lion City, where his family was deeply rooted.

When Ling Yun thought that the Yannan Continent in the future would not belong to Wansanqian, he felt ridiculous when he thought about it. Will the latter jump over the wall in a hurry when he finds out?
(End of this chapter)

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