Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 173 Mass Graves

Chapter 173 Mass Graves

Although Lin Jinhu said oh, he definitely didn't believe it. The biggest question came from his great-granddaughter. After thinking about it, maybe it was his grandson Lingyun's secret, so he didn't continue to ask.

The old man Niu believed the words that there was nothing wrong with him, so he lit up his cigarette and smoked.


"Let's go and have a look, we should be coming to the main tomb soon." Old man Niu looked ahead after he finished smoking.

"Well, let's go, I'll tell you what happened under the cliff on the way." Lin Jinhu said, and put Sissy on his neck again.

"Old Lin, what's down there? It took you so long to come up!" Old man Niu was very curious!

Lin Jinhu recalled it immediately, and said in his mouth: "There is a pile of bones below, a mass grave, and a formation" and then slowly began to babble!
Under the cliff (in memory)
"Little girl, baby boy? Where are you?"

After Lin Jinhu went down, he felt uncomfortable smelling the air, feeling stuffy and unable to breathe.

"Grandpa, Beibei and aunt are here"

Long Beibei's weak voice came from the front, seemingly absent.

"Wait for me, I'll pick you up right away, don't wander around"

Lin Jinhu's scalp is numb now, and he was shocked by everything in front of him. All of them were dead bones, all of which were brutally murdered, because none of the bones was complete, and the scene was quite scary.

Long Beibei had nothing to do with it, she wasn't affected at all, she was just a little afraid of those bones, Long Yanran was fine, her hand was hurt a little, she just had trouble breathing, she fell down and was covered by a pile of white bones, she was lucky.

"Bebe, hurry up and ask where the old man is?"

What Long Yanran said could basically be said to be inaudible, it was too soft, and Beibei only understood after listening to it a few times.

"Grandpa, where are you?"

Long Beibei yelled again, waiting for so long, still not coming?

Lin Jinhu was also anxious, the voice was clearly in front of him, but he couldn't find it for a long time, did he encounter a ghost hitting the wall again?

"Come on, Grandpa is here, wait a little longer"

Lin Jinhu was sweating profusely, almost out of breath, what's going on here?

Long Beibei twitched her lips when she heard the words, so wait a little longer, but...

"Fuck, I scared the old man to death"

Lin Jinhu was frightened by the sudden appearance of a white bone in front of him, and quickly patted his chest.

He felt something was wrong, he seemed to have entered a formation.


As expected, it is a formation, those bones can move, who is so cruel to create a mass grave?What is their purpose?
Lin Jinhu shot with all his strength, breaking up one after another of the bones, but with the support of the formation, they could be pieced together non-stop.

His internal strength was almost exhausted by them, and he still couldn't find a way to break the formation!
Long Beibei is not happy anymore. After so long, did she lie to the children?Looking at her like this, Long Yanran thought it was so funny!
"Auntie, what are you laughing at?"

"No, it's nothing, Babe, let's go find it."

"Well, is aunt better?"

"You walk well"

Under the guidance of the Six Protectors, Long Beibei finally found Lin Jinhu in the formation. Seeing the moving bones, Beibei's face turned pale!Because she remembered Long Yanran's horror story again.

And Lin Jinhu's whole body was dyed red at the moment, cut by these bones, seeing Long Yanran and the others coming, he felt much more at ease, at least he didn't have to worry about them, causing him to be distracted.

Beibei looked at the white bones in the formation, blinked and blinked, and then taught Lin Jinhu to break the formation according to what the six guardians said.

"Grandpa, hit the one on the left"

Lin Jinhu didn't ask any more questions, and did as he did. Sure enough, after the one on the left was broken up, there were not so many skeletons.

Beibei then said: "Go five steps ahead and destroy the third one."

According to Beibei's prompt, Lin Jinhu became more and more handy.

"Find the eye of the formation and break the skull on the ground"


"Okay, vent your anger!" Lin Jinhu stroked his beard and laughed, although he didn't understand how the child knew.

Lin Jinhu was still excited when he recalled it. Fighting against these bones made him improve a lot.

"Old Lin, do you understand the mass grave?"

Lin Jinhu shook his head, he really didn't know what the use was, but the old Orion Ajin listened and thought about it for a long time.

"Brother Niu, I remembered something. My ancestor's book said about mass graves."

"Then tell me"

"Mass graves are used to raise dead kings"


"Raise a murderous corpse, my darling"

The elders swallowed their saliva fiercely, they don't understand the realm of the corpse king, but judging from the strength of that monster, they are not opponents, that's for sure.

A group of people walked along the tomb passage and rushed to the main tomb.

"Be careful, let me go in and take a look first, you guys watch at the door first!" Lin Jinhu stopped their excitement, he felt different, it was so quiet inside!
"It's very quiet, there's a situation, Lao Lin, you have to be careful." The old man Niu has rich experience, and he knows there is a problem at a glance!
The main tomb was brightly lit, but there was no one there. It was eerily quiet. Lin Jinhu walked in slowly and saw a corpse not far away, approaching it cautiously.


"I'm going to go, this big guy!" Old man Niu exclaimed!
Sissy and Beibei were about to sneak in just now, but now they all backed away in fright.

An ancient corpse that could fly, didn't attack Lin Jinhu, but jumped to Old Man Niu's side all of a sudden, their hearts almost jumped out of fright.

Lin Jinhu returned immediately and dealt with it together with Old Man Niu who stopped the ancient corpse.

At this time, while the ancient corpse was not paying attention, he touched the fallen ancient coffin, just about to pick up those magic tools scattered around, but the knife was too heavy to be discarded...

The ancient corpse was very flexible, he inserted a corpse next to him and threw it over, turned around and dodged in a serious manner, and the chance was gone again, because he was being targeted by the ancient corpse again and was chased away.

Lin Jinhu and the others breathed a sigh of relief, this ancient corpse was abnormally strong, and he beat them under pressure, but the old man Niu was not strong enough, he was kicked a few times, and they were not given a chance to breathe.

The coffin lids of the five funeral coffins flew up immediately, and five soldiers in golden armor jumped out from inside, tall and mighty!

The prudish is chased to the death, can't stand it, hates the teeth, and can't do it!

"Old Lin, it's coming, why didn't it chase him?" Old man Niu panicked when he saw the ancient corpse flying over, and he didn't have enough rest.


The back of the ancient tomb passage collapsed, Xu Le protected them and immediately entered the main tomb chamber, and all the tomb passages going out were blocked by the door in an instant.

Chen Tianci looked at Zhou Yanyan outside, unwilling to believe the fact that she was the one who closed the organ door of the main tomb.

"Yanyan? Why?" Chen Tianci finally said to the door, what he got in return was a last look of contempt and Zhou Yanyan's sneer!
"Master, what should I do, she took away all the martial arts?" Prudence asked uncertainly.

Chen Tianci did not return to him, probably because he couldn't bear the blow and was betrayed by his own people.

(End of this chapter)

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