Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 174

Chapter 174
Lin Jinhu also felt strange, why did it suddenly attack their side?And the other side stopped chasing?Is it to tease them?
The scene was chaotic, two soldiers in golden armor came towards Xu Le and the others, and three walked towards Chen Tianci.

The three who suddenly went to Chen Tianci's side did not leave, but turned to Xu Le's side. Xu Le was even more panicked when he saw it, and he took the lead to lead them away.

"Old Lin, think of a way!"

"Shut up, I was thinking"

Lin Jinhu also noticed Xu Le's side, and thought to himself, could it be that the people from the Demon Sect have amulets on them?
Sissy took advantage of Xu Le and Long Yanran's inattention and ran away again. She noticed these treasures just now, and now her eyes are shining brightly!
"Sister, here"

She is right now beside the coffin, talking to a few magical artifacts, Long Yanran's heart is in her throat, and she wants to hurry up and pull them back.

Xu Le said at this time: "Miss, don't worry about them, it's important to divert these golden soldiers away"

Seeing that Sissi was fine, Beibei ran over, and the two little guys squatted together looking at the magic weapon on the ground.

A gold-armored soldier rushed over, trying to knock them down, but was immediately blown away. The two little guys didn't know what was going on, and they were very focused on holding those magic weapons, not at all guarded. .

Prudence has been paying attention to the coffin, and seeing the golden armored soldier flying out, his eyes are big. Is there an amulet?

Lin Jinhu couldn't do it anymore, what happened to this ancient corpse, why did he chase after them?He's all injured, and so is Old Man Niu

"Brother Niu, don't breathe in." Ajin immediately thought of the words in the book left by his ancestors.

As soon as Xu Le heard it, he immediately stopped breathing, and the effect was very good. The golden armor soldiers stopped attacking immediately, and Lin Jinhu's side also stopped, and the ancient corpse stopped.

Prudence felt a pimple in his heart, he was actually discovered, and now it's not easy to deal with.

Chen Tianci felt that the opportunity had come, so he kept on doing nothing, using the kid with the amulet to resist, and took the opportunity to take away the magic weapon.

Ling Yun has been paying attention to this side all the time, suddenly he stood up suddenly, his face was a little unnatural, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, he immediately reacted after realizing the danger...

"Supreme Repression"

For the entire ancient tomb group, all creatures will be pressed to the ground and cannot move!But it was still a bit slow, Qianqian was caught by the sudden Chen Tianci and thrown to the ancient corpse, Beibei was kicked away, and then took all the magic weapons they collected and ran away.


It was all planned, the prudish side blasted the exit, and the two ran away in the blink of an eye!Lin Jinhu didn't even react, it was too late to see the situation clearly, Qianqian was hit by the ancient corpse, and the shield was shattered.

Sissi, who fell to the side, burst into tears in pain. Although she was hugged by the old man Niu who drove over, she was still injured and vomited blood. After crying, she passed out.

Ling Yun could only just watch, he was going crazy, he couldn't move, his body was constantly changing, because of his body, Sissy's shield of divine power was greatly weakened, easily broken by the ancient corpse, everything was beyond his expectation .

Seeing that the two children were injured, Xu Le was so frightened that he was at a loss for a moment. What's going on?Did his brother Lingyun not make a move?

The Supreme Suppression finally came, affected by Ling Yun's body, how slow!
All creatures were pressed to the ground, and they all spit out blood when they were pressed down. Without exception, Chen Tianci and Prudence, who had escaped, were crushed in the ancient tomb passage!

Xu Le wanted to cry again, but he couldn't forget this feeling, why was he also suppressed?What is this?How come we can't tell the difference between the enemy and us!
But when he raised his head reluctantly, he felt better. Except for the two little guys who still had a trace of Lingyun's divine power, they all suppressed it, and now Xu Le smiled.

It was the first time Lin Jinhu met him. He didn't know what was going on, and he was terrified. Fortunately, he also saw it, and the ancient corpse was the same, so he felt a little relieved. But his can I explain this!

But Xu Le felt more and more wrong. Last time, the pressure was getting bigger and bigger, but this time it seemed to be getting more and more relaxed.

Ling Yun's body still couldn't move, and he still kept his right hand stretched out into the distance, carrying out the supreme suppression action, his face was pale, and the corner of his mouth was bleeding all the time.

"Ye Lingyun, damn it"

Ling Yun clenched his teeth, talking to himself in a voice full of anger, just as he finished speaking, his body completely petrified.

Before petrification, Ling Yun could only order three things with his fragile consciousness.

Ye Fei, who was teasing a girl on the first floor, changed his expression, and immediately rushed to the seventh floor to carry out Ling Yun's order!
When he reached the seventh floor, he sensed that Pluto had turned into a stone, and he panicked. Is it an enemy?over there?Even Pluto was petrified, what happened?
Although there were so many questions, he did not open the door of the office. Instead, he followed Hades' order to guard the seventh floor, and no one could come in.

Spirit world
The divine beast, the Flaming Tiger, trembled because of a divine sense from its master Ling Yun!
It doesn't know what happened, why the weak soul is going to die, could it be him who came out?After following Ling Yun for so long, it was the first time that it realized that Ling Yun would lose his composure like this!
The content of the spiritual consciousness is to let it stop the army of demon spirits, and not let them step out of the Sagittarius Star Field, no matter what the cost!It must be executed immediately.

The last thing is before the petrification, the shadow bat flew out from the shadow of Ling Yun, and the direction is the ancient tombs in Jiangnan City, where Sissi is located!

Xu Le was able to move, so he was happy, because the ancient corpse also moved, and he couldn't think of any problems!
Lin Jinhu still lay on the ground and gasped for breath, it hurt so fucking badly.

The old man Niu had half his life left. He was kicked by the ancient corpse a few times before and couldn't bear it any longer.

With Ling Yun being petrified, the Supreme Suppression disappeared, and Qian Qian and Bei Bei lost even a bit of divine power.

The ancient corpse attacked again, chasing them closely, Long Yanran clutched her chest and carried Beibei to Sissy's side, and put them together.

Xu Le immediately realized that something happened to Ling Yun, otherwise he couldn't have watched Qianqian's accident and didn't show up.


After the insane Chen Tianci was able to move, he ordered Prudence to blow up all the roads leading to the main tomb below.

Lin Jinhu looked at the stones that fell from above, and realized that the secret passages were all over, and they were about to be buried alive.

"Hurry up and go, I'll hold these ancient corpses, little friend Xu Le will carry Sissy and Beibei on his back." Lin Jinhu made the plan to die here.

"Old Lin, I won't go, the two of us will go together"

"Stop talking nonsense, go, it's about to collapse!"

A huge rock fell, right above Sissi, Long Yanran closed her eyes in despair, and at the last moment, the undead phantom bat group arrived!

The bats propped up the huge stone and surrounded the entire space of the main tomb. They didn't understand what happened. Where did these things come from?But it is enough for Sissy and the others to keep them.

(End of this chapter)

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