Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1784

Chapter 1784
The angel of the evil king is betting, and the betting Lingyun really wants to know.

"Are you hesitating, do you want to compromise? It's just a clone. What are you doing? One person takes a step back, the sea is bright... the sky...."

There is no sky anymore, under the claws of Lingyun Void, the last clone of the evil king angel was crushed.

The evil king angel who had just escaped to the star sea vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Hateful Jiuyou, the tiger falls into Pingyang... You wait for me, wait for me to practice for thousands of years, and see if I don't stab you to death."

The evil king's angel consciousness slowly fell asleep, approaching a coma state, and his body fell towards the cloud region. Without accidents, he could reach the land in a few years.

If there is an accident, it will be ruthlessly swallowed by the turbulent flow of space, and it is basically unknown whether he can survive.

It was originally like this, but Ling Yun took control of the black hole and went directly to collect the evil king's angel, who didn't know about it, and didn't have any consciousness at all.

Silent all night!
The next day, the east dawned, and the golden morning light filled the earth, and everything recovered, and it was a new day.

I don't know who leaked the news. There were many patients at the gate of the villa early in the morning. They all said that they wanted to invite the little guy to see a doctor. There was also a signboard with a pennant such as "Wonderful Doctor, Little Miracle Doctor Alive".

They were very conscious and didn't disturb Ling Yun and the others loudly, but they kept waiting until someone came out to open the door.

An Qing said: "How did they know this place?"

"It must be those old men. The patients who can't be cured say that there is a solution here." Long Yanran said angrily.

They were blocked at the door early in the morning, and they had no choice but to go out normally.

A luxurious German sports car was parked outside the door, and Song Yili walked out of it. She would not give up until Ling Yun was her teacher.

She didn't expect that when she ran over early in the morning, there was someone earlier than her, with the words "Little genius doctor, what the hell is the hanging pot helping the world" written on it.

Ling Yun came out from inside and said to everyone: "Why do you block my family? If you don't go away, we will call the police."

"Genius doctor, everyone, look quickly, the genius doctor has come out, hurry up and save my old man, he is dying." A woman immediately knelt down facing the door.

A certain person said: "Your old man has hemorrhoids, why is there only one life left?"

Everyone: "..."

Ling Yun said: "There is no miracle doctor here. You have come to the wrong place. You have to go to the hospital to seek medical treatment. My home is not a hospital, so I can't help you."

"Oh, just let the little genius doctor come out. Although my old man has hemorrhoids, he still needs to be cured."

"And my old lady, she had a stroke and her hands and feet were numb."

"My grandson has leukemia."

"I'm terminally ill, save me, I don't want to die yet, I haven't got a wife yet, I don't want to die yet."

The corner of Song Yili's mouth twitched, what is it all about.

"Everyone, be quiet. There is no magic doctor here. I am a doctor from Jiangnan City People's Hospital. If you have any illness, you can go to the hospital. Don't delay the best time for treatment."


"We've all heard that the little miracle doctor lives here. She has superb medical skills. There is no disease that she can't cure."

No one in the crowd believed Song Yili's words at all, and insisted on letting the little guy out to see a doctor.

Ling Yun frowned slightly, at this time the little guy ran out, stuck out his head cutely, and looked at everyone with a smile.

"It's her, she is the little genius doctor who cured my uncle, the old man who had a stroke."

There was such a surprised sound from the crowd.

Afterwards, many people also recognized the little guy as a child actor, and they were even more surprised.

"Papa, are they calling me? I heard it all."

Ling Yun: "..."

Song Yili smiled and said nothing!
It turned out that it wasn't the four genius doctors who said it, but it was passed on from person to person, from the patient's family, and that's why today's scene happened.

"Aha, is Auntie looking for me too? Have you thought about it and decided to worship me as your teacher? Let me tell you, I'm very good."

After the little guy saw Song Yili, the corners of his mouth rose, and he looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, as if to say, not worshiping me as a teacher is the biggest mistake in your life.

Song Yili smiled awkwardly: "Little one, I'm looking for your father today, it's none of your business, just go and play obediently."

She just wants to worship Ling Yun as her teacher, the little guy is too young and has no teaching experience at all.

The little guy curled his lips and shrugged at the same time.

"Little genius doctor, save my child."

"Great mercy."

"Help me."

Immediately, all the people who came to seek medical treatment chose to kneel down.

Song Yili shook her head and said, "There are too many of you. The key is that she has limited ability as a child. If you believe me, I will help you one by one when I am free."


Hearing that someone helped them cure their diseases, many people were already moved.


Last time, the family member of the patient said: "I only trust the little miracle doctor, and I can't trust other people either."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone started begging the little guy again, without even looking at Song Yili, as groups of crows flew over the latter's head.

The little guy couldn't bear it so much, he grabbed Ling Yun's clothes and waited for the latter to make arrangements for her.

"Yan Ran."

"here I am!"

"Give each of them a pill, and then send them away."

In the end Ling Yun compromised, even if it was for the benefit of the little guy.

Right now, the fastest treatment method is to send pills.

Song Yili on the side stared wide-eyed, sending pills?It's still too much money, it's too capricious.

What elixir?
Isn't it a doctor? Others seem to be dissatisfied.

Song Yili said: "This elixir can cure all kinds of diseases, today you are considered to be lucky for eight lifetimes."

"Does it really work?"

"I haven't read the book, don't lie to me."

"It's so evil, I don't believe it, is there any safety certification, and which pharmaceutical factory produced it."

Faced with everyone's questions, the corner of Long Yanran's mouth twitched.

This group of people really don't know what to buy. No matter how many people spend a lot of money, they can't buy one.

Song Yili hated the look of iron and steel: "Since you begged someone else, and now someone else took the medicine, you don't believe it. If you don't believe it, why come here?"


"Then let me try this elixir and see how it works."

A man with a very bad cough came forward and spoke.

After Long Yanran gave him a elixir, everyone was shocked on the spot, only to see him spit out some black and nasty things, and finally stopped coughing.

This is simply a magic medicine. For a while, they rushed to get the medicine.

Ling Yun said: "I don't want anyone to spread this matter. This is the first time to administer medicine, and it will also be the last time."


Some people are not soaring at all.

"Hmph... you have such a good thing, but you still keep it privately, you must be generous!"

"That's right, give me five more of this magical medicine, no, no, no, I want ten more, hurry up."

This person glared at Long Yanran, said aggressively, and wanted to reach out to snatch it.

(End of this chapter)

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