Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1785 Ugly Human Nature

Chapter 1785 Ugly Human Nature

People are not enough to swallow elephants!
This is human nature!
Ling Yun sees everything very clearly.

Only the little guy scratched his head stupidly, not knowing why.

They are not grateful, but brazenly asking for it again, which is really ugly human nature.

Song Yili couldn't bear to watch it any longer, and said to them: "You guys are still shameless, do you know how to be ashamed, it's too ugly to eat."

"He gave you medicine for free, you see what you look like at the moment, it's not ashamed to be ashamed."

Song Yili's words are heartbreaking!

Some people lowered their heads, some dismissed it, and thought it should be done.

God doctor!
It should be impartial and selfless, hanging the pot to help the world!

Ling Yun said to Long Yanran: "Stop posting it, let them get out, if they don't get out, call the police and deal with it."

After saying this, he led the little guy and walked back.

Song Yili followed!
After Long Yanran closed the door, the group of people refused to leave, and even shouted and made a scene, and eventually the police were called to deal with it.

It's really a farce.

To be honest, Ling Yun was lucky that he didn't kill them, this group of people really didn't know what to do, they turned their faces and refused to recognize anyone, they were wolf-hearted.

in the hall.

The little guy started busy with his own affairs, while Ling Yun and Song Yili were talking about things.

"Master... just accept me, you taught me alchemy before, now teach me acupuncture too."

"No, you can leave after drinking this cup of tea."

Ling Yun shook his head and refused!

Teaching apprentices or something, the most troublesome thing!

Song Yili just didn't want to drink tea, she kept looking at Ling Yun, she would feel ashamed if she saw the latter.

The pot of tea was also drunk by little Irene cup by cup!
It was too late when Ling Yun found out.

"Little Irene, that can improve your comprehension, oh... Forget it, I hope your comprehension in the game will be even higher."


Little Irene opened her mouth wide, and after closing it, said in a milky voice: "Is there any more?"

Ling Yun: "..."

Drinking too much is harmful, so even if Ling Yun has it, it is impossible to take it out and soak it. This child drinks it like an ordinary person, what a waste.

"Yan Ran!"

"here I am."

"Go and teach her alchemy, I can't keep my word."

In fact, Ling Yun and Song Yili also made it clear afterwards that Huaxia Acupuncture and Moxibustion is extensive and profound, and it is somewhat difficult. Learning how to make elixir can save people from suffering, so why bother learning acupuncture and moxibustion.

In this way, Song Yili gave up her thoughts.

For the next two days, Song Yili studied with Long Yanran at the villa, until on the third day, she brought back an old man who was insane.

"he is?"

"A patient, my grandfather's friend for many years, brought him here to have a look."

Long Yanran asked: "He's mentally ill, maybe pills can't save him, you have to ask Brother Ling Yun."

Ling Yun said: "Let Sissy go for treatment and see if she has improved these days."

"Can she do it?"

Song Yili frowned slightly, with a somewhat skeptical attitude.

"Cissy, come here."

Long Yanran shouted to the little guy playing in the distance.

"Well, did you buy ice cream and give it to me?"

This kid's head is thinking about ice cream all day long, so it's no wonder that he didn't mention going to another world at all.

You need to go to school in another world, but you don't need it here, so the little guy doesn't want to go.

"Boom, you're so cute. I'll buy ice cream another day. Now there's an old man who needs you. Hurry up and take a look!"

"Why, why is he drooling, and he's so stupid." That's how the little guy felt when he saw the old man for the first time.

"It's because I'm sick, that's why I'm like this." Long Yanran said speechlessly.

"Sissy, he has a brain problem, hurry up and give him an injection."

Song Yili said.

Hearing this, the little guy frowned slightly, then stared at the old man closely.

Her mind already had a direction for diagnosis and treatment. If she is mentally disturbed, she must use ghost gate thirteen needles.

Ghost Gate Thirteen Needles is a special treatment method in acupuncture and moxibustion. It is the magical place in acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine.

This acupuncture method absorbs the essence of various acupuncture and moxibustion, and uses the acupuncture mechanism of different acupoints to cure the disease with the needle, and has a unique curative effect.

Firstly, the heart meridian is opened through the thirteen needles of the ghost gate, the heart governs the mind, and the appropriate acupoints are selected according to the patient's condition to dredge the meridians, open up the meridians, let the qi and blood flow smoothly, and control the disease.

Open up the meridians and collaterals of the viscera, make the Qi and blood of the whole body run normally, and then adjust the nerve function of the brain.

With the method, the little guy immediately made a move. The speed of the needle injection was more than three times that of the original one. Song was dazzled.

Then, her hands danced again, and like phantoms, silver needles pierced several acupoints in the head of this neurotic old man.

"This is……"

"The Thirteen Needles of Ghost Gate, Sissy actually knows so many stitches, she must have been practicing since she was born."

"What do you think?" Ling Yun rolled his eyes, but didn't try to explain.

The little guy who finished the needle was not paying attention, and said in a milky voice: "Papa, please help me to see, you will call me in half an hour, I am going to play."

Song Yili: "..."

Long Yanran: "..."

Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry and replied: "Go, I'll call you later."

The little guy smiled, a little embarrassed, but finally went to look for Beibei.

"Brother Lingyun, can you succeed?"

"Whether it is successful or not, we need to wait for half an hour. We can just wait with peace of mind."

"Brother, there is still half an hour. That's too much. Don't you think about duoing with me? Let me tell you, now I'm the mid laner king!" Little Irene said proudly.

"You can't do things half-heartedly, otherwise great things will be difficult to achieve."

Ling Yun taught!
Little Irene curled her lips, shook her head vigorously and said, "Did you see a cow flying in the sky?"

In her memory, Ling Yun was half-hearted more than once.

"There are no cows."

Song Yili looked up at the sky with a speechless expression.

Long Yanran smiled without saying a word, she naturally knew what little Irene was trying to express.

Half an hour passed quickly, and the little guy still ran back, but she was sweating profusely and smiling all over her face.

The old man is still awake at this moment, Song Yili is looking forward to the moment when the needle is pulled out.

call out!

The little guy pulled out the needles faster, and in just one or two breaths, all the needles on the old man's head were cleared.

In fact, clearing those needles is also a matter of order. Fortunately, the little guy did not disappoint Ling Yun.

The little guy shook the old man, and said in a milky voice, "Grandpa, get up, the sun is drying his ass."

Song Yili's eyes widened, as if she saw a ghost.

The old man opened his eyes and looked at them no longer in a daze.

"Xiao Song, why are you here?"

"Grandpa Li, you think of me."

Song Yili seemed to have a dream, the thirteen needles of the ghost door are too strong, it worked immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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