Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 507

Chapter 507
But she was curious, what kind of smell?
Is it really that bad?

Ling Yun looked at Beibei with a half-smile, and said: "Would you like Beibei? Look at Irene, how delicious it is!"

How can Beibei believe it!

Shaking my head, I finally want to give it a try!
"Spit, spit!"

Beibei covered her stomach and vomited wildly, Ling Yun hurriedly gave her divine power.

after a while

Beibei's face was still pale...


She will never eat this kind of thing again in her life!

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, it shouldn't be such a big reaction.

She didn't understand, why did little Irene eat so deliciously?

after an hour
Siqian and Beibei sat on Ling Yun's shoulders, followed by the fire donkey.

Finally came out.

The little guys looked at the small town not far away, and their hearts were full of joy.

At present, Ling Yun knows too little about the Wuhun Continent, and he doesn't know if Ren Wuyan is still in the Wuhun Continent, so what progress has been made in the information he collected.

At the outer entrance of the magic forest, many people can already be seen.

Some are flying in the air, some are running fast, they are all busy with their affairs, and no one is curious about them.

This is the best way, Ling Yunsheng communicates with them, and the kindness is nothing more than persuasion, this place is dangerous, don't go in!
Harmful means ridicule!

Ling Yun walked under a tree, put them down, and rested where they were.

He must find Ren Wuyan!

Then he warned: "Be good, don't run around, I'll squint for a while!"

After speaking, Ling Yun stood up, his eyes closed, and his brows came together again.

The divine sense swept back and forth across the Wuhun Continent, scaring the immortal emperors into sweat, for fear that the divine sense would stay on their bodies.

There was such an arrogant immortal emperor who directly competed with Ling Yun for his consciousness, and the result was like a small river flowing into the sea.

Instantly became an idiot.

How lucky not to die.

Ren Wuyan pretended so well?Or is he not here?
Ling Yun frowned tightly, his forehead was sweating slightly, and his spiritual consciousness was a bit exhausted, which was still limited in this state.

In Suiyue City, Situ Haonan looked disdainful, he was not so bored to fight for his spiritual sense, but he still decided to teach Ling Yun a lesson, as long as his divine sense came again, he would fight back, but unfortunately Ling Yun found the last divine sense Ren Wuyan, otherwise there will be drama to watch.

In a remote place, in an inconspicuous small village, King Li knelt down on one knee and reported everything to the Forest King in front of him.

Who would have thought that the headquarters of the mysterious forest man would be here. From the outside, it looks like an ordinary village, and the forest king is a handsome man who can compete with Ling Yun.

The forest king gave an evil smile, looked up at the sky, and gave another evil smile. The Wuhun Continent was banned from breaking the void by Situ Haonan's supernatural power, which meant that the princess of the endless sea was still on the mainland.

He will definitely get that god-level exercise book, and the princess will know the secret of her martial spirit soon.

Li Wang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, he didn't dare to look at him anymore, and kept kneeling alone.

The forest king has a secret, he can also devour martial souls, no matter monsters or humans.

So he set his sights on little Irene, and planned such a big situation, even the big Situ was deceived, how could he stop?

As for what Li Wang saw, he already suspected that it was the Divine Master, the Supreme God Lord. Being well-read, he guessed that the ball was the Zixiao Divine Flame, and the only one who could perfectly possess the Zixiao Divine Flame was the Divine Master.

Few can release such a great power.

Suddenly the forest king smiled playfully, and a bigger layout came to his mind, he wanted to pull the god master down from the altar!

Ren Wuyan, who was somewhere in the Wuhun Continent, frowned when he sensed the divine consciousness emanating from one after another!
Who is it?
So powerful!

Ren Wuyan shuddered violently, and was actually locked. Did someone discover what he was investigating?

Looking at the black hole in front of him, Ren Wuyan hurriedly wiped off his cold sweat, feeling a false alarm.

Ling Yun's voice came from the black hole: "How is the investigation going?"

"Going back to Pluto, I've disappointed you. This subordinate has been lurking for almost a year, and only collected most of them."

"It's better than I expected. You did a good job. What about the Wu family and Yan family that you focused on collecting?"

"The Wu family has already collected them, but the Yan family, the guards are too strict, and the subordinates can't do anything, but they still found some here and there, I just don't know if it's unreal."

After Ren Wuyan finished speaking, he took out a thick notebook from his pocket.

A ray of light emerged from the notebook and shot directly at the black hole, and Ling Yun over there took control of everything.

"I'll arrange a task for you, first from God of War..."

Ling Yun didn't continue talking, but was silent for a while before saying: "First, pay attention to Situ Haonan, this person has a lot of schemes, and his strength is so strong, but he is willing to commit himself to it."

"Secondly, you don't have to worry about the Yan family, just stir up conflicts between Forest King and other organizations in Wuhun Continent."

Situ Haonan, it's best not to mess with him, let alone what he's plotting?
Counting against the Forest King, causing him a headache, dare to hit little Irene's attention?This matter will not be counted that way, Ling Yun has a premonition that the forest king will definitely die!

Ling Yun opened his eyes, a pair of pupils, beautiful and deep, unfathomable.

I found that the little guys were looking at him, and I don't know how long they looked at him.

Ling Yun shrugged, carried them one by one onto the donkey's back, and continued to move forward.

town animal city

The closest city to the magic forest was the first fortress when the beast tide happened. It was impenetrable, and countless warriors usually gathered here.

Outside the city gate, all monks flying in the sky must jump down and line up obediently to enter the city.

Ling Yun looked at the row of people, stroking his aching head, when will this row be?
100 yuan for Soul Crystal to enter the city alone?
Gold inlaid inside?
This money is better than grabbing!

(One hundred soul crystals are equivalent to ten low-grade spirit stones)

Taking advantage of the time in the queue, Ling Yun started to eat apples, which was the first time in Twelve Domains.

A young man queuing up behind looked at the fire donkey and laughed, "This is a hybrid! Haha, four babies and one offal, what a wonderful combination!"

Ling Yun turned to look at him with cold eyes, the young man's laughter stopped abruptly.

What kind of eyes are those.

It seems to be full of bloodthirsty and frightening!

With a close look, he seemed to have fallen into an abyss.

The four little guys looked at him unhappy, did they scold them?
Do you want to keep staring at him?
let him know wrong?
The young man swallowed hard, not daring to look at Ling Yun anymore, Ling Yun also looked away, and took another bite of the apple, but the corners of his mouth were curved.

Suddenly, the young man froze, and his eyes were dizzy and painful. He opened his eyes wide, and his eyes were filled with unbelievable despair.

He suddenly turned his head in disbelief...

At this time, a sharp dagger was inserted into his back, piercing through the dantian from behind, blood gushing out along the dagger, moistening the thin monastic robe, and the blood in his stomach was like a coquettish blooming Bana flower, Fiery and eerie.

The young man staggered and knelt down on the messy gravel ground, his eyes were full of astonishment, despair and disbelief.

He really didn't expect that the man he trusted most who claimed to love him would relentlessly stab the dagger he gave him into his dantian with his backhand. Wouldn't it be enough to abolish his cultivation?
Is the dagger poisonous?

(End of this chapter)

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