Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 508

Chapter 508
"Dewey, why..." The young man opened his mouth, but couldn't make a sound because of despair.

Dewey looked at his hands, but his face was filled with astonishment.

what happened?
He was just out of control.

"No, no, I didn't do it, ho."

Dewey knelt down on one knee, half hugged him, and kept sending him real energy!
Ah Hao forced a sneer, should he believe this?
"Just now, body..." Dewey said, pushed Ah Hao away, stood up and took out a knife.

Ah Hao's eyes are full of despair again, is this a pleasure for him?
"Ah, no, stop, stop!" Dewey shouted with tears in his eyes, but his body refused to obey, and he raised the knife high.

Dewey's face was full of tears, and he couldn't hide his fear. His body was manipulated, and everything he did was not voluntary.


Ah Hao let out a tragic cry, full of sorrow, and those who saw this scene clamped their legs tightly, their faces turned pale.

Because of Dewey's knife, he slashed at the little butt below Ah Hao, and it was dripping with blood.

After this movement, many people had already gathered around, none of them stepped forward to stop them, watching indifferently.Talking all over the place.

"I recognize them, hey, is this a contradiction?"

"Aren't they the famous ones, Dewey and Wuhao?"

"It's miserable, I can't bear to look directly at it."

"Did you laugh at that fiery donkey just now? So it's them, pervert."

"Cut Sleeves"

"The forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds."

"It's our time, go in, it's none of our business."

"Look at that Dewey, the whole person is a showman, what if we are blind?"

Ling Yun and the others couldn't hear the gossip of the people around them. After Ah Hao was stabbed, a donkey and a person entered the city after paying 15 yuan of low-grade spirit stones.

Ling Yun was slightly dissatisfied with this, the agreed ten low-grade spirit stones?
But the gatekeeper said that children are half price, animals are free, Ling Yun was speechless.

Ah Hao had died tragically, and Ling Yun was satisfied with the ending, and immediately lifted the control of Dewey's mind.

Delusion is a supernatural power, and a person who has been planted with a delusion will be completely controlled by his thoughts, unless he can break the delusion in his body, or his Taoism is firm enough.

Dewey took it, and the red dandelion floating down from the sky made Ling Yun feel confused, and verified the saying that the more beautiful the more deadly it is.

The four little guys looked around and began to restless on the donkey's back. There are huge crowds of people here, people dressed in strange clothes, so lively.

"Go away, go away, a flaming donkey? Really, it's crowded enough, and you still pull the head of the monster!" The gray-clothed old man shouted loudly, really, when did mortals dare to come to Town of Beast City so boldly? It's all contempt.

The environment was too noisy, even though he was so loud, the four little guys didn't hear them, and they were curiously looking at the bits and pieces on the ground, as for the decorations, Ling Yun helped them buy a lot of weird things.

Ling Yun was also drunk when he heard this.

Look down on them?
Ha ha! !
"Hey, idiot! You lost your storage ring." Ling Yun turned his head and patted the old man in gray on the shoulder.

"Huh?" The gray-clothed old man's eyes were cold, and he shook his shoulders. Ling Yun stretched back pretending to be in pain?
If it wasn't for Town Beast City not allowing indiscriminate killing of innocents, the gray-clothed old man would have slapped Fei Lingyun long ago.

How dare a mortal pat him on the shoulder?

Tired of life! !

No one responded to being called a fool.

"Hehe, did you drop this?" Ling Yun didn't ink any ink, and got straight to the point!

After finishing the words, he pointed to a storage ring under the feet of the gray-clothed old man. This ring is extraordinary at first glance, with five dragons surrounding the ring.

The old man in gray immediately picked it up...


The little guy's heart was moved, and it felt like she had dropped it.

"Handsome, it seems that Beibei dropped it!"

"Crack! This baby's."

The three little guys want them all, they are too beautiful!
But Ji Wuxue jumped down, this child was even more shameless, shaking the robe of the old man in gray and said: "Grandpa, this is a dowry gift from my brother, can you return it to Xiaoxue?"


These little kids are too shameless, or this young man is kind, the gray-clothed old man thought in his heart,

"Ahem, you are all good boys, this is not yours." Ling Yun said.

Seeing that they were not reconciled, Ling Yun said again: "I can drink another bottle of grandma later!"


The four snacks immediately smiled at each other, what ring?To hell, milk powder is the most important thing!

The old man in gray was contemptuous, and smiled: "Yes, because it is mine, you mortals are too shameless!"

Fortunately, only Ling Yun heard this. If the little ones heard it, they would probably have to keep pestering them.

Ling Yun also smiled at the gray-clothed old man, just laughing at a fool.

"Drive! Drive..."

Ling Yun opened the way, and the little ones set off...

The gray-clothed old man was so excited. The space of this storage ring is as big as a city, which is a conservative estimate.

This time I picked up a treasure!

Suddenly panic appeared on his face, watching the ring melt into his palm.

Painless and itchy.

He didn't feel anything, he was in a hurry, how could it run into his body?

Are there ring spirits?
If this is the case, then he will send it, haha!


There was another scream, the old man in gray was in unbearable pain, he knelt on the ground first, not listening to the clothes on his chest.

Immediately afterwards, he lay on the ground and rolled around.

Everyone avoided one after another, leaving an open space to watch from a distance.

Everyone was terrified when they saw the Zixiao Divine Flame appearing in the gray-clothed old man's body.

In an instant, the clearing was empty, nothing was left!
Everyone rubbed their eyes and started yelling, yelling, what did Taishen Jun do?
Someone in the know explained right away that it was not Taishenjun who did it, it was the old man in gray who picked up a ring and caused trouble.

It is estimated that this is the ring lost by the emperor, there are taboos.

"Papa? Why are there so many people over there? We haven't been there before."

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, she hadn't been there before, did she have a sense of direction?

Didn't you just come out from the old man in gray?

"Stupid, it's that shameless old man!" Beibei reminded.

"Oh...he's dead!" Little Irene had a strong sense and basically knew it all.

"How did you die?" Sissy opened her mouth wide in disbelief.

Ling Yun said: "Hey, this old man is greedy for petty gains, and took things he shouldn't have, so he was punished!"

"Aha, I knew it was definitely not the bad old man's, aha!" Sissy curled her lips, her voice childish.

"How does my sister know?" Beibei asked curiously.

"How can a bad old man be so beautiful, baby!" Sissy replied.

Ling Yun shook his head and explained: "Qi Qian shouldn't think like this, good things are often in the hands of bad people!"

All the good things in the wrong hands?
The four little guys looked at Ling Yun together, and the latter smiled and nodded.

Qianqian said: "My papa is not a bad person!" She pursed her lips as she spoke.


The others nodded too.

Ling Yun thinks he is not a good person, but is he a bad person?Both good and evil!
(End of this chapter)

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