Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 509 News

Chapter 509 News
The gray-clothed old man was burned by the Zixiao Divine Flame, which immediately attracted the attention of the Town Lord's Mansion of Town Beast City.

make trouble?Even a god lord shouldn't mess around! !

Ling Yun didn't care what they thought of the death of the gray-clothed old man, he was taking the four little ones to a restaurant for dinner.

The task of carrying little Irene on the fire donkey has not been completed yet, and it will not be let go. Now let the restaurant boy help to feed it temporarily.

The restaurants are always overcrowded, Ling Yun arrived just as there was a table that others had finished eating, Ling Yun disliked it, the four little guys saw that there were seats and they all sat down, Ling Yun had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​changing to a better seat.

Immediately, he took out four bottles of milk powder and told them to drink quietly and not to leave their seats. He went to communicate with the shopkeeper himself, cooked a few dishes himself, and said that there would be no shortage of Lingshi.

The four little guys drank grandma quietly, with a tacit understanding, slower than drinking...

Little Irene became No.1, the first to drink fast! !
Three or two bites!

Looking eagerly, Duduzui secretly said: "Didn't her sister see her watching?"

"The milk powder hasn't been taken out yet?"

"I heard from Sissy's sister that there are so many cans that I can't count them with my fingers!"

My mouth is watering thinking about it.

The real No.1 must be Sissy. Sometimes Beibei has to wonder if her handsome uncle opened the back door for Sissy. How could she drink so slowly?

10 minutes later
Ling Yun brought a few plates of delicious dishes to the table, and the people around were not calm anymore...

They called the shopkeeper one after another and asked for a few dishes from Ling Yun's table!
This puts the storekeeper in a difficult situation, it wasn't made by the chef of their restaurant.

Knowing the specific reason, everyone was very disappointed. They didn't expect such a good delicacy to be made by that ordinary young man.

Some people are thinking carefully.

"Boy, come home with me to be my royal chef, and I'll give you five middle-grade spirit stones for a month, how about it?" said a young man with a shiny face.

Five mid-tier?

Everyone despises...

"Ten yuan from me!!" shouted an old drunk in the corner.

Is this really an auction house?

Ling Yun is speechless, isn't he low-key enough?Why do I feel like there are idiots there.

Are outstanding and handsome men envied?
The four little guys stood on the chairs together, Ling Yun taught them a lesson: "Be civilized, sit properly!"

Looking at the serious Ling Yun, the four little guys sat down quietly.

Ling Yun shook his head and smiled wryly, and helped them pick up vegetables. Only when the bowls were full of meat would they be satisfied. They quietly grilled the rice. It was the first time for little Irene to taste Ling Yun's god-level cooking skills. Meat.

Everyone looked at Lingyun Buniao and the others, and felt a little angry in their hearts.

But there is no need to care about him mortals.

Ling Yun quietly listened to the discussions around him, all about the Twelve Domains.

The content is probably...

Ghost Island and the Pisces Emperor are fighting each other. The two sides have been fighting for more than a year.

And Guidao's whereabouts are no longer erratic, just stay in Shanyuxing.

The gods in charge of the God Realm want to be a peacemaker, and I hope they will show face to the gods. It is best to go to the star field battlefield for a life-and-death duel.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Pisces didn't save any face, and even the ghost emperor disdained the God Realm. If he hadn't been sealed by Hong Tian Mozun at that time, it would be his turn to get the prestige of the God Realm, and it would be his turn to be presumptuous!
The two sides were in unison. He was so angry that his beard crooked when he despised the words of Zhongshen Zun, but there was nothing he could do about it. This is a real giant. Look around, the planet has exploded.

The Zhongshen Zun will not sit still and wait for death. After all, the God Realm is in charge. How can he return without doing anything?

When the Ghost Emperor and Pisces Emperor fought again, Zhong Shenzun couldn't stand it any longer, and rushed to their battle circle, disrupting their martial arts.

The angry Ghost Emperor and the Great Pisces teamed up for a while, and the body of the god was shattered in the beating, and the Nascent Soul fled, in a state of embarrassment!

Hearing this, Ling Yun's eyes radiated a gleam of inspiration, and the Ghost Emperor actually carried the dead cat on his shoulders. It seemed that either you died or I lived.

Shaking his head, he didn't think about it anymore, he is just a dad who earns a little salary every day and lives a leisurely life.

Then Ling Yun filled them up again, and continued to listen...

After the Temple of War announced that it was the power of Hades, they must have been complained by the monks of the twelve domains. They used to act like Hades, and they were looking for the forbidden code of demons. How could they be so stupid?
The second protector is very smart, Pluto can't sit in the Temple of War God all the time, he moved out the forbidden code of the devil and it is in the Temple of God of War, and it is regarded as a sacred scripture.

Ling Yun has no objection to this approach. What he wants is that the Temple of the God of War cannot be destroyed. The Devil's Forbidden Code is notorious, and it can deter others.

It will be more interesting to listen to later...

The identity of Lingyun Devil May Cry was actually wanted, as well as his daughters Qian Qian and Ji Wuxue.

And Qianqian's is what Xiaoyao Zhizun fled back to tell Tianmen.

After discussion, Tianmen took the lead in organizing a group of so-called righteous men, and most of the participants were immortals who were preparing to cross the catastrophe.

It's not strong enough, and the cosmetic repair is relatively low.

After publicity, many aristocratic families also joined, because sooner or later the children of their families will cross the catastrophe.

The newcomers are actually a lot of Sanxiu Immortal Emperors in the middle stage, they are preparing to overcome the physical calamity in the middle stage, this calamity may or may not be overcome.

In the end, this group of people had a lineup comparable to Tianmen, and they formed a temporary organization called the Tiandao Project Army!

There is no airtight wall in the world, and Xiaoyao Zhizun recruited people with such a big fanfare, the Demon Dragon Clan immediately heard the news. Lei Ze sent people to investigate and found that the target of the Tiandao Planning Army was Sissi, their king.

Lei Ze personally led many subordinates to conquer the Tiandao Project Army. The Demon Dragon Clan was extremely brave and defeated the Tiandao Project Army many times with powerful attacks.

But this annoyed them even more, what the hell is this dragon family doing?

The two sides have also held each other for more than half a year. The Tiandao Project Army has a steady stream of fresh blood to provide, and it will not stop, because the person who controls the Tiandao must die.

Therefore, more monks in the Twelve Domains hated the demon dragons, and even other dragons began to warn Lei Ze.

When the stewards of the God Realm found out, they wondered how a new force could be formed?
By the way, who is this little kid?
It wasn't until Nan Shenzun pointed at the wanted warrant and tremblingly said that the wanted person was the little princess, that they broke into a cold sweat from fright.

They will not believe that Sissi can control the way of heaven, because mortals cannot do it, they only know that Sissy is a cute girl.

This damned Xiaoyao Supreme wanted the daughter of the Taishang Lord?
Still lying and deceiving the world, what kind of heaven is controlled?Nonsense!

Several stewards said that when they met Xiaoyao Zhizun, they would definitely fix it viciously.

(End of this chapter)

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