Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 518

Chapter 518
Village Chief Wang who walked out of the door stopped because his robe was being pulled, and when he looked back, it was Qian Qian.

"Grandpa, grandpa!"

Her voice is very small and mysterious!
Village head Wang laughed and lowered his head to listen.

"Grandpa, the food made by my papa is delicious!"


Village head Wang is at a loss, delicious food is not his own skill, besides, people in the countryside only want food and clothing, and dare not extravagantly ask for delicious food!

Bei Bei tiptoed over and looked back at Ling Yun: "Grandpa, Shuai Shushu said, I will treat you to dinner later, thank you old man!"

Bei Bei and Sissy are two people who are pitted against Ling Yun...

But Ling Yun doesn't care, it's just an extra pair of chopsticks. Besides, they are right, they should be grateful, or they know how to be grateful.

"Hehe, it turns out that's the case. Then the old man won't be pretentious. Try the young man's handiwork. Is it really that good? I'm alone, so I don't light a fire to cook anymore."

"Grandpa, hurry up, or I won't wait for you!"

Ling Yun asked the four little guys to put one lighting crystal around the hut, and it was almost dark.

The little guy paid attention to the lighting crystals, like diamonds, they are all decided, and they will all be collected into her space tomorrow.

The thatched hut is so bright, naturally it can't attract the attention of the villagers, they are just curious, because they don't have the money to buy such high-end goods, if there are lighting crystals, the monsters would not dare to be so presumptuous at night.

Village Chief Wang came just in time...

"Young man, this, this, this cooking skill is the best in the world!" Mr. Wang praised every mouthful. It is worth it in this life to be able to eat such delicious food.

Village Chief Wang's view of Ling Yun began to be quite different. He was definitely not an ordinary person, and his strength was much higher than him, so he mistook it just now.

Ordinary people can have four lighting crystals?
One is a luxury for ordinary people, and they blatantly took it out, making it clear that they have nothing to hold.

"Village Chief Wang, I'm so honored!"

"No prize, my papa cooks the best food!" The little guy rushed to answer, and his mouth was full of greasy food.

"Haha, yes. The little boy is right!" Village Chief Wang burst out laughing.

Beibei eats quietly this time!

She took the biggest monster leg on the table, enough for her to eat.

As for the competition between Ji Wuxue and Little Irene, whoever ate more, in the end Ji Wuxue had to admit defeat.

How can this little Irene's stomach hold up better than hers?
She regretted it. She still wants to eat fruit and drink grandma later. She is full now.

With bright eyes, she has learned to exercise after meals, that is, after digesting a little, she can continue to eat later.

Before leaving, Village Chief Wang repeatedly told Ling Yun that he was fine and not to run around, and that he was optimistic about their children.

Ling Yun nodded, signaling him to rest assured that he was dismissed casually. Is there any place he can't run?
The little ones were bored at night and insisted on playing games with Ling Yun.

Ling Yun also likes to play with them, suggesting that blind people touch elephants.

The little guy was blindfolded in the first round and couldn't cheat, and the little guy couldn't touch one for a long time.

Finally, she thought of a way, took out a lollipop, and said, "No, here you are!"

Little Irene licked her mouth, walked over foolishly, smiled when she took her hand, and replied, "Thank you sister!"

The little guy caught it with his backhand: "Aha, I caught it, yeah!"

The corners of Ji Wuxue's and Beibei's mouths twitched, this is fucking fine!
Little Irene was at a loss, blinking, how did she catch her?Small brains are not enough.

In order to prevent this from happening again, Ling Yun told Little Aileen that as long as she was not caught, he would give her some lollipops.

For the lollipop, little Irene worked very hard and lost two hands in one night. Everyone had a great time, and the yard was full of their laughter.

After bathing them all, Ling Yun put them to bed, told about Journey to the West, and another episode of Black Cat Sheriff, and the four little guys went to dream with deep sleepiness.

Ling Yun set up a soundproof array to make them feel at ease.

And he sat cross-legged outside the house, closed his eyes, and guarded the place.

Late night
A scream outside the village woke up most of the villagers, and even Ling Yun went out to have a look.

At the entrance of the village, several young strong men were holding torches, while Village Chief Wang was squatting to examine a dead body, which was still alive.

"It's the Gale Wolf!"

As soon as Village Chief Wang opened his mouth, the surrounding area exploded.

"Village head! What should we do, head?" A villager asked tremblingly.

"What are you panicking about?" said another villager.

Village Chief Wang sighed: "I can understand your feelings, but what we have done is good enough!"

"Village chief, I suggest to form a team to hunt them again tomorrow!"

"I'm the first to sign up!"

"Hunting? Are you sending them to your death? That's a group of Galewind wolves, not just one. They work in groups." Village Chief Wang glared at them and cursed angrily.

At this time, Village Chief Wang saw Ling Yun in the crowd, and said angrily, "Young man, why are you here? How could you leave Xiaowa casually?"

Ling Yun shrugged and said, "He's not dead, but there's still a way to save him. Why are you so indifferent? Don't you belong to the same village? Shouldn't you be helping each other?"

Facing Ling Yun's repeated questioning, all the villagers bowed their heads, what can they do?
Village head Wang replied: "It's not that we don't want to save them, it's really helpless!"

Then he pointed to the people on the ground and said, "He is called Wang Ergou, and he is my nephew. Do you think I feel better?"

Village head Wang burst into tears, and continued: "Our village has no elixir, and being injured by the Gale Wolf is tantamount to death."

After listening to Village Chief Wang's narration for a few minutes, Ling Yun probably knew the reason. This village chief used to have quite a lot of males, and those who hunted and dug up elixir every day lived a decent life.

But one day, a group of Galewind Wolves came from the mountains outside the village, and their lives changed.

They are attacked every night. The Gale Wolf King is stronger than the village head. If not for the concerted efforts of all the villagers, the village would have been wiped out by them. Several times the villagers were organized to exterminate the wolves, but they all returned in vain. Many villagers also died.

Not to mention that the elixir cannot be collected in the mountains, and it is difficult to get out of the village...

After knowing what was going on, Ling Yun nodded and walked up to Wang Ergou, without hesitation, a holy light went down!
The villagers were stunned, and everyone looked at Wang Ergou sitting up like a ghost!
Against the sky!
this is magic
The resurrection in the eyes of the villagers.

"Senior Immortal, save our village." A villager knelt down and said.

"Save our village!"

"We'll give you all the spirit stones, and I just ask you to act in a righteous way."

All of a sudden everyone knelt down to Ling Yun, and Village Chief Wang was no exception.

Ling Yun became a powerful existence in their hearts, and it also raised a hope, they didn't want to miss the chance to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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