Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 519 Departure to Exterminate the Wolf

Chapter 519 Departure to Exterminate the Wolf
Ling Yun is not a ruthless person, from his tone and eyes, he can see that Village Chief Wang cares about Qian Qian and the others.

At first the villagers resisted them and did not suggest letting Ling Yun and the others stay overnight, but in the end, Village Chief Wang tried his best to let them stay overnight in the village tonight, claiming that Village Chief Wang was responsible for the accident. mouth.

"Get up, I will arrange this matter tomorrow. You guys are so remote and backward here, you really should go out for a walk. The Wuhun Continent is so powerful, but you are still so weak, can't you justify it?"

"Senior Immortal is right, we have planned to go out a long time ago, didn't we catch up with the Gale Wolf." A villager said truthfully.

Village Chief Wang even changed his address to Ling Yun, saying, "Senior, thank you very much."

"You're welcome, it's late at night and I should go back!" Ling Yun waved his hand, and a figure disappeared in three steps from the sight of the villagers.

Village Chief Wang thought to himself, what a fairy, he is so envious of this movement.

"Village chief, are we still on vigil?" A villager was a little scared, looking around and asking.

"Watch, keep watch at the entrance of the village, and shout if there is any movement!" Village Chief Wang rolled his eyes at him and suggested.

"Uncle? What's wrong with me?" Wang Ergou just came back to his senses, he thought he was dreaming just now!
All the villagers laughed loudly and said, "It's late at night, sleep..."

"Ergou, you have saved your life"

"Just now? Am I really hopeless?" Wang Ergou asked with a pale face.

"Yes, thanks to Senior, we must thank him well tomorrow!"

After finishing speaking, Village Chief Wang went back, leaving Ergou with a look of astonishment on his face. His injuries are really gone, and now he is so fierce!

Nothing in the night

early morning
Ling Yun was still sitting cross-legged on the ground.

The door creaked open, little Irene ran over to look at Ling Yun and said, "Brother, I know a lot of things!"

Ling Yun asked: "What will happen?"

"Fire, water..."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Ling Yun hurriedly interrupted.

"There's more, there's..."

Ling Yun asked speechlessly: "I know all of these, what else will little Irene have?"

Little Irene thought and thought, and after a while: "Little Irene knows how to eat, and eats a lot!"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, they are all snacks!
Seeing that Ling Yun didn't speak, little Irene couldn't help but said, "Brother, is there grandma?"


A bottle of grandma was handed over to her immediately, she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, but Ling Yun asked her to wash her face first.

The three little guys were woken up by little Irene, can they not wake up, little Irene was sucking at the bedside and watching them, drinking loudly.

There were villagers kneeling outside, but no one dared to disturb Ling Yun.

The longer the time, the more people kneeling outside!
The four little guys looked at so many people outside and scratched their heads.

Ling Yun walked out, and said lightly: "Get up, we will destroy the Gale Wolf now, and give you peace!"

"Thank you, Senior Immortal!"

The joy that couldn't be concealed on the faces of the villagers kowtowed repeatedly before they dared to stand up. Several villagers filled a basket of eggs and said that they wanted to make up for Ling Yun!

Why does this sound so awkward.

The four little ones were extremely excited, feeling that the fun was coming!
came to the entrance of the village
Village Chief Wang said: "Senior, I'll arrange some experienced people in the village to guide you!"

Ling Yun waved his hand and said, "No need, I already know where they are!"

Village Chief Wang didn't force it. He saw Ling Yun taking the four little guys away before he realized it, and hurriedly shouted: "Senior, stay away, how can you take them with you? Isn't this just nonsense?"

The tone became more and more excited, and all the villagers were sweating, how could the village head be so unreasonable to the senior immortal.

Ling Yun didn't answer him a word, and continued to lead them away...

Some villagers suspected that Ling Yun and the others couldn't be liars, could they?

Wait, what if you go away?

Village Chief Wang wouldn't doubt it, because the fiery donkey was still there, and after Ling Yun and the others left, he waited anxiously at the entrance of the village.

"Gourd baby, gourd baby, a..."


The singing of the four little guys along the way attracted many low-level monsters!
"Come out!"

Ling Yun frowned and stopped walking.

"Hello, Immortal!" Wang Ergou walked out from behind a tree with a smile on his face.

"Why did you follow us?" Ling Yun asked.

"I...I want to see the power of the immortals, and I'm worried that you will go the wrong way..." Wang Ergou said with a silly smile, embarrassed

"Follow me!" Ling Yun nodded, agreeing, and he, Wang Ergou, was honest, if he had disagreed just now, Ling Yun would crush him directly.

"Thank you fairy!"

"Papa, where are we going?"

"just looking around."

"Handsome, can Beibei lead the way?" Beibei took out her Jingu sword, shaking it!
Wang Ergou swallowed his saliva, is this a spiritual weapon?Fairy?I have learned a lot!I haven't been to Town Beast City many times since I was a child.

Ling Yun nodded, telling her to be careful not to get hurt.

"Uncle, I will go too"

"My baby is going too..."

Both Ji Wuxue and little Ailin are with Beibei, only Qian Qian, the ghost, haunts Ling Yun.

"Sissy, why are you looking at Dad?" Ling Yun asked strangely when he noticed that the little guy was walking and staring at him.

"Papa, there is nothing in Grandpa's house!"

"How do you know if you haven't been to his house?"

"Sissy just knows."

"Then what do you want?"

"There are also some children, they are so pitiful..." The little guy was full of sympathy, and his tone was a little sad!
"That's right, sometimes no one hurts, you can't eat enough, you can't wear warm clothes!" Ling Yun sighed a little, isn't this the reality, and Blue Star also has it.

"Can't we, can't we help them?" The little guy continued to sympathize.

"What good solution did Qianqian think of?" Ling Yun asked her back with a smile.

"It's just... just for them to eat!" The little guy said embarrassedly.

Then he added: "It's really pitiful, those kids don't have lollipops, ice cream, or the instant noodles that my aunt loves to eat!"

Ling Yun's head is full of black lines, how can there be such things here, it is good to eat monster meat, to keep fit, the children in that village are young, and their bodies can match the body of a ten-year-old Blue Star kid.

Listening to their conversation, Wang Ergou found it strange, but he couldn't understand it. It must be the outside world. He was determined to go out to see and see, and he couldn't just waste his life like this.

"Father, here's a note for you. You work hard to fight the monsters, and bring them back the monster meat, so they can eat enough, right? With the quality of life and money, you can buy lollipops and ice cream , instant noodles!"

When Qianqian heard it, it seemed to make sense, she nodded happily, showing her white teeth.

As I was walking, the little guy tripped...

Ling Yun's hands and feet were quick, and he wanted to help her up, but the little guy shouted: "Papa, Qianqian can get up by herself, she has grown up!"

(End of this chapter)

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