Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 521 Wind Valley

Chapter 521 Wind Valley

Since it is a misunderstanding, let's see how to misunderstand the law!

Ling Yun continued to ask: "Since the conflict already exists, why did you choose to stay here? You are outsiders!"

"I'm sorry." The wolf king said dejectedly, with a helpless tone.

"Why were you displaced before? Come here?"

"A year ago, where we used to live, three powerful monks came. They occupied our homeland and killed many tribesmen."


"I do know that a group of strange flames will be born there soon!"

"Interesting, the strange fire is definitely not born, and they are all there."

"My lord, don't go there, those three monks are very powerful."

Ling Yun smiled, there was no place he couldn't go to.

Different fire?

Then see what the fire is!
These little guys are jealous of those strange fires.

How can I let it go!
Then he asked again: "I have a question, can't you and that village live in peace?"

"I didn't think about it before, and I don't want to now..."

"What if I order you?" Ling Yun's tone suddenly changed, causing the wolf king to tremble.

"I... my great... great Gale Wolf... the wolf king just listens to you!"

"Well, I prefer well-behaved animals, you are not bad!" Ling Yun praised.

Ling Yun's arrangement is to hope that Gale Wolf will protect the village, and usually help with hunting and so on. Isn't life very good!

The life of the villagers can be improved, and Qianqian is sure to be happy, thinking about Ling Yun and laughing again.

Call it a day.

It really kills two birds with one stone!
The villagers are no longer threatened, but also get help...

"Papa, what's the matter?"

The little guy asked, she found that her father had been motionless for a long time, and he didn't speak, and there were a few expressions when he came out.

"Dad is fine!"

Then he said, "Let's go back!"


The four little guys were dumbfounded, didn't they fight monsters?The wolf in front of me is not dead yet!
"Stop fighting, they are all good friends of the villagers." Ling Yun said foolishly.

In this way, they all seemed to understand but nodded. Good friends don't call good friends.

Shocked by Wang Ergou, Ling Yun took the little ones and a pack of wolves back to the village, and beat a few monsters on the way.

at the entrance of the village

The villagers standing guard all the way were shocked when they saw this phenomenon.

For a while, the village exploded!

"Senior Immortal? What's the matter with...the group of Galewind Wolves behind?"

asked a timid villager.

Ling Yun replied: "I have subdued this group of Gale Wolves!"

"Okay! Immortals are amazing!" Compliments one after another, what a bunch of sycophants!

"I won't say much, I plan to keep these Gale Wolves in the village!"

"No..." Village Chief Wang refused immediately!
The wolf stays?
Isn't it a mouse into a rice bowl?

He doesn't agree with death.

"I know your worries, don't worry, I've arranged everything!"

As Ling Yun spoke, he drew out a drop of blood from between the eyebrows of Village Chief Wang, and another drop of blood from the Wolf King, and the two mixed in the air.

No one knows what the immortal means are for.

Ling Yun made the village head swallow the mixed blood!
For a moment, Village Chief Wang was stunned. He was able to command the wolf king, as if the wolf was his contracted monster.

But it's not a contract, the wolf king won't die after he dies, and the wolf king won't have murderous intentions towards him, which is very different from contracted monsters.

I have to admire Ling Yun's method. In Village Chief Wang's heart, Ling Yun's image has become a bit bigger.

"Village Chief, are you satisfied?" Ling Yun asked with a smile.

"Thank you senior!"

"Thank my daughter, it was her idea!"

"Thank you, thank you so much!" Village Elder Wang knelt down to Ling Yun and the others with tears in his eyes.

Qianqian said: "Don't cry, don't cry!"

Everyone laughed, why is it so cute.

In order to reward Ling Yun, the villagers took out all the food, Ling Yun waved his hand, he did not lack these.

When Beibei took out the irritable pig, they were stunned. They were so insignificant that they were all embarrassed.

after lunch

Bei Bei curled her lips, rewarding a piece of meat?

After trying to understand, she angrily beat Ling Yun's chest.

Little Irene went to lead the fire donkey, Sissy should have secretly put more than ten top-quality spirit stones in the village head's house,

ready to go

After bidding farewell to the villagers, Ling Yun went directly to the place where the strange fire was born, ready to subdue the strange fire!
After sweeping and re-scanning the nearby mountains tens of thousands of miles away, Ling Yun finally smiled!
Although the birth time of Yihuo was still a little short, it was not a problem to have him around.

"Papa, where are we going?" The little guy couldn't figure out the direction.

Little Eileen said: "Baby knows, it must be my brother who wants to take us to find something to eat!"

"Ha ha!"

The four little guys giggled.

Ling Yun hurriedly interrupted: "Choose one of Chi and Baby."

"Baby Baby!"


One by one shouted around Ling Yun, their eyes were shining, and their faces were full of excitement.

Ling Yun doesn't intend to let them go, if they go where?How many days and nights?

Then go straight through the black hole!
Valley of the Wind

This is where the Gale Wolf lived!

The surrounding woods are lush, only the valley is empty, it is very hot there, and not far away are three old men fighting!

An old woman, the elder of the Tianmen of the Twelve Realms, nicknamed the Black Widow, was thirteen in the late period of the Immortal Emperor.

The others are two old men, one in black is Wuhun Continent, Wulin Hao from the Wu family, titled Wulin Supreme, and thirteen in the late period of Immortal Emperor.

The last one was wearing a green robe with a childlike face and hefa hair. He was Situ Haonan's second uncle, Situ Ba, and he had the same cultivation level.

They have been here for a year, have fought for a year and guarded the different fire for a year.

at the moment
one more month
Alien Fire will be born.

So they are dueling, lose and exit, and the winner can take away the strange fire.

As soon as Ling Yun and the others came out, the surrounding area was very quiet, and the four little guys watched the three of them fighting together.

Then suddenly, Wu Linhao, who was the first to see them, was startled, distracted for a moment, and was slapped away by the palm of the opposite black widow.

Black Widow, secretly proud.

"Who are you?" Situ Ba stared at Ling Yun coldly and shouted loudly.

Situ Ba knew when Wu Linhao was shot flying. He was also full of anger. Did he come to fight with them?

The black widow was startled immediately, and when she looked back, her eyes widened. No wonder Wu Linhao was so unnatural just now, it turned out that someone interfered with him.

"I'll just take a look, you guys continue..." Ling Yun shrugged and said indifferently.

Ling Yun was a little embarrassed to interrupt their fight.

sin, sin.

"Hmph, brat, die!" The black widow's eyes flashed fiercely, she stepped directly in front of Ling Yun and the others, and immediately slapped her with a black palm.

The four little guys hid behind Ling Yun's feet together.

Ling Yun likes to fight at the slightest disagreement, and with a wave of his right hand, he broke her palm and knocked the black widow back.

Situ Ba stood not far away, frowning slightly. He knew the strength of the Black Widow very well, so how could he be pushed back?

Who is this man who suddenly appeared here?

The formations they set up can break in at will, and they also bring four babies?


(End of this chapter)

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