Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 522 Show?die

Chapter 522 Show?die
The four little guys clapped their hands, not afraid anymore, and came out to make faces at the black widow.

The angry black widow is full of flesh, and she looks like a boudoir and resentful woman.

Seeing Ling Yun's appearance, the black widow frowned slightly, with a flash of anger and a chill in her eyes.

If it were an ordinary person, seeing her like this would definitely scare the shit out of me!

"Papa, she is a bad old man!"

Beibei immediately retorted: "Sister, she's an old woman!" After she finished speaking, she curled her lips, it was the first time she saw such a fierce old woman, her small eyes never left the black widow.

The little guy looked the black widow up and down, and couldn't tell she was an old woman.

No wonder she couldn't see that the black widow looked like a man, with a wrinkled face and no long hair.

The black widow who was shocked back was not convinced, it was obvious that she was blindfolded by anger, and she couldn't think about why Ling Yun was here, why she could dissolve her palms with a wave of her hand, she was really elm-headed and hopeless.

Situ Ba can obviously help the Black Widow, or remind Ling Yun that it's not easy, but he has the attitude of watching a show.

This Situ Ba is also selfish, let them fight, he is not like the black widow, who is brave and has no brains, he is waiting to reap the benefits of the fisherman, so why not do it.

"Show yourself, my children!" The black widow kept chanting something, but she dawdled for a long time.

"Uncle, which one is it?" Ji Wuxue pointed to the spider protruding from the ground in the distance.

Because it was a little far away, Ji Wuxue rubbed her eyes and couldn't tell the difference after looking at it for a long time.

Those spiders are the size of an adult's fist, with one eye!

Densely packed, gathering!

"This is a poisonous spider, it hurts to be bitten!"

Ling Yun half-jokingly replied, his eyes flashed brightly, originally he wanted to be quiet and just take away the strange fire in a low-key manner, but he never thought about why this old woman is so ignorant, he should have slapped her to death just now, wouldn't it be better to kill her instantly.


Seeing that the fur was numb, the four little guys gasped.

"Little Irene, breathe fire!" Beibei suggested.

The few of them know that little Irene is playful, and many monsters were burned by her before.


Little Irene took a step forward, and immediately spewed out long flames.

It worked quite well, and a lot of people were burned to death, but her ability was limited, and there were more and more spiders, slowly crawling over.

"Let my children have a full meal, haha!" The black widow looked up to the sky and laughed, and then killed Ling Yun...

Ling Yun was speechless, there was so much nonsense!

"Sissy, and you, read with me!"


Ling Yun clasped his hands together in front of his chest!

The four little guys just followed, imitating everything!
With milk in his mouth, he said: "Amitabha!"

"Purdue all sentient beings"

"Purdue all sentient beings"

Following the words of Ling Yun and the little guys!

With their palms together, a faint golden light burst out, and then a dazzling golden light flashed past the spider and rushed towards the black widow.


a scream...

After the golden light flashed, the surroundings were quiet.

What kind of spider, black widow, there is no hair left, and the scum that was directly exterminated is gone!
Situ Ba slapped himself crazily. It was true that he was trembling after suffering from an illusion. He didn't know what to do.

This man is terrifying!
"Aha, Papa, did they run away?" The little guy didn't know what happened. Just now she closed her eyes and didn't see anything. When she heard the scream, she opened her eyes, but nothing happened. .

"I must have run away, you coward!" Ji Wuxue slumped her small shoulders, speechless.

"Stupid, I'm dead!" Beibei knew it, and her tone was very sure.

Called so badly?
It must be, and besides, her handsome uncle will definitely kill this kind of villain if he takes action. This is her usual theory, not to mention, he is smart enough!
"Haha, I'm dead!" Little Irene laughed and jumped up and clapped her hands. The feeling just now was wonderful. Her little palm had a golden light, and it could destroy the enemy. I wondered what kind of martial skill it was, and it could also drive them.

"Father, how can these scary things be let go? What if they come out again and bite cute children? That dead old woman will definitely eat children." Ling Yun said seriously.

Only the brazen Ling Yun can talk about murder so beautifully.

"Ah, it's too bad to eat children." Sissy cursed angrily.

The little fellows also nodded, seeing that the old woman is not a good person, since spiders bite people, she must also eat people.

Wu Linhao is back, it seems that he flew quite far!

I may have rested halfway, and my body is not hurt at all.

As soon as he came back, he glared at Ling Yun!

Said: "You son of a bitch, are you looking for death, dare to disturb our fight?"

"Huh?" Ling Yun frowned.Is this scolding him?Still so dragging, unforgivable.

Just as she was about to speak, Beibei said, "Handsome Shushu, he scolded you!"

"Uncle, Xiaoxue heard it, and he scolded you!"

"My baby heard it too, he called my brother a turtle in the sea!"

"Turtle?'s a bastard!" Sissy retorted.

"Haha, it's bastard!" Beibei laughed loudly, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

"It's not just bastards!" Ji Wuxue said.

Beibei made up the knife: "He also swears!"

"Oh..." Sissy got angry, she hated people scolding her father the most, especially with foul language, and then glared at Wu Linhao!
Wu Linhao gritted his teeth, trembling all over with anger, and shouted, "Fuck your mother! What are you staring at?"

"Papa, listen!" Cici stamped her feet angrily.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth gave an evil smile...

Seeing Situ Ba's situation is not good, the black widow is already dead, Wu Linhao can't be allowed to die too, otherwise he will be the only one left, he is definitely not the opponent!

"Old Wu, shut up!" Situ Ba yelled.

When Situ Ba's voice suddenly appeared, Ling Yun just let them live for a few more seconds.

"Situ Ba, what do you mean?" Wu Linhao's tone was very bad, he didn't understand why he was scolding him?He is also angry!
"You're enough!" Situ Ba shouted again, his eyes slanted to the sky.

This idiot Wu Linhao didn't look at it at all, and said again: "Why can't you wait to fight with me? Don't worry, after I kill this idiot and a few lifeless kids, I will satisfy your request..."

Situ Ba cursed secretly, this idiot, can't you see the situation clearly? The man opposite him is full of murderous aura. Hao's next death.

"Haha, the strange fire is mine... Cough cough! Cough cough..."

Wu Linhao was directly grabbed by Ling Yun and pinched in the void!
His screams turned into coughing, his mouth was full of blood,

"Old Wu!"

"Let's go with peace of mind, you are too stupid, you have brought it on yourself, no wonder me." Situ Ba covered his eyes and said a few words.

Then immediately turned around and shattered the void.

He found out that it couldn't be broken, and was dumbfounded.

He desperately found out that this was the supernatural power of his nephew Situ Haonan!
The entire Martial Soul Continent is forbidden to shatter the void, but here comes the question, how did that terrifying man get here just now?

(End of this chapter)

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