Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 527 Bloody Windy Night

Chapter 527 Bloody Windy Night

Who is that young man in the blindfold?
What is his purpose.

Is it an enemy of Wuhun Continent?

In the end, a few monks talked about the appearance of little Irene, and they were furious. It turned out to be the endless sea!
Looking for revenge...

Come on then!

Almost all the families in the Wu family city participated in this plan, whoever has more of them is afraid of whom!

The head of the Wu family village asked the city lord, Chen Feng, to notify Xiafeng Leizong to come and collect the corpse!
This young man should be in the city with his child. After figuring it out, several families joined forces to try to seize little Irene's skills and martial spirit again!

And temporarily block the news, don't let Da Situ know, who doesn't want to lose a share of the pie.

Night falls
It will be another bloody night!
The four little guys are really quiet tonight, just listening to Ling Yun telling stories in the room.

"Papa, I miss you so much!"

"Want to go back?" Ling Yun asked.

"In no mood…"

"Oh!" Ling Yun was speechless, so what did she mean?
"Only mother is good in this world..." Bei Bei suddenly started singing, and the little guy followed, his eyes were red.

Ji Wuxue wouldn't, it was the first time she heard it, but she was very sad.

Little Eileen was crying.

Ling Yun coaxed: "Only a father is good in this world, and a child with a father is like a treasure!"

"Aha!" The little guy smiled instantly, and said, "No, no, there is Ma Ma, only parents are good in the world, and children with parents..."

"Sister is amazing!" Beibei convinced her, which also reminded her.

"Haha, Sissy is so smart!" Ling Yun kissed her cheek, making her laugh out loud.

I have to praise this kid...

For a moment, the room was full of warmth, Ling Yun was amused, there are so many people outside?
You know it all!
The entire inn was surrounded, and they all had a lot of background!
"Papa..." The little guy felt a lot of dangerous aura around him, and he didn't know if he felt wrong, so he asked Ling Yun.

"Sissy is awesome!" Ling Yun kissed again!
"Brother, naughty, naughty!" Little Irene began to cry restlessly.

"Handsome Shushu, are you going to beat them up!" As he spoke, he waved his small fist, and then released Bai Yan and said, "Handsome Shushu, my sister has a puppet..." He was still laughing!

"Yes, just beat them, they are broken!" Ling Yun smiled slightly, and continued: "Your puppets can't beat them, let me do it, and I promise to let them know their mistakes forever!"

"Uncle, can we still play?"

"No!" Ling Yun refused!Be careful to play with their little lives.

The four little guys pout their mouths, they can only watch the show!

According to several of their requests, Ling Yun helped them find a good place in the room, just for the convenience of watching the play.

"You wait for the ants, come to die?"

Ling Yun's arrogant voice resounded throughout the Wu Family City, and then, no matter how surprised the outsiders were, he rushed to the roof with little Irene in his arms.

The three little guys below pouted, why did they bring little Irene together to look at the hole in the roof, they stood there stupidly, and the pieces of wood fell to both sides.

"Hmph, you don't know how to live or die. You are the one who deserves to die. Hand her over and commit suicide."

The one who opened the mouth is the suzerain of the Raging Fire Sect!
In view of Ling Yun's high risk factor, they are all Immortal Emperors at the same level as Fenglei Wudi this time, and each family has a representative!
The head of the Lieyang Sect, Liu Tian, ​​the ancestor of the Wuxing Sect, the elder of the Yang family, Yang Tieqing, the elder of the Liu family, Liu Kong, and the Wu family are Wu Datou who just came back, acquaintances!
Of the six major forces in Wujia City, five came, but the City Lord's Mansion did not come!

Ling Yun appeared handsomely, but Wu Datou found out that he was an acquaintance, so he just sat up and drank, he would not make a move, and he decided to make a move if necessary, anyway, he was old anyway.

"It's really crazy!"

As Liu Kong said, he directly tested Ling Yun's skills a little, raised one foot and kicked, and the terrifying foot was shaped like a monster's sharp claws and rushed to Ling Yun who was on the roof.

To their little surprise, Ling Yun didn't move at all, and Liu Kong's kick was resolved, and then they began to frown and think deeply.

Five against one?

Have you done it?
It should be alright, he already killed Emperor Fenglei Wu, he probably doesn't have that much strength, and he doesn't have enough time to recover.

The five of them teamed up can beat two Fenglei Wudi.

They miscalculated, Wu Datou will not participate!

"Bad lewdness, bad lewdness!" Little Irene huffed angrily, spitting fire and water.

Liu Tian, ​​the patriarch of the Invisible Gate, laughed loudly: "It's really a monstrosity, the Endless Sea may really be a treasure."

"Well, let's go together and capture her alive. She has a lot of secrets." Yang Tieqing said.

"Brother, brother!" Little Irene couldn't help them, and turned around anxiously!
A ball of fire appeared in Ling Yun's right hand, and he said to Irene: "Eat it!"

Little Irene opened her mouth and swallowed it all at once.

"Ha, ha! Ha! It's so spicy!" Little Irene kept exhaling, the fire was too hot.

That little look is so cute.

"Huh, the roar of the fire dragon."

Little Irene, who felt her mouth getting hotter and hotter, couldn't help it anymore, the fire in her body burst out of her mouth immediately.

Shooting at the five of them, Wu Datou was the fastest to get away.

Even though many people nearby have been dismissed, many people are still affected.

The three little guys in the room exclaimed and wanted to run out to see it.

Even Yang Tieqing, who couldn't escape, had his hand melted off, and he had to cut off his own hand immediately, otherwise it would spread all over his body!
This is also a bit conceited, little Irene's fire dragon roars, he still despises it!

Liu Kong, who came back to his senses, gasped, leaving a scorching deep pit in front of the inn.

What the hell is that fire?
It was so horrible to eat it!
The head of Agni Fire Sect's scalp is numb!
He couldn't say a word, and he almost didn't shake his feet.

If they didn't run away just now, they'd all be dead, what a freak!
The ancestor of Wuxingmen ran away, he felt that Ling Yun was terrifying, and there were still a lot of hole cards left, so he was very smart.

He said directly: "Everyone, hold on, I'll go rescue the soldiers!" As he said, he ran away in the air, pretending to be injured just now, and covered his heart.

Liu Kong gave a loud voice: "Bah, you are afraid of death!" Obviously he knew that Liu Tian was not injured.

"Liu Kong, kill them!" Yang Tieqing gritted his teeth, his eyes were bloodshot, he was so angry that he even forgot their purpose, they agreed to capture them alive.

Liu Kong ignored him directly, but stared at Ling Yun on the roof!
The lord of the Raging Fire Sect jumped down to inspect Yang Tieqing's injuries, and found that he was indeed seriously injured, and he must have swallowed a lot of pills.

The Invisible Gate Patriarch Liu escaped, but...

Ling Yun won't let them go, they are all delivered to their door, and he thinks he has no temper?
A heart-piercing scream in the distance made Yang Tieqing tremble while sweating profusely.

Liu Kong frowned, that voice was the ancestor of Wuxingmen, what happened?
Didn't he run away?

The sound is so miserable, needless to say, Liu Tian, ​​the patriarch of the Intangible Gate, has already received the lunch box!

(End of this chapter)

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