Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 528 is too weak

Chapter 528 is too weak

When the ancestor of the Intangible Gate ran, he was quite happy. Unexpectedly, what frightened him was that there was Ling Yun holding a sword in front of him.

While he was desperate, his limbs were cut off directly.

In the end, the sword pierced his dantian!
His cultivation base was abolished, and the Nascent Soul was also pierced, hate it.

His last words were a scream. He thought he was the smartest, but in the end he was the first to die!


If you knew it earlier, you shouldn't be greedy, and you will risk your life.

"Liu Kong, should we go back first?" The Patriarch of the Lieyang Sect suggested, feeling that Ling Yun was so overbearing, which made him very uneasy.

"If you want to retreat, you will retreat. They are all people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, Wu Datou, when do you want to watch the show?" Liu Kong narrowed his eyes and his face became fleshy.

Wu Datou was in the distance, took a sip of wine and said, "Our Wu Family Manor quits!"

A very direct sentence made Liu Kong angry.

"You can make the decision?" Liu Kong calmed down and said coldly.

"No, but I don't want to die!" Wu Datou smiled wryly, Ling Yun's power was beyond his imagination, and Liu Kong was so arrogant!

"Sister, it's Grandpa Land!" The little guy shouted when he saw Wu Datou, but because of Lingyun's sound insulation array, it was all for nothing, and Wu Datou and the others couldn't see Qianqian and the others.

"Well, it must have helped us beat the old man, we can't let them catch little Irene!" Beibei scratched her fist angrily.

Ji Wuxue also followed Sissi and shouted foolishly!
"You, you are so mad at me!" Liu Kong glared at Wu Datou and Lieyang Sect Master, Wuhun was activated, it was a baboon!
Eight feet high!
Little Ailin was terrified when she saw it, so she hid behind Ling Yun and poked her head out.

Ling Yun stroked his chin, and stretched out his hand to grab it!
Liu Kong's martial soul was actually captured by it.

"Let go, let go! Spare me." Liu Kong suffered from pain and couldn't take back his martial soul.

Seeing this, the Patriarch of the Lieyang Sect learned from Liu Tian, ​​the patriarch of the Intangible Sect, and ran away.

Angry Yang Tieqing didn't want to think about anything, so he raised the big knife and chopped it off.

one knife one knife
Chop to the roof where Ling Yun is!

bang bang

His knife just cuts on a layer of shield, it is too weak, it can't even cut through a shield, I really don't understand what use they are!

Ling Yun didn't have time to take care of him, so he directly pulled out Liu Kong's martial soul.


pain!Liu Kong had never experienced such pain before, it was many times more painful than Du Jie, and he passed out immediately.

"Little Irene, do you want to eat?" Ling Yun asked while grabbing the Wuhun baboon.

Little Irene was stunned, grasping the martial spirit with bare hands?
Her brother is amazing!

"Yes, can the baby eat?"

"Of course." After Ling Yun replied, he squeezed the Wuhun baboon into a golden pill and put it into little Irene's mouth.

"Sweet, brother, is there any more?" Little Irene licked her mouth after eating the delicious food, with endless aftertaste.

Wu Datou's wine gourd shattered all over the floor!
Can Wuhun catch it?

Thinking about it makes me shudder!
This person cannot be an enemy, he must return to Wujiazhuang, and warn them, don't recklessly provoke this evil star!

There are only two left, Yang Tieqing and the escaping Lieyang Sect master!

Yang Tieqing was lifted up by Ling Yun, his eyes were still bloodshot, and he looked at Ling Yun angrily, without giving in at all.

"get out!"

Directly shattering his Nascent Soul, Ling Yun threw him aside!
Liu Kong fell into a faint and received a lunch box!

The lord of the Lieyang Sect who had already fled home ordered everyone to open any formations and prepare for the battle!

Ling Yun didn't come in from the outside, but there was a phantom waiting for him in his room!
"Senior, I'm damned, I'm cheap, I'm cruel, I'm ignorant..."

When the head of the Lieyang Sect saw Ling Yun, he knelt in fright. The higher his cultivation level, the more afraid of death he would be.

"Interesting, it's okay to let you go!"

"Senior, tell me, no matter whether it's going up the mountain of swords or going down into the sea of ​​fire, I will do anything that hurts nature and reason!"

Ling Yun kicked him straight away and continued: "Tell them, I've been seriously injured, and it's all paid for by your sacrifice!"

“good good”

Hearing the satisfactory answer from the Patriarch of Lieyang Sect, Ling Yun was still worried, and took his soul, which really shocked him!
Catch the soul with bare hands?

Who is he?
What five enemies one?

He couldn't kill ten of the perverts in front of him.

"This is your soul, have you sensed it? It's so lively!" Ling Yun looked at the struggling soul in his hand and said with a smile.

"Senior, ah! Don't pinch, I am obedient, I will do as I am, a dog... a loyal dog!"

The Patriarch of the Raging Fire Sect turned pale, and his face was covered with sweat from the pain!

"Well, I like obedient puppies, bark twice to listen."

"Wang Wang Wang."

"You're so obedient, haha!" After Ling Yun finished speaking, he withdrew his soul phantom.


The lord of the Lieyang Sect, who was kneeling on the ground, was lying on the ground, panting like a puppy tired from playing, and it felt really good to get his life back.

On the roof

Ling Yun and Wu Datou looked at each other, a smile appeared on the corner of their mouths, Wu Datou was so scared that he didn't dare to breathe.

Good thing it was a friendly smile...

Wu Datou reluctantly responded with a smile, and just watched Ling Yun disappear.

It's quiet all around...

But no one dared to step into the battlefield!

City Lord Dust Wind was just outside the battle circle, trembling as he looked at the corpse of the ancestor of the Wuxing Sect.

All the people in Wujiazhuang were dispatched, as if they were waiting for an order.

But Wu Datou, who was safe and sound, had Ling Yun's divine sense in his mind, which meant that he didn't participate in the battle at that time, so he didn't know anything.

But Wu Datou still reminded him by insinuating, Patriarch of the Wu family, don't mess with Ling Yun!


In exchange for ridicule and scolding!

Because they all heard that Ling Yun was seriously injured, and any ordinary immortal emperor could kill him.

With so many people, they just want to flatten the inn inside!
Ling Yun didn't want to end them so quickly...

It's not appropriate to zoom in here, and the other Ziwei Tianzhen has what he needs, and he doesn't want to destroy this martial arts city!
"Papa, are all the bad guys dead?" After the little guy came down from Lingyun, he kept pestering him and asking around.

"Almost dead."

"Handsome, it's so noisy outside!" Beibei tugged at her ears, feeling a little annoyed.

"Brother, fire... eat! Fire!"

What Little Irene meant was that she wanted to eat the fire just now, and spray it again.

"No..." Ling Yun refused!
Then he said: "Okay, it's late, I can't sleep here, follow me!"

A snap of fingers, a black hole.

Ling Yun greeted the fiery donkey, led them and walked inside.

The four little guys are curious, where are they going if they stay up so late?
Are you going to play again?
Ling Yun is not going to play, he is going to forcibly break into the Ziwei Heavenly Formation tomorrow, so he can't take them with him.

In Wuhun Continent, the only one who knows them well is Mrs. Ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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