Grandpa Supreme

529 Forbidden Land

529 Forbidden Land
Time City

The No. [-] city in Wuhun Continent, the owner of the city is a mighty general!
Overlord Situ Haonan base camp.



"Let go of my concubine, you bastard, go away, don't come over... me!" Madam Ghost yelled, her face turning pale.

"Haha, Concubine're still so cute..." Situ Haonan lifted Madam Ghost's chin with his right hand!

" are despicable, have you ever cared about your nephew's feelings so much?"

"Haha, that's what I like!" Situ Haonan shook his head and said.

Mrs. Gui didn't expect Situ Haonan to be so bold.

"Go away, go away..."

Situ Haonan said softly: "What is mine is mine after all, you will always be my plaything..."

"Why don't I play in advance now!"

After speaking, he tore off the iron chains on Madam Ghost's body, one by one!

"No, you go away!" Madam Gui never expected that Situ Haonan would be so forthright?Such a mess.

"Who is it? Come out!" Feeling a dangerous aura, Situ Haonan stared at him, and immediately shouted into the air.

From a small black hole in the air, a fist rushed out, Situ Haonan frowned, and he also punched it right.

boom! !

Like sparks, Situ Haonan was shocked back a few steps.

And the little black hole punched out again, this punch was more powerful than before, Situ Haonan's special avatar was blasted to pieces.

"Damn it, don't let me know who you are, spoil Lao Tzu's good deeds, just wait for me." Situ Haonan's unwilling voice surrounded the surroundings.

after a while

While Mrs. Ghost was surprised, she secretly rejoiced that it was almost over.

Who saved himself?

She seems to have seen that little black hole before!

Can't remember again.

Under the gaze of Mrs. Ghost, the black hole exclusively owned by Pluto instantly grew larger. Her eyes widened and her face was full of fear. Pluto is not dead?

It's deceiving the world again!

Why did you suddenly find her?

"Aha, aha!"

Laughter came from the black hole!
Is it a hallucination?

That was the laughter of her goddaughter Sissy, how could she be in the black hole, could it be that she was caught by Hades.

Immediately, she tried her best to break free from the chain, her shoulder continued to bleed, but she still held back the severe pain, her daughter was in danger...

The first one to come out was the mischievous little Irene, with beautiful eyes looking at Mrs. Ghost, big eyes to small eyes.

"Huh?" Little Irene looked at the unfamiliar environment, thought it was her Dragon Palace, and curled her small mouth.

"Aha, Sissy is here to hunt for treasure!" The little guy was sure that her father would not go back so soon, feeling that the opposite side was not Blue Star either.


Mrs. Ghost shouted.

"Sister? It's in the back!" Little Irene answered and looked at the embarrassed Mrs. Ghost curiously. She was so beautiful. It was the first time she saw such a beautiful woman.

"Yan Mama!"

As soon as Qianxi came out, she was pleasantly surprised, and finally saw her godmother, but she cried after just two steps, Mrs. Ghost is miserable, there is blood dripping on the ground, and her shirt is gone.

"Wow, Yan Mama..."

"Don't cry, godmother is fine." Mrs. Ghost forced a smile.

Beibei came out with red eyes: "Godmother!" Rubbing his eyes with his little fist, he trotted all the way.

"You... are all here?" Mrs. Ghost was secretly surprised, her mind was full of doubts.

Ling Yun didn't have any pretense, just his true face, leading Ji Wuxue out.

And Ji Wuxue also ran over to hug Mrs. Ghost's thigh, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Have a good life!"

Ling Yun looked Mrs. Ghost up and down, and said calmly, "Don't dare to look too much, Mrs. Ghost only has underwear left, embarrassing..."

Mrs. Ghost swallowed her saliva, she is really Hades!

Who's going to tell him what's going on?Where is Devil May Cry?

Seeing Mrs. Gui dazed and terrified, Ling Yun shook his head speechlessly, and explained: "I am Devil May Cry!"

I'm Devil May Cry!
These words kept hitting Mrs. Ghost's mind, and her heart was so shocked that she became numb.

"Papa, blood...blood..." Qianqian cried and ran over, shook Ling Yun's thigh, and then pointed to the blood that Mrs. Ghost bleed on the ground.

"Handsome Shushu, save my godmother!" Beibei wailed loudly, seeing Mrs. Ghost's complexion turned even paler, not because she was frightened by the identity of Lingyun Pluto.

Ling Yun nodded, and a ray of holy light went down, and all the wounds of Mrs. Ghost healed quickly.

As for the iron chains that locked her body, Ling Yun also cut off for her, and walked over to take off the coat for her to put on.

"Concubine...concubine..." Mrs. Ghost didn't know what to say, why did she just say something about Pluto Devil Cry?Don't think about it anymore, in her eyes Ling Yun is the father of her goddaughter Qianqian, this identity is enough.

"I have something to do tomorrow, so I can't take them with me, I'll leave them all to you!"

"Ah!" Mrs. Ghost was dumbfounded!
She is imprisoned, which is inconvenient.

"Papa, where have you been?" Although Qianqian was very happy to see Mrs. Ghost, she was unhappy when she heard that Ling Yun was leaving.

Beibei and the others stared straight at Ling Yun. Sissy had already asked their questions and was waiting for Ling Yun's answer.

"I'm not going anywhere. Dad is a man. It's not appropriate to stay here, do you know?"


The four little guys nodded with a vague understanding.

"Just let them stay with you for a day, isn't my request too much?" Ling Yun asked Mrs. Gui.

"Don't worry, the concubine will take good care of them. You can be busy for a few days if you want." Mrs. Ghost agreed. She hasn't seen them for almost a year, right?


Why are they still the same as a year ago?

Who is the last baby?

"There's still time, you don't plan to tell me about your affairs?" Ling Yun frowned and looked at the iron chain on the rack.

"In a few days, my concubine will be married..."

Mrs. Gui replied very calmly, as if she had become numb, as if she had seen through the world of mortals, and she also had an attitude of seeing death as home.

"Then congratulations in advance!"

"Thank you."

Ling Yun could see that she was very reluctant, but she didn't tell him, and she wouldn't be so nosy that she insisted on asking, but he didn't know how to ask questions.

The four little guys all use Mrs. Ghost's beautiful legs as pillows, and they sleep happily.

It's been a tiring day, and they're all asleep now. One of the purposes of coming here is to see Mrs. Ghost, and now their wish has been fulfilled, so they all slept very soundly.

Mrs. Gui smiled and stroked their heads, while Ling Yun took out the quilt to cover them.

"I shouldn't have returned to the Wuhun Continent."

Mrs. Ghost tidied her clothes first, and broke the calm by speaking.

"I am listening."

"Big Situ threatened my concubine to marry his nephew Situ Qingfeng, and my concubine also has arrangements."

"Your family abandoned you?"

"No, the last concubine is voluntary, this is the only chance to regain the martial spirit, I don't want to miss it."

Take back the martial spirit?
What do you mean?
Mrs. Ghost had a Martial Soul, why couldn't he see it?

Ling Yun frowned...

The Eye of Delusion has failed again!

(End of this chapter)

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