Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 530 Chapter 531

Chapter 530 Chapter 531
"Who took your Martial Soul?" Ling Yun couldn't figure it out, and was curious, so he could only talk.

Mrs. Ghost's body trembled uncontrollably, thinking of something terrible, the four little guys frowned, Ling Yun quickly patted their heads, and at the same time stabilized Mrs. Ghost's mood.

"Who is he?" Ling Yun asked again.

"Ancient Demon God, Soul Demon!" Mrs. Ghost said tremblingly.


It's ancient again!

Ling Yun smiled playfully, and things seemed to have become much more interesting.

"Where is he? I'm going to see him!"

Mrs. Ghost was startled, looked at Ling Yun who was very serious, and said: "No, I can't say that, he is invincible, I can't harm you."

Thinking of the horror of the spirit demon, Mrs. Ghost became more and more uneasy, the king of Hades is ancient, but the spirit demon is ancient.

So Mrs. Gui thinks that Ling Yun is not an opponent at all, plus the demon land, it is his domain, she has seen it before, that domain is too scary!
"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ling Yun seemed to be listening to a big joke, with him around, who would dare to claim to be invincible?
At the same time, I am also looking forward to, will this ancient soul demon that I have never heard of know me?
How strong is it?
Are you qualified to fight against his first demon form?
Recalling the battle of the gods, and the battle with Nan Wutian, he vividly remembered that his blood couldn't stop boiling. Nan Wutian was the first opponent who forced him to use the first demon form, and the only opponent he admitted. (Also his good apprentice.)
Ling Yun smiled, hoping that this so-called soul demon would not disappoint him.

Mrs. Gui looked at Ling Yun, she was dumbfounded.

what's the situation?
Why are you so excited?

"Devil May Cry... Pluto... oh... that so-and-so, can you stop being so self-willed!" Mrs. Ghost stared at Ling Yun.

"My name is Ling Yun, not that one, you can call me that in the future, of course you can call me brother!" Ling Yun replied lightly.

"No, don't think that you are invincible because you can instantly kill the domain owner. There are so many things you don't know. Even if it's not for yourself, you should consider Sissy. If you have something good or bad, what will Sissy do? "

"The domain owner? You mean the kitten?"

"Kitten?" Mrs. Ghost vomited blood. It was the seven-life cat demon.

"Don't worry, I will help you regain your martial soul, don't thank me yet, just take good care of Qian Qian!"

Mrs. Ghost has never seen such a thick-skinned person, let alone whether she can take it back, didn't she tell him not to go!

"You... are simply unreasonable!"

"Haha, a little bit, I know where he is!"

Ling Yun wiped the sweat from his brow, just now he swept his consciousness, and immediately got the answer, as he guessed, the soul demon is in Wuhun Continent!

"Hmph, if you want to marry a concubine, it's delusional!" Mrs. Gui didn't believe it, how could she know it all at once...

"Cut, ignorance, the soul demon is in Fengmo Town, how can it be difficult for me?"

"You, you, how do you know!" Mrs. Ghost is no longer calm, it's ridiculous!
Ling Yun didn't speak, but smiled meaningfully.

After he finished dealing with the matter of Ziwei Tianzhen in Wujia City, he played with the soul demon, thinking about it, he was still a little excited.

"I also know that Fengmo Town is now the mausoleum of the Situ family."

"" Mrs. Ghost was so startled that she was speechless. No five people in Wuhun Continent knew about this, but Ling Yun did. What's going on!

"Can you tell me now, what is your martial spirit?"

Ling Yun had to ask this, he said he wanted to help Mrs. Ghost regain her martial soul, and when he saw the soul demon, he could ask him, wouldn't he return it?
Pay it back!

He still fights, he just owes the draw, he hates pretending the most, is he still invincible?
Madam Gui took a deep breath and said, "Immortal Blood Phoenix!"


It was Ling Yun's turn to be surprised!
Immortal blood phoenix, this sky-defying martial spirit has nothing to do with that stupid phoenix, right?

Ling Yun's whole body is not well!
That stupid phoenix is ​​the goddess of life, Chen Wanxue, the most beautiful empress recognized by the powerhouses of the twelve domains.

"I didn't lie, the whole Wuhun Continent knows, don't you know?"

"I don't know!" Ling Yun replied directly, Ren Wuyan didn't write down the information he had collected, and when he saw him again, he had to scold him for being too incompetent.

Mrs. Ghost is speechless. Even the mysterious Fengmo Town in the Wuhun Continent knows about it, but what kind of Wuhun did she awaken back then?
"This matter has nothing to do with you, don't interfere!" Mrs. Gui was afraid that Ling Yun would really enter Fengmo Town, and her plan would be disrupted at that time.

"Hmph, you are not qualified to order me!" Ling Yun snorted coldly.

Mrs. Ghost was startled by the sudden release.

"You, you are kind enough to treat yourself like a donkey's liver and lungs!"

"So, why did you marry the Situ family? Do you think you can take it back with your strength? Don't you think so?"

Madam Gui didn't dare to look at Ling Yun, because what Ling Yun said was true. The purpose of her coming back this time was to enter Fengmo Town again. Some of the things she said just now were to deceive Ling Yun, but most of them were true.

Why did Ling Yun know her plan? Could it be that Gui Yasha said it?

Back to the Wuhun Continent, the Ghost Emperor was worried about her alone, so he arranged for Ghost Yasha to go together, and take care of each other.

At this moment, Ghost Yasha is making full arrangements...

"Hehe, I guessed it, but your expression told me, I guessed it right!" Ling Yun smiled charmingly, as if very proud.

"So what, anyway, I won't allow anyone to destroy my plan!"

"Your plan is nothing more than to enter Fengmo Town with the identity of the Situ family on the day you get married, but do you have any brains?"

"What about after you go in?"

"What can you do with your mid-term power of the Immortal Emperor?"

"Is it to die?"

"If the plan fails, what will happen to your family? Have you ever thought about it, don't just know revenge!"

"When you were taken from the Martial Soul back then? Wasn't it the same as the Immortal Emperor? Or was your invincibility a lie? Or..."

Faced with Ling Yun's repeated questions, Mrs. Gui covered her face and burst into tears.

"But, I am not reconciled, do you know how I have come here these years, every late night, I will have nightmares, dreaming about the soul demon, the moment he took away my martial soul..."

"The concubine has had enough!"

Mrs. Gui cried endlessly, holding her head in her hands and crying, Ling Yun squatted down, like petting a puppy...

The little guy was woken up, and looked at Ling Yun with Duduzui: "Bad papa, bully Yan Mama!"

Ling Yun's head is full of black lines, why does this sound so awkward.

"Hey... go to bed..." With the hypnotic sound, the little guy narrowed his eyes again!
"You want revenge, I'll help you!" Ling Yun stood up, he couldn't see a woman crying.

Then he said: "Your plan can be cancelled, the things that the Ghost Emperor gave you can't destroy the soul demon, if it is possible, the soul demon will not just be sealed, why do you think so?"

Ling Yun was speechless.

The ghost emperor gave her the soul-destroying monument, maybe because he heard that the soul demon was sealed, it was a remnant soul.

The Monument of Extinguishing Souls is forcibly absorbing remnants of souls. Ling Yun didn't expect Guihuang to have so many good things. If he knew it, he would have cheated a little bit more. Anyway, there are a lot of blue star black teas in the streets and supermarkets.

Mrs. Ghost wiped her eyes, looked at Ling Yun's back, and finally nodded and chose to trust Ling Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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