Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 536 Slave Market

Chapter 536 Slave Market
As soon as Mrs. Ghost went out, many people stared at her...

The Yan Family Manor was definitely worried about them going out like this, so Yan Erji, the Patriarch of the Yan Family, personally protected them secretly.

The spies of the Situ family!
They notified the Situ family immediately.


A bunch of elders were thinking, who abolished Situ Haonan?
The strength of the overlord is unfathomable, why is this so?

If it was aimed at their Situ family, it would be over.

Situ Hong, the head of the Situ family, is Situ Haonan's grandfather sitting on the main seat!

They are seeking personal gain at this moment, how can they better deal with the next layout.

Situ Ba came back yesterday and took away several masters of the clan, and he didn't know where to go!

Ha ha!

Situ Ba?
It's very embarrassing at the moment.

The birthplace of Sunfire, Gale Valley, fell into Lingyun's trap!
Situ Ba thought he had picked up a big deal, but unexpectedly left behind a different fire, and was ready to mature, although he didn't know what happened.

After Wu Linhao's Nascent Soul was released by them!
Situ Ba's body is gone, only Nascent Soul is left trembling, rushing to Situ's house, as for the other people he took with him, none of them are alive.

And the Valley of the Wind is reduced to nothing...

Time City, a certain street!
The four little guys were talking about Mrs. Ghost, wanting to buy everything, such as the clothes worn by children in the Wuhun Continent, they all bought a few sets.

There is also sugar, the packaging is simple, but it is very sweet. Little Irene and Ji Wuxue are greedy, but there is no fruit flavor, the little guy and Beibei both hate it, and only bought a few.

Mrs. Ghost is speechless, the two of them eat so much sugar, will their teeth be bad?

Before they knew it, they had all arrived at the slave market in Time City!
There are slaves of all races here, with the most half-orcs, rare elves, and all kinds of dignitaries who were displaced due to the destruction of the country.

"Godmother, they are so pitiful!" Beibei couldn't bear to look at them, the slaves were tied up, and the wounds on their bodies were clearly visible.

The other three little guys also had red eyes and compassion.



Mrs. Ghost replied coldly.

She didn't feel anything, but she wasn't sentimental like them. Some slaves were indeed pitiful, but some poor people must have something to hate.

"Yan Mama, let's save them!" The little guy looked at the bound elf girls in the cage.

Those elf girls are the oldest, at least seven years old, and the lifespan of ordinary elves is 300 years.

Looking at at least the elf girl, the little guy couldn't live up to his tears again.

"Huh... okay?" The little guy put his arms around Mrs. Ghost's beautiful legs.

Mrs. Ghost could feel that Sissy's tears were soaking her clothes.

Immediately squatting down, hugging Sissy and little Irene who were nearest, said ruthlessly, "Buy!"

These slaves are not cheap, especially the rare elves!

Behind the maintenance of the slave trade in the Twelve Domains is a mysterious force that few people know about, and the Shengshi Auction is its spokesperson.

"This girl, these elves are new arrivals, they are cute and cute!"

"You won't lose money if you buy it back!"

"Beating and scolding, hard work and complaints."

A deacon of the Shengshi Auction said that he is better at observing words and expressions, and he can see from the eyes of Mrs. Ghost that he dotes on the little guy. It can be said that buying an elf is a good thing.

Seeing Mrs. Ghost ignoring him, he turned his eyes and continued: "They are being beaten every day, and they still don't have enough to eat, and they don't have warm clothes!"

The method worked in his mind.

When the four little guys heard that it was so miserable, they begged Mrs. Ghost together, mumbling how pitiful they were!
Mrs. Ghost sighed in her heart, how much can she help?
The slave market is too dark...

Some ordinary people were somehow caught and used as slaves.

What's more, those specialized human traffickers only catch elves all their lives.

The biggest advantage of elves is that they can be used as elixir slaves!

The elixir they planted is easy to live and grows at an amazing speed. As for why?It remains a mystery to this day.

"What's your name?"

"Little one, Chen De, you can call me Deacon Chen!"

"Then Deacon Chen, how much will it cost if you count all the people in the cage together?"

"Seven, big and small, I'll give you a discount, five hundred top-quality spirit stones."

"Isn't it too expensive?" Mrs. Ghost frowned!
Deacon Chen immediately said: "It's not expensive, you get what you pay for, they are not simple, I heard that they are from exile... what country, haha, I don't understand the small ones, they all heard from above, in short, they are not former slaves. Identity is definitely not easy!"

Mrs. Ghost shook her head, she didn't care what her identity was, as long as she bought it, she could make the four little ones happy.

"Sister? Is it more than 500?" The little guy started to pay.

Sitting directly on the ground, because she didn't know what the Shengshi Auction would charge, she took out all the currencies.

There are piles in front of you!

Good guy!
There are more than a dozen ghost coins, and I don't know how they came from.

Oni Yasha, who was hiding in the dark, twitched violently, remembering something about Onijima.

Huaxia coins cost hundreds of thousands of cash, a pile of high-quality spirit stones, and three soul crystals, but they were eaten by little Irene.

It was brought out so openly that no one noticed.

The Shengshi Auction is well-informed, and any absurd things may have been recorded, so it is not surprising.

"Uncle, do you accept this?" Ji Wuxue took a bunch of Huaxia coins and shook them!
Deacon Chen shook his head directly. He had never seen it before, so it was impossible to accept it!
"We only accept spirit stones, not soul crystals, but they can be exchanged."

Five hundred top grade spirit stones?

Not worth it?

Mrs. Ghost tried to find a way to bargain with Deacon Chen again. The Shengshi Auction is very popular. These seven elves probably got half of the money among them.

"Deacon Chen, you have also seen that we don't have that many spirit stones on hand." Mrs. Ghost pointed to the ground and said.

Deacon Chen had an expression of I believe you, how many children belonged to them, and you didn't even take out your storage ring, so you think he is blind?

"The girl was joking, if there are not so many spirit stones, then I can only say sorry!"


Mrs. Ghost is speechless, she doesn't play her cards according to the routine.

The Patriarch of the Yan family who secretly protected them, Yan Erji, felt that the opportunity had come.

Chance to court Ling Yun!

It is necessary to establish a good relationship and make a good impression in front of several children.

"Big Shushu, isn't this much money enough?" The little guy pouted.

"Not enough!" Deacon Chen shook his head directly.

Should not be!

The little guy scratched his head, how expensive are these elves?Is this uncle cheating on them?
Deacon Chen didn't know that he had already been labeled a bad guy by the little guy.

Beibei became sad, pointed at their money, and said, "Uncle, how many of these can you buy? Is it really seven?"

this kid...

Wouldn't it be a slave who wanted to buy two cages?
"Puchi!" Mrs. Ghost laughed, and Beibei's silly look was so cute.

(End of this chapter)

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