Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 537 Buying a Spirit

Chapter 537 Buying a Spirit

Deacon Chen's mouth twitched...

Did she do it on purpose?

Didn't they always say that they don't have enough money to buy a cage? Why do you ask?

Seven more?
She is about to bleed out from her anger!
It's not over!
Ji Wuxue made up the knife: "If you buy so many, don't you get one?"

These activities were learned in Lanxing, and Ji Wuxue remembered them all on the street.

Deacon Chen couldn't bear it any longer, he looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, little Irene became mischievous and didn't listen to Ling Yun's words.

He tiptoed to the back of Deacon Chen, walked along with his key and slowly opened the cage.

But the elves didn't dare to run, they were afraid of being beaten, and little Irene didn't let them go, but slipped in and stared at them.

Deacon Chen didn't see it, but Deacon Gao on the other side saw it, walked over with a smile, picked up little Irene, and said with a smile, "You're so smart, you're so small."

Mrs. Ghost apologized again and again: "I'm sorry, Xiaowa, be a bit naughty."

Want to free slaves in the slave market of the Shengshi Auction?

Ever since that mysterious organization warned, it has never appeared!

The little Irene who was raised was giggling!

How was it discovered?


Deacon Chen looked at the other cages: "Girl, why don't you? Look at the other cages..."

Mrs. Ghost shook her head.

They don't seem to want to...

And she really doesn't have spirit stones, they are all ghost coins!

At this time, the little guy said to Mrs. Ghost: "Yan Mama, how much do you want to buy?" The voice was childish, with an innocent expression on his face.

buy them all?
Deacon Chen shook his head, are you kidding me?

"Sissy, do you have that much money?" Mrs. Ghost covered her mouth and smiled.

Seven elves are not enough, and you want to buy the entire slave market?

Unless you don't give money, you will be an enemy of Shengshi Auction.



The little guy took out a check from his pocket, An Qing's 100 million, this is Ji Wuxue's milk powder money.

There are still a few in the pocket, big gold teeth!
"Aha, aha, so many zeros." The little guy smiled, and Beibei's hair was full of black lines.

Ji Wuxue was so stupid with her, she really thought it would work.

"No, here you are, remember to mend it." The little guy stretched out, and Deacon Chen was curious about what's next.

The little guy didn't let go, but Deacon Chen made such a fuss again, and the check was cut in half!

Needless to say!
The little guy must be crying. If the check is broken, it can't be used. This is her perception.

Deacon Chen panicked. He seemed to have gotten into trouble. It couldn't be something expensive.

But, it's just a piece of paper, she's really a treasure, and she's crying so much?
Beibei's mouth is wide open, this is money!
Ji Wuxue said angrily: "Uncle, you have to pay us, this is a lot of milk powder cans!"

"Sorry, sorry, I'll give it back to you." Deacon Chen put half of the check in Sissy's hand.

The little one cried and took it!
He said in his mouth: "It can't be used anymore, hoo..."

Mrs. Ghost was in a bad mood, and her momentum slowly rose, as if she was about to make trouble.

All the guards from the Shengshi Auction, gather around!

Deacon Chen and Deacon Gao also took a few steps back, waiting solemnly.

"Hmph. Pay immediately." Mrs. Ghost shouted.

Deacon Chen said with a guilty conscience, "Just a piece of paper!"

"Paper? Can you see what is written on it?"

Deacon Chen swept his consciousness, "I don't understand!"

Beibei cried and explained: "That's money, a lot of it, godmother, that money can't be used anymore, you can buy a lot of milk powder!"

Mrs. Gui is angry. She knows that the milk powder has a good origin, and that piece of paper can buy so much, which means a lot of money!
"Let the people above you come out, we are light, otherwise...don't blame me for being rude!"

Mrs. Gui said coldly, she must get the money back.

"My lord will be here soon!" Deacon Gao had already informed.

after a while

A middle-aged woman came. She was average in height and had a good figure. She was the person in charge of the slave market in Wuhun Continent. Feng Ruxue was called Snow Emperor.

She is Feng Ruqing's aunt of Baihua Palace, she does not belong to the Shengshi Auction, but belongs to that mysterious force!

Mrs. Ghost couldn't comfort them no matter what, especially the little guy, who was so sad.

"Sister, if you have something to say, talk about it. It's our fault. I can't compensate you. How about it? What slaves do you buy today? You will get [-]% off."

Xue Difeng Ruxue said leisurely, she knew everything about it, she was more accurate in judging people, those children are really sad, the question is how much is this piece of paper worth?

In her opinion, there must not be many in Xiaowazi's hands. Isn't it enough to pay for it?

Besides, their slave market has withdrawn from the maximum concession.

"No, the problem is not to make amends, you don't want to make amends?"

"Are you bullying my concubine's mother and daughter?" Mrs. Ghost said coldly.

"What did the girl say, you said that piece of paper is very valuable? But we don't agree!"

"Just in case it's worthless... Ha ha! Just in case!"

Snow Emperor looked Qianqian and the others up and down, but found nothing!
"What do you mean? My concubine's daughter will lie to you!"

"How about this, as long as you prove that this piece of paper is valuable, we will compensate you according to the price!"

The helpless Xuedi can only do this, otherwise, when will the debate be over?
"That's what you said!" Mrs. Gui also agreed with this method.

Now I am worried, how to identify it?
Mrs. Ghost told the little guys the truth, but little Irene couldn't understand.

Qian Qian said: "Let Papa come, Qian Qian didn't cause any trouble."

"Yes, Shuai Shuai must be very happy!"

Bei Bei understood that this check was what Ling Yun had always wanted, and now...hehe!
The idea came to mind, but Mrs. Gui was worried again, Ling Yun was not in Time City.

"Cissy, good boy, your father is not feeling well, we don't want the money, we will settle it later!" Mrs. Ghost comforted.

Although the little guy was still unhappy, he nodded in agreement.

Bebe quit...

She had no choice but to be obedient, not to be mischievous, or to cause trouble.

Embarrass her.

"Ahem, the concubine has communicated with her daughter, and there is no way to prove..." Mrs. Gui felt ashamed, as if they were scoundrels.

"It turned out to be like this, then forget it, you can still continue to buy slaves, still with a [-]% discount!" Xue Di said and left, and then the guards also dispersed.

A farce ended like this, Beibei was not reconciled, not in the mood at all, and at the same time labeled Shengshi Auction as a bad guy.

"Girl, I will take you back first, and come back with the spirit stone!"

Even with the discount, seven elves are still not enough spirit stones to buy them, so we still have to go back and raise enough spirit stones.

The little guy looked east and west, and finally nodded weakly.

The Patriarch of the Yan family, Yan Erji finally waited for the opportunity to perform, and immediately stood out from the gate, like a savior.

(End of this chapter)

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