Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 538

Chapter 538

Mrs. Ghost was overjoyed when she saw the person coming!
"Patriarch, why are you here?"

"Concubine Xue, how far is it? I'll make it up!" Yan Erji, the Patriarch of the Yan family, asked generously, showing no sign of heartache.

The little guy clapped his hands happily and rolled his eyes at the same time.

"Grandpa, help Sissy buy this place, and Sissy asks Papa to make sandwiches for you!"

"Haha, buy them all!"

"Buy them all!"

The four little guys booed together.

The owner of the Yan family, Yan Erji's eyes are getting bigger, so he bought them all?

Is he pretending too much?
"Grandpa, are you okay?" The little guy's eyes were full of expectation, and he looked up with a childlike face, with an innocent smile on his face.

The head of the Yan family, Yan Erji, nodded and said, "I bought it!"

He didn't come back to his senses after talking about it, so why did he just nod and agree? After all the words have been said, as the head of the family, he still needs to save face.

"Patriarch?" Mrs. Ghost thought he was bewitched!

"Ahem, isn't it just this slave market? It's not a problem!" Although Yan Erji, the head of the Yan family, said so, his face still looked a bit pained.

Mrs. Ghost covered her mouth and smiled...

"Yeah, grandpa and Yan Mama are the best!" The little guy was happy and agreed on everything.

Patriarch of the Yan family, Yan Erji became cheerful...

"Patriarch Yan? Are you serious?" Deacon Chen asked.

Deacon Gao reminded: "Think twice!"

Beibei was furious, these two people are really bad, why don't they buy it?

"Tell me, how much? The old man has an idea!"

"Is this true?" Deacon Chen asked again uncertainly.

At the same time, I was shocked!

What are the origins of these four children? The patriarch dared to be sympathetic to curry favor with them.

"I keep my word!" Yan Erji, the head of the Yan family, replied calmly. If the Situ family is successfully destroyed, there will be five slave markets.

Looking at the serious face of the Patriarch of the Yan family, Yan Erji, Deacon Chen immediately notified Xuedi again.

But Xuedi did not show up again, but gave a price of 4000 million top-grade spirit stones.

This number is relatively large for the Yan family village!

Their annual income is only 900 million.

Taking out so much at once must be discussed by the elders of the clan.

"I'll give you three hours at most!" Deacon Gao said.

Mrs. Ghost nodded, no accident, three hours is enough.

The little guy happily opened the cage again and released the elf!
Curious about their ears, how do they look like kitten ears?

"Godmother, why are their ears different?" Beibei asked.

"The elves look like this, and the godmother doesn't know."

"Oh, did it become a fairy?" Ji Wuxue looked at them and felt like...

Mrs. Ghost can't laugh or cry!
When the seven elves were released, they looked at Sissy and the others with vigilance and fear.

"Don't be afraid!" Little Irene touched their ears directly!


The elf touched by her suddenly went crazy...

It scared a few little guys, especially little Irene, who instinctively spit fire.

The hot elf is croaking!

"Yan Mama, what's wrong with them, so fierce?" the little guy asked in fear.

"Hehe, they will be like this when their ears are touched, but acquaintances won't." Mrs. Gui patiently explained to them, making them half-understand!

The head of the Yan family, Yan Erji asked curiously: "Little baby, tell grandpa why you bought them?"

Qianqian said sadly: "They are so pitiful, Baba Mama must be anxious..."

Mrs. Gui dare not explain to her, their parents are probably dead!
"Did Sissy want to let them go?" Mrs. Ghost thought of this possibility.

"Is Yan Mama a bug in Sissy's stomach?"

"Same as Aunt Long? How do you know?"

The little guy scratched his head with a dazed look on his face!
Mrs. Ghost chuckled, and replied: "Yes... I am the worm in your belly!"

"Huh? Go back and let my dad catch it out!"

Little Irene tugged at Sissy, and whispered in her ear: "Brother, you can reach in and grab it."

"That's it?" The little guy pressed his stomach directly.


Little Irene also pressed her stomach, which is the position of her dantian, and nodded frantically.


The Patriarch of the Yan family, Yan Erji feels that his head is not enough!
After spending so many spirit stones to buy slaves, they released them again!
Prodigal child!

My heart aches to death.

Mrs. Ghost listened to Qianqian, as long as they were happy, she immediately turned to the head of the Yan family, Yan Erji said: "Patriarch, let's settle these slaves first, so that if they are released here, they will be captured again over there! "

Deacon Chen and Deacon Gao are speechless, what kind of people are they at Shengshi Auction?
"The old man will arrange it right away!"

But the seven elves refused to leave, shaking their heads, Sissy thought they couldn't speak!

Beibei asked: "You can go home now!"

The biggest elf twitched and said, "Can we follow you for a while?"

Then he looked around vigilantly, for fear of being caught again.

Little Irene looked at them, would she become fierce again?

Ji Wuxue shrugged, Beibei also shrugged, and Qianqian also shrugged, and burst into laughter!
The corner of Mrs. Ghost's mouth twitched, what are you laughing at?

"Sissy, can I ask you?"

"Follow us!" The little guy was very innocent!

words fall
The little short leg ran out of the door first, and even turned around to make faces!
The slave market was bought by Yanjiazhuang, and this heavy news exploded in Time City again.

I heard it was for the joy of the four babies...

Everyone is very curious!
After Mrs. Ghost and the four little ones left the slave market, Xuedi suddenly appeared, stared at them as they left, and immediately took out the communication talisman!
Said: "Collect information about the four children in Yan's Village!"

A male and female voice on the opposite side: "Yes."

Standing behind her were Deacon Chen and Deacon Gao, but Xue Di acted as if they didn't exist, and said to himself, "How could Situ Haonan be deposed?"

"Why are there so many things these days?"

"The Supreme Lord is really in the Wuhun Continent?"

"Who is the owner of Beast Town City frozen?"

"Why is the Situ family so peaceful?"

After pondering for a long time...

Her communication talisman lit up, and she said to her face: "The ice sculpture in Zhenshoucheng Restaurant has been confirmed to be Ghost Emperor's Ghost Han Bingxin."

Due to Situ Haonan's previous supernatural powers, he couldn't break the void, and even news couldn't get in or get out.

Now that his cultivation base is gone, his supernatural powers will be defeated by themselves!
Xuedi shook her head after listening, not believing it!
The ghost emperor has no ability to separate himself, so it is impossible to come to the Wuhun Continent. The fight between the Pisces Emperor and not yet decided.

"Master Xuedi, do you want to inform about this..." Deacon Gao pointed to the sky!

And Xue Di interrupted: "No need."

Deacon Chen was a little worried: "Will something happen? The little prince is here!"

Xue Di gave them a blank look, and said coldly: "Something happened, isn't there me?"

The little prince in their mouth is the king of the forest, and the power of the forest people is a branch of their slave market power.

And the mastermind behind the slave market is a heavy hand!

The God of the One Layer, the God of Dugu, One Sword!

(End of this chapter)

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