Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 540 Three friends die

Chapter 540 Three friends die

Ling Yun didn't dodge or dodge, allowing Wu Jinyou's flaming palm to attack.

And Wu Jinyou looked at the motionless Ling Yun, sneered at the corner of his mouth and secretly said, he doesn't know how to live or die, and dare to despise this palm technique.

The palm of the flame brushed through layers of air and directly passed through Ling Yun's body, causing Wu Jinyou and Wu Qingyou's jaws to drop in shock, and their eyeballs seemed to be popping out.

Ling Yun smiled evilly, and the two of them began to feel their scalps go numb.

What kind of gymnastics is that?
They can actually blur it out a bit, even though they are well-informed, they can't figure it out right now.

Wu Qingyou's golden scriptures began to besiege Lingyun, and every word was extremely offensive.

And the golden arhat raised his fists and rushed towards Ling Yun from all directions, the scene was like a gang fight.

The funny thing is…

Ling Yun was not in a hurry, his cold eyes widened, and the golden scriptures disappeared out of thin air. With a snap of his fingers, the seemingly awesome golden arhat exploded in the air before reaching Ling Yun.

boom boom boom

The golden light illuminates the party!
Wu Jinyou was so surprised that they broke their moves so easily, raised his eyebrows lightly, and asked again: "Who are you?"

"If you forced your way in to cultivate, the three of us brothers can make an exception and let you practice here." Wu Qingyou suppressed his heart and was shocked. His golden words of Buddhism are excellent. If you are an ordinary person, you will die Take off a layer of skin.

Ling Yun was no longer silent, and said, "I am your eternal fear!"


"Or, hand over the crape myrtle god stone."

"Give you a chance to live!"

These words were beyond boundless madness, Wu Qingyou and Wu Jinyou were furious once again when they heard the words, and their faces were full of fierce expressions.

They didn't believe that Ling Yun could hit three with one?

It was just a small test of the chopper just now.

The real appetizers are yet to come...

Wu Yinyou didn't think so, at the moment he used many moves but couldn't break the Supreme Suppression.

However, the pressure from the Supreme Crackdown was increasing, and the ground collapsed severely.

"What crape myrtle divine stone? I don't understand." Wu Jinyou replied.

"Huh?" Ling Yun was a little speechless, and said again: "It's the stone at the eye of the formation."

"Go to hell." Wu Jinyou has such a violent temper, how could he not lose his temper when he heard that Ling Yun was about to attack?

That is the core of the crape myrtle array, without it!
What is the use of this formation?
Even Wu Yinyou was furious when he heard it on the ground, and various martial arts emerged one after another, trying to break this supreme suppression.


"You choose to die?"

"I will fulfill you!"

Ling Yun shook his head and replied, if they take the initiative to hand over the crape myrtle divine stone, they might still live, won't they?

Kill them all, and then go to get the Ziwei Divine Stone, it's the same, it just takes a little time.

words fall
Ling Yun was right in front of them, and disappeared in an instant!

Just when Wu Jinyou and Wu Qingyou were frowning and thinking about where they were going...

There was a horrible voice from below.

It was Wu Yinyou who was suppressed by Supreme.

Killed in seconds!

Gunpowder smoke billowed up from the pit, Wu Jinyou and the others were no longer calm, their consciousness was swept away, and they were filled with anger again.

Wu Jinyou raised his head and roared, his white hair was disheveled, he looked like a devil who had fallen into the devil's way, and his body was still growing.

"Brother, calm down!" Wu Qingyou gritted his teeth, damn it!
They actually forced their elder brother to use such a powerful ultimate move.

And their third brother!

After leaving them forever, how could his heart be at peace?

Ling Yun killed Wu Yinyou, they were very shocked, but not to the point of timidity.

May I ask?

Ling Yun still has the strength to fight against two?

Therefore, not only did they not feel fear in their hearts, but instead they had a strong fighting spirit, determined to avenge Wu Yinyou, Ling Yun would not die, and vowed not to give up.

Ling Yun below, after dispersing the thick smoke.

Carrying Wu Yinyou's body up slowly, his chest was pierced by Ling Yun!
Wu Yinyou was pinned by Ling Yun on his chest, releasing a dark wave that shattered his whole body.

And the hole in his chest is where Ling Yun pressed down.

Wu Jinyou's eyes were bloodshot, and the terrifying force erupting from his body overwhelmed Ling Yun.

Ling Yun hooked his lips into a smile, with a playful smile on his face.

With a throw of his right hand, Wu Yinyou's body collided with Wu Jinyou's coercion!
The dazzling fire passed by in an instant...

There is no scum left of Wu Yinyou!

"Ah, third brother!" Wu Jinyou clenched his fists tightly and roared all the time, but the sky was affected by him, the clouds covered the sun, and the thunder rolled.

Ling Yun was speechless, what's the use of calling?

The entire formation space was largely destroyed by the battle, and many monks had already withdrawn, and no one knew what happened here.

Taking advantage of Ling Yun's inattention, Wu Qingyou opened his martial soul. His martial soul was a Buddha, and his body was shining with golden light.

He was still chanting sutras in his mouth!

His body is also covered with a layer of golden light, sitting cross-legged in the air, a bit dazzling.

Ling Yun looked at them indifferently, suddenly his mind brightened, and he smiled evilly at Wu Qingyou.

And the latter has been reciting scriptures with eyes closed, wholeheartedly, trying to achieve a state of selflessness.

Suddenly Wu Qingyou opened his eyes and widened them, with various expressions on his face, some were incredible, some were shocked, some were unbelievable...

Immediately, he roared angrily, "You devil!"

"Such a powerful killing intent!"

That's right!

Ling Yun's murderous aura enveloped Wu Qingyou!

He just wanted to know if these murderous auras could destroy Wu Qingyou's Buddha heart!
Wu Jinyou flashed in front of Ling Yun, his huge fist was menacing!

"You have had enough!"

Ling Yun's words fall
As soon as the demon sword came out, Wu Jinyou's right hand was cut off!

No matter how Wu Jinyou pressed the wound, it didn't relieve the pain!

The pain caused him to wake up a lot, and he was no longer as irrational as before.

" are you so powerful?" Wu Jinyou asked with a trembling voice.

"Bring your doubts, and die!" Ling Yun looked coldly, and held a demon sword in his hand to perform a set of sword skills in the air, with sword energy flying across the world.

This sword move was too powerful, Wu Jinyou closed his eyes in despair, shattering his heart.

Wu Qingyou, who was affected by Ling Yun's murderous aura, couldn't extricate himself. After knowing that his elder brother was also dead, he couldn't hold on to his thoughts.

Extremely angry, he spurted a mouthful of blood!

"Master, save me!"

Unwilling to crush the jade slip, Wu Qingyou threw it into the air!
Ling Yun frowned, and waited quietly, things seemed to be interesting.

"Haha, you devil, Putuo Temple will not let you go, and my master will not let you go!"

Wu Qingyou closed his eyes in despair, he didn't expect Ling Yun's murderous aura to be so strong, before his master could wait, all the murderous aura invaded his body, and he died.

The sky was still thundering and covered with dark clouds.

after a while

A few lightning bolts flashed in the void, the space was shattered, and a sharp voice came from the opposite side: "You devil, kill my disciple."

Immediately, from the shattered void, stretched out a big golden hand to reach Ling Yun,
broken space

Big golden hands?

Both are too dazzling, Ling Yun is not happy to put on sunglasses.

(End of this chapter)

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