Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 541

Chapter 541

Ling Yun turned on the first demon form, and clicked in the void!

The big golden hands fell down like fragments!

On the other side: "I underestimated you!"

Then there was the sound of chanting sutras.

Ling Yun got a headache from his chanting, and was so disturbed to death, he stopped moaning, but clenched his fists again, and smiled evilly!

This fist is like a giant dragon, so fast that it is almost invisible, and it hits hard.

The people here heard the sound of space shattering...

On the other side there was a scream...

Ling Yun's punch passed through the void and went straight to the opposite side!

Over the Putuo Temple!
Drop a gigantic fist!

Half of the Buddhist scripture pavilion collapsed, and many disciples were killed.

If it weren't for the many masters, each showing their supernatural powers, the Putuo Temple would have fallen from Mount Putuo.

And Wu Qingyou's master, Master Zhengde, knew that he had caused trouble, and his face was full of guilt!

At the same time, he said angrily: "These devils have no conscience and do all kinds of evil. My Buddha is merciful and will definitely kill this person for us!"

Master Zhengguo frowned: "Going it alone, we are obviously not opponents!"

Seeing such a destructive fist, everyone was shocked, and their faces were full of shock.

Master Zhengde said with a serious face: "The disciples of Putuo Temple went down the mountain to practice in order to inquire about this devil!"

Master Zhenghe said: "Disciples have never seen the true face of this devil, how should we find it?"

Master Zhengde was dumbfounded!He sighed heavily.

That's right!

No one has seen it before, how did you find it?

We can only inquire about similar things in many ways, such as going to Wuhun Continent first, maybe the devil is still there, the masters thought in their hearts.

"Junior brother, don't panic, let's shatter the void again, and fight against that devil!"

The person who came was the abbot of Putuo Temple, the authentic master!

"Brother, are you serious?" Master Zhengguo put his palms together and asked.

Master Zhengde seemed a little scared: "Will this affect my brother's practice?"

The authentic master waved his hand and said nonchalantly, "If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?"

On the other hand, Master Zhenghe said: "Forget it, the scripture pavilion still needs to be repaired, and the future will last forever!"

To put it bluntly, Master Zhenghe was afraid, that punch was too powerful, what if he did it again?

Can't stop it?The consequences could be disastrous!
Who knows if that devil has any hole cards!
Master Zhengzong nodded and continued: "I need to go to the Great Putuo Temple. The safety of the Little Putuo Temple depends on you."

"Brother, don't worry!"

Several masters replied in unison!

All the eminent monks in the Daputuo Temple were fifteen or sixteen in the late period of the Immortal Emperor, and they belonged to the generation of Xuanzi monks!
Each one is an old monk who has lived for an unknown number of years.

And the Little Putuo Temple is the authentic master and his junior disciples who are in the late fifteenth generation of the immortal emperors.

Immediately, all the monks in Putuo Temple looked at the sky, their hairs were numb, and their hearts were trembling with fear, what's more, their hair stood on end.


I saw the void in the middle of the sky opened, and countless fists fell!

boom boom boom…

The disciples of Putuo Temple resisted desperately, screaming again and again!

After the fist, there was a moment of calm.

I thought this matter was over, but who knows, the fist just now was an appetizer, and the real horror came later.

The sky seems to be breaking open!
Master Zhengzong saw that the situation was not good, and hurriedly shouted: "All juniors, come here!"

"All disciples gather!"

words fall
above the sky
A terrifying energy ball descended, flames were mixed in the black, and thunder and lightning were shining inside from the outside.

The entire energy ball is more than ten times that of Mount Putuo!
Master Zhengde's face was pale, and he secretly thought that Putuo Temple could not be kept, that pervert, how could he not let him go?

When the sphere fell into the Putuo Temple...

In a flash between heaven and earth, the twelve domains of the Little Putuo Temple were removed!

After a moment of peace, the surroundings were silent.

The authentic master's cassock was in tatters, he was lying on the ground, spouting a mouthful of old blood, trembling and looking at the sky, he smiled wryly: "My Buddha is merciful!"

"Senior Brother, Senior Brother Zhengde is dead!" Master Zhenghe said weakly, with a very sad tone.


"I'm fine, and there's still a Nascent Soul to rebuild!" Master Zhengguo said, floating around, terrified!
They have joined forces and resisted desperately!
Why is it still like this?

That is the strongest defense?really!

There are many disciples chanting scriptures on the golden bell cover of the defensive formation in the Little Putuo Temple, and there are also mana blessings from him and his junior brother.

Why can't we keep them?
Zhengzong is also full of hatred in his heart.

Tens of thousands of miles around, the face was completely changed, it was all black soil and smoke, every plant and tree disappeared, high mountains were razed to the ground, and their little Putuo Temple was a big pit.

In Little Putuo Temple, except Master Zhenghe and monks and disciples all died, everyone else was seriously injured!

Samurai City

In the crape myrtle array, Ling Yun yawned and released the demon form!
If a tiger doesn't show off its power, think of it as a sick cat?
Awesome, how can we not teach them to be human?
Slowly find the crape myrtle divine stone!
It was a piece of white and red jade!
Ling Yun pulled out the eye of the formation with his hands, and at the same time, the space of the formation shook violently, and the Wujiazhuang people who were outside the formation had bad thoughts in their hearts.

Ziwei Shenshi took out her hand, and Ling Yun left happily.


The crape myrtle array collapsed in an instant due to the loss of its important core.

The people of Wujiazhuang looked at each other in dismay, their expressions paled in shock, and after confirming the destruction of the Ziwei sky formation, their faces were ashen.

The owner of the Wu family secretly thought, where are the three elders who guard the formation?

Could it be?

A more terrifying thought rose in his mind!

died! !
Who is it that makes things difficult for their Wu family?
Even if they knew who the murderer was, there was nothing they could do. After all, the three clan elders couldn't beat them, so what virtue could they do?
For a moment, the elders of Wujiazhuang seemed to be hundreds of years old.

Time City

Ling Yun yawned again and again and came out of Mrs. Ghost's room. He didn't know that the little guy knew he was not in the room.

When she came out, she said, "Sissy, Dad woke up!"

The little guy listened to Liu Hufa's talk about Journey to the West, curled his lips, and muttered, "You're lying to the kids."

Ling Yun was dumbfounded, why is it different from what he thought, shouldn't Qianqian come over full of joy and want to hug her?
Among the seven elves, the biggest one, Lilith, stared wide-eyed, pointing at Ling Yun with trembling fingers, trembling in her mouth: "It's you, saint! Pluto!!"

Ling Yun yawned, shrugged and said, "Elves? Where did they come from?"

It's not surprising that they will be recognized, how could they recognize it, and they are not very old!

Listening to Ling Yun's doubts, Mrs. Gui replied: "The slaves bought by Qian Qian and the others."

Lilith said excitedly: "Master Pluto, we are your loyal subjects."

"Remember our Dark Night Forest?"

"Night elf?" Ling Yun rubbed his chin, and the little guy heard that Ling Yun knew something, ran over and hugged his feet, raised his beautiful eyes to look at him.

Responding instinctively, Ling Yun lifted Qianqian into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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