Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 549

Chapter 549

Really with her mom!
"Mama, did Papa say he loves you!"

"Huh?" An Qing didn't understand, why did she say this suddenly!
Next to Ling Yun replied: "Yes!"

The little guy didn't believe it very much, but continued to ask: "Really? Does Mama have it?"

"What?" An Qing was still confused.

"Papa, hurry up and say..."

Just as An Qing was about to ask again, her mouth was blocked. It was Ling Yunbo... who stopped her!

"Mmm! Mmmm! Mmmm..."

"Hey Hey hey!"

after a while

"Dad said it with actions, if you don't believe me, ask your mother!" Ling Yun said shamelessly to the phone.

"Isn't it? Mama? I love you!" The little guy laughed!
"We'll go back later!" An Qing blushed and hung up!

The little guy on the opposite side was full of anger, and she didn't finish speaking.

Ling Yun picked An Qing's chin lightly, smiled and said: "Young lady is shy!"

"Fuck you, you're not serious, take advantage of me!" An Qing didn't even dare to look up at Ling Yun.

Afterwards, the two of them made a plan, tonight's arrangement...

at night
The little guy, Beibei, and Ji Wuxue were all sitting at the door waiting!
An Qing and Ling Yun arrived home on time!
The little guy hugged An Qingmei's leg and said, "Ma Ma..."

"What's wrong?" An Qing was surprised, why is Sissy so strange!
"Did Papa say to take you to play?" The little guy was smart, thinking that Ling Yun would take An Qing to travel again.

"No." An Qing scratched her head, was there any surprise?

An Qing became excited, thinking of those two days in Bali, she was really happy.

The little guy looked at Ling Yun with gloomy eyes, which made Ling Yun feel embarrassed.

"Sissy, and the two of you, what do you want to eat tonight? Order something!"

The little guy ordered a bunch, more than a dozen dishes, and he was really a snack, which surprised An Qing. How could she know so many expensive delicacies?

when eating

"Papa, why is little tiger missing?"

The little guy always felt that something was missing from the dinner table, and finally found it!
An Qing was taken aback, yes!

What about the little puppy?

It's been two days since she disappeared. At first she thought that Ling Yun had taken her away, but who knew it wasn't.

"Little Huzi is sick, I put it in the countryside, where it will be treated!" Ling Yun said flickeringly!

The little guy's eyes were gloomy, and he definitely didn't believe it, but she didn't ask any more questions.

An Qing went to take a bath after dinner, the little guy was full of questions...

Why did her mother take a shower so early today?
Wasn't it too late before!
In the room, the little guy sneaked in and saw An Qing trying on clothes, dressing up!

"Sissy didn't say a word when she came in. Don't do this next time, it will scare people." An Qing carefully taught, she was almost scared just now, why is there a shadow on the ground!

"Ma Ma, where are you going?" the little guy asked curiously!

An Qing smiled and changed her clothes!
"Baby stay at home tonight, I'll go out with your father on a date!"

"I'll go too!" The little guy watched eagerly!

"Cissy, do you want father and mother to be together forever?"

"miss you!"

"Then you have to be obedient and don't pester her!" How could An Qing let this little light bulb follow her, this is her second official date with Ling Yun!
The little guy pouted unhappily: "Sissi is obedient!"

"That's not okay, or Mom and Dad won't be together!"

"No, we want to be together."

"Yeah." An Qing covered her mouth with a smile and nodded.

The little guy is so foolish...

After explaining to Long Yan, Ling Yun and An Qing went to the movies, which was planned for this afternoon.

"An Qing, she didn't make trouble?" Ling Yun asked.

"No, it's a good laugh."

"Oh!" Ling Yun nodded, and started An Qing's Volkswagen car!
The little guy watched their car drive farther and farther on the second floor, his eyes turned red.

Beibei and Ji Wuxue took her to play the game, and instantly forgot the previous unhappiness. The three of them together forgot the original purpose of going to Wuhun Continent, that jade coral! ! !
A movie theater in Jiangbei City
Holding two movie tickets, Ling Yun's mouth twitched, who will tell him!
Did he get the wrong ticket?

Or did An Qing make a mistake?
Or a system failure! !

"Ling Yun, it's time, let's go in!" An Qing urged from the side.

"What are we going to watch next...?" Ling Yun pointed to the movie ticket and asked uncertainly.

"The Adventures of a Caterpillar!"

The corners of Ling Yun's mouth twitched again after hearing this, he was about to vomit blood!
Don't you want to watch the romantic drama with such a good reputation next to it?
Is this a normal date?
Watching others drag their families to watch The Adventures of Caterpillar, but what about him?
Why not take the little guy with you!

I don't know what An Qing is thinking!
Forget it after thinking about it, An Qing is as excited as a little girl, and can only watch it as a romantic drama.


Ling Yun is speechless, there is still love in The Adventures of the Caterpillar?
It still looked like a tragedy, and many girls with shallow eye sockets, such as An Qing, wept softly.

Just as the movie was at its climax, the audience was in an uproar, and immediately exclaimed again!
power cut!
The surroundings became black and numb, and immediately there was a little light from the mobile phone.

An Qing put her arms around Ling Yun, she seemed a little scared!
"With me here, what are you afraid of? Let's wait for a while. I guess it will generate electricity if there is no electricity." Ling Yun said truthfully.

At the same time, Ling Yun frowned slightly, Jiangbei City was fine, how could there be no electricity?
So how many ants destroyed it?
Ye Fei seemed to deal with it, so he was lazy.

The power system has been damaged, and it is estimated that it will be repaired tomorrow, and the network is also paralyzed, Ling Yun is slightly dissatisfied with this.

I definitely can't watch the movie anymore, and An Qing is not happy, too bad!
"Ling Yun, do you know the ending of The Adventures of the Caterpillar?" An Qing tried to ask, she didn't have any hope at all, maybe she asked out of unwillingness to give up.


Ling Yun passed the consciousness halfway and watched the whole movie.

"Really?" An Qing asked with a smile. Although she couldn't see her expression in the darkness, her tone was smiling and calm, as if it was perfunctory.

Many people around chose to leave. Although the cinema staff repeatedly emphasized that there will be electricity soon, there are still many people who can't wait.

Ling Yun and An Qing sat in place, while the former hugged the latter and told An Qing the whole story in a low voice!

Ling Yun narrated the plot in a touching way, with ups and downs, making An Qing feel as if she was there.

After listening, An Qing cried, "Ling Yun, let's not be like them!"

"That's it?" Ling Yun asked back.

An Qing: "..."

after a while

Ling Yun was not taken advantage of by An Qing, probably because she was in a bad mood after hearing the story.

"Let's go, we already know the plot." An Qing calmed down and stood up, and threw herself into Ling Yun's arms due to her numb feet.

Ling Yun laughed and said, "Why are you in such a hurry? An Qing, you've turned bad." He even took a breath.

Needless to say, An Qing's face in the dark must be redder than a monkey's buttocks, plus Ling Yun's flesh is... numb to death.

(End of this chapter)

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