Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 550

Chapter 550

An Qing cast a reproachful glance at Ling Yun, and said, "It's not serious, get down and carry me on your back!"

"I picked up a beautiful woman in the movie theater!" Ling Yun said in a moderate voice, attracting many people to take photos.

A fat man next to him asked: "Where can I find such beauties, I'll go get a dozen!!"

In Fatty's eyes, An Qing is wearing a blindfold, while Ling Yun is without makeup, still unstoppably handsome.

It is not difficult to see that An Qing is a first-class beauty. Everyone thought Ling Yun's words were true, and they all gave thumbs up while envious!

Good job!
Long faces for our men!

With An Qing on her back, Ling Yun walked out of the movie theater, the outside was only a little brighter than the inside of the movie theater!
Because of the moon, there is artificial power generation!
Hearing the chattering crowd, An Qing cursed in a low voice, "It's so annoying, there's no electricity around here, where are we going?"

Ling Yun shook his head and said, "Follow you!"

An Qing's eyes lit up, and she suggested, "Let's go to the bar! Drink and dance!"


Recently, a bar with artificial power generation is so hot that there are too many people!
"Are you going?" An Qing asked uncertainly standing at the door.

"Go, come here!" Ling Yun replied angrily.

Immediately, they dragged An Qing who looked like a little girl, and squeezed into the Shanger bar!
Seeing Ling Yun, who was very familiar with the bar, An Qing frowned slightly!

secret passage
Ling Yun doesn't come here often, does he?

Well, it should have been before... I turned around and let go after thinking about it.

Ling Yun sat quietly on the bar counter, and ordered two glasses of wine named Fiery Red Lips.

An Qing took a sip, and her first impression was that it was spicy!
"What? It's not good?" Ling Yun said with a smile.

"It's delicious, will the degree be low?"

Hearing An Qing's words, Ling Yun was dumbfounded?Low degree?
"This beauty, this is called Blazing Red Lips, made by a famous bartender in our bar!" The bartender explained, he is a bartender, an apprentice, and his appearance is just average.

Ling Yun was interested and asked curiously: "Famous? How famous?"

An Qing continued to taste the cup of Fiery Red Lips, and listened to the dialogue between them without interrupting.

The bartender looked at Ling Yun and showed a disdainful smile. Ling Yun's clothes are ordinary tonight.

"Mr. Barle, the apprentice of the British master bartender Master Omick, is the head bartender of our bar."

Facing the bartender's triumphant showing off, Ling Yun sneered and did not speak, but continued to take a sip of the so-called Fiery Red Lips.

The bartender said with disdain again: "Brother, you should come to our bar more often, and you still have a chance to see Mr. Barle!"

An Qing was also very curious about the bartenders. She had seen one time when she went to a bar before, and the bartenders were playing tricks and tricks, endlessly.

After finishing drinking Fiery Red Lips, Ling Yun said, "Can I make a glass for myself?"

The bartender was surprised, and then nodded. He had no reason to refuse the customer's request.

"Ling Yun, will you?" An Qing patted his shoulder and smiled affectionately.

After the bartender put all the tools on the bar counter, he made a polite gesture of please.

Ling Yun simply poured some wine, all kinds.

This scene made several bartenders shake their heads, isn't this just a joke?
But Ling Yun said: "Look at it, young man!"

words fall
Ling Yun dangled a glass of wine in his hand, back and forth in the air, the movements were really beautiful, and it was a kind of visual enjoyment to watch.

"An Qing, try it." Ling Yun poured out a glass, as if by magic, the glass of wine was colorful!

An Qing's mouth was wide open: "What kind of wine is this, it looks good, and there is a flower in the middle?"

Although the flower was small, An Qing could see it clearly.

"Flower of Death, Manzhushahua" Ling Yun replied leisurely.

Several bartenders had different expressions on their faces. The bartender had an ugly face just now, and he didn't expect to miss him.

Is there bronze?

Obviously the king.

That set of actions just now is enough to disdain those outstanding bartenders in Shange Bar.

Ling Yun made four cups, and each cup was poured with a different color.

Shocked a few friends who watched the show!
Especially the bartender, he looks like hell!

"Is it delicious!" Ling Yun asked with a smile.

"Yeah." An Qing nodded, what a surprise, I didn't expect Ling Yun's bartender to be so skilled, and I don't know how many times better than Li Huo Hong Lips.

After taking another sip, An Qing asked again: "You haven't told me what the name of this wine is?"

Ling Yun shrugged, he didn't know, he made it casually, and for the first time, he didn't even choose a name.

"Handsome guy! Can you buy me a drink?" A beautiful woman asked with beautiful eyes looking at Ling Yun, flicking her golden hair.

Ling Yun didn't raise his head, and replied, "Okay!"

An Qing is not happy anymore, why did Ling Yun say yes?Are you interested in others?

The blond beauty came here for the wine, and after getting a glass of wine, she left happily.

An Qing patted her chest, and breathed a sigh of relief, for fear that they would continue to hook up.

"This wine has no name, what name do you think is good?"

An Qing took another sip, and the wine glass was empty, after endless aftertaste: "I don't understand..."

Ling Yun suddenly put his arms around An Qing and said, "Do you think the devil's kiss is more suitable!" After speaking, he kissed An Qing.

An Qing's mind went blank for a moment, there were so many pairs of eyes watching!
But the name is very good, it tastes like a devil's kiss, that's the feeling, if it wasn't for the bar, An Qing would probably have yelled.

after a while

Ling Yun let go of An Qing, Gulu drank a glass of Devil's Kiss, and took her to dance.

Don’t leave any regrets when you come here, don’t be like the last time in Bali, when you visit an online celebrity bar, you just go in for a drink and come out without doing anything.

Ling Yun jumped onto the high platform, and a cool dance detonated the audience.

Seeing Ling Yun's skillful movements, many people applauded and shouted, but An Qing didn't go up, she just stared at Ling Yun blankly.

A professional woman piled up An Qing and asked, "Little sister, what a blessing!"

She knew that An Qing and Ling Yun came together.


Coming in from Lingyun, although she was dressed in ordinary clothes, her temperament attracted many bar women, including her eyes, and she basically never left Lingyun, but she could only think about it, An Qing was much prettier than her.

An Qing smiled slightly, and replied: "Thank you!" Then she stared foolishly again.

The bartender at the bar looked at the remaining glass of Devil's Kiss, took a photo and sent it to Mr. Barle.

When Ba Le saw that he was not calm immediately, he asked them to keep Ling Yun as much as possible, and wait for him to arrive soon.

After the dance, Ling Yun pulled An Qing back to the bar again, and the audience was still boiling!
Seeing those women as if they were about to swallow Ling Yun, An Qing shivered violently.

Ling Yun patted her head.

Is she jealous?

"Why don't you dance? Don't you like it the most?"

"I like to watch you dance, but I didn't expect you to be a master, and you actually kept it from me?" An Qing pouted angrily.

Immediately, An Qing's eyes lit up and she drank the remaining glass as well.

(End of this chapter)

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