Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 551

Chapter 551
A few bartenders looked sore...

"What's your surname, sir?" The bar manager came over and asked with a friendly face.


"Haha, Mr. Ling, you and I hit it off right away." The manager flattered me.

Thousands of clothes, ten thousand clothes, flattery don't wear it!

Ling Yun simply ignored him, because he wanted him to be a bartender.


Ling Yun is the one to blame!
Suddenly Ling Yun smiled, patted the manager on the shoulder and said, "Tell me..." Then the voice became smaller and smaller.

The manager was overjoyed when he heard the words, then his expression was stunned, and then he took a deep look at Ling Yun.

But Ling Yun dragged the drunken An Qing to the door, only to hear the manager come back to his senses and say: "Master Ling will pay for all the consumption tonight!"

"get high!"

The audience once again exploded with passion...

The manager was really shocked. Their bar belonged to the Wild Wolf Gang, but now it really belongs to the Daughter Gang.

Their boss is Brother Qiang...

So when Lingyun called Brother Qiang Xiaoqiang, the manager knew that they must know each other.

outside the bar...

"Hey, who are you, why are you dragging me?"

Hearing An Qing's words, Ling Yun's face turned dark, is it so easy to get drunk?
"Don't make trouble, come back with me obediently, my daughter will make trouble!"

"What daughter, you go away." An Qing was drunk, staggering and piled up with Ling Yun.

Then he added: "I'm only a senior, where's my daughter?" After speaking, she stared at Ling Yun.

Ling Yun has black lines all over his head! !

"Oh, I remembered, you are Ling Yun, and we have a daughter, Sissy!" An Qing rubbed her aching head while watching Ling Yun giggling.

Got it!

It seems that An Qing is really drunk, those two cups of Devil's Kiss are not high enough!
An Qing took advantage of Ling Yun's dance at the bar and didn't pay attention, and even drank a glass of high-alcohol vodka!

"Remember, let's go back!" Ling Yun pulled her again, really like a little girl who needs someone to take care of her!

"Don't go back, don't go back."


"Ling Yun, let's open a... room!" An Qing didn't realize that this was a public place, she frowned slightly, and said everything when she was drunk...

my darling!

Can't you speak better?

Like staying in a hotel, finding a place to rest or something?

Ling Yun looked at the eyes that passed by all around, feeling embarrassed...

"Go!" An Qing pouted, feeling uncomfortable in her stomach!


Ling Yun stroked his forehead, speechless.

It seems that I can't drive back normally, so I stay in the hotel according to Anqing's intention.

Looking up, there happened to be a hotel nearby, although it wasn't very well-known, it was just ordinary, Ling Yun didn't have time to dislike her now, and hugged An Qing in the arms of a princess.

As for the latter, he was so drunk that he couldn't open his eyelids, and could only cower in Ling Yun's arms.

Hotel reception
The waiter looked Ling Yun up and down.

She can't control that much, she's just a part-time worker, and she's seen this kind of thing a lot these days, and there will definitely be some girls crying tomorrow morning.

"Please show your ID, thank you."


After Ling Yun left, the waiter blinked, looking hazy.

in the room

As soon as An Qing was put down, she became restless.

Then there are two people...!
Just finished!

There was a lot of noise outside, Ling Yun got up in a bathrobe to drink water, and there was a thud outside the door!
Ling Yun frowned, who could it be?I ignored it and wanted to go to bed.

"Open the door, please open the door!" A calm male voice said.

"What's the matter?" Ling Yun said lazily, without any intention of getting out of bed to open the door again.

"Open the door, strictly investigate!"

What the hell!

Ling Yun slapped Ji Ling severely, strictly investigate?

It's too fucking bloody.

After tidying up her bathrobe and covering An Qing with the quilt, Ling Yun was helpless.


"It's you!" A surprised female voice sounded, Ling Yun turned his head and looked, it was actually his sister-in-law, An Xiaoxiao!

Flocks of crows flew over Ling Yun's forehead...

"Okay, you are this kind of person, I misjudged you!" An Xiaoxiao had a heartbroken expression.

Regarding her weirdness, Ling Yun heard An Qing say a lot, and he didn't care about it.

"Go, go, go, go!" Ling Yun waved his hand and wanted to dismiss it.


Where will An Xiaoxiao be willing? This is catching chickens in bed!
It was clear that Ling Yun felt guilty!
An Xiaoxiao said, "Brother-in-law, are you right to live with my sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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