Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 552 Lonely

Chapter 552 Lonely

Ling Yun is speechless, this is also a wonderful flower, why is she here?

Isn't An Xiaoxiao just to meet Pluto?

There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that Jiangbei is the base of Hades...

Liu Qingcheng doesn't want to be the chief of the dragon team in the capital city, so she doesn't do it anymore. She ran here to be a policeman, and said to the outside world that she started from the grassroots. Her father, An Qingmin, had a headache for his daughter, so she could only let her go.

"Be honest, who is in there?" An Xiaoxiao stared, wanting to open the door and go in.

"Hey, who are you, I don't know you!"

"Hehe, brother-in-law is so forgetful, stealing from my sister? Still lying to my sister-in-law, and I am a policeman now!"

"Don't bark, I'm not married, where's my sister-in-law?" Ling Yun didn't retreat at all, and said without blushing.

An Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, wondering if she really made a mistake?
Her memory is not bad, although she met Ling Yun once, but with this appearance, could it be that he has a younger brother?
"Don't disturb other people's sleep if you have nothing to do, it's easy to be irritable if you lack energy!" Ling Yun said.

An Xiaoxiao looked Ling Yun up and down again, and shook her head: "I don't believe it, you must be Ling Yun!"

"Look..." Ling Yun took out his ID card and handed it to An Xiaoxiao.

An Xiaoxiao's eyes were almost protruding. The name on her ID card was An Xiaoxiao, but her profile picture was Ling Yun.

"Impossible, it must be a fake!" An Xiaoxiao turned over and over again, calling it impossible.

"Okay, I'm going to bed. I told you that you're wrong." Ling Yun took back his ID card and pretended to yawn with a tired look on his face.

after closing the door
Ling Yun secretly smiled and lay down on the bed to sleep, but An Xiaoxiao outside the room was dumbfounded.

She didn't come back to her senses for a long time, and she didn't know how she left the hotel.

Nothing in the night

next day!

Ling Yun went back to the villa without waiting for An Qing, and left her a message on WeChat, telling her to rest before going to work. The car was downstairs from the hotel.

in the villa

As soon as Ling Yun came back, he went to see Qianqian, the little guy was having a sweet dream.

Sucking her little finger, she is really cute, she is the laziest, both Beibei and Ji Wuxue have been up for a long time.

"Papa?" The little guy suddenly opened his eyes, and closed them again when he saw Ling Yun.


Ling Yun is funny, she is really dreaming.

After flicking her forehead, Ling Yun withdrew.

First floor

"Handsome, Beibei wants to ask for leave!" Beibei looked like an adult, standing on the sofa condescendingly.

Long Yanran covered her mouth, smiled lightly and replied, "My elder brother and sister-in-law are going to take Beibei to travel."

"Yo ho? Beibei is so happy, where are you going to travel?" Ling Yun laughed.

"Yeah, ask for leave! I don't know where to go." Beibei shook her head and said.

"Okay, uncle approved." Ling Yun patted her head and continued: "You can't use Bai Yan indiscriminately, you understand?"

Beibei nodded, she is not afraid in Blue Star!
"Handsome, will Sissy go?"

"The three of you go, Sissy will study at home!"

"Then... okay!" Beibei was a little unhappy, she wanted to go with her parents, and also wanted to be with Sissy and Ji Wuxue.

Long Jiani is back, and after meeting with Ling Yun, she is going back to Bi Shui Xing. She has been out for a long time, and she doesn't know the time is different, but she is still reluctant to part with her.

This time it was still Tianhai Pavilion who came to look for Ji Wuxue, it was really haunting.

Hearing that Long Jiani was leaving, Long Yanran had something to do, and she wanted to go back to Jinling.

Ji Wuxue wanted to go out and have a look around her, but Long Yanran agreed, Ji Wuxue is a quiet child, she doesn't have to worry about it.

She was the only one left of the little guy, and she didn't know yet, Ling Yun could only choose to take her to the company.

On the way to the company, the little guy looked out the window eagerly, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Cissy isn't happy going to the company with Dad?"


The little guy replied listlessly.

Ling Yun was driving the car, frowning, as if the sports cars in front had been demonstrating against him.

Exhaust fumes spewed and released, and the sound was still loud. The low-speed car in the front slowed down and rolled down the windows.

A boy with dyed red hair said, "Boy, was it you who honked the horn just now?"

It turned out to be finding fault!
Wasn't it just at the traffic light, Ling Yun urged him?

Ling Yun remained silent, looking ahead, the red-haired boy was a little angry, raised his middle finger, and closed the car window.

The cars had a tacit understanding, leaving Ling Yun behind and not allowing Ling Yun to overtake!

Ling Yun didn't care about it, the little guy quit, and said, "Papa, are they bullying us?"

"No, they're just ignorant."

"Then let's compete faster with them, hey! Fly in front of them!" The little guy gestured.

"Okay, is there any reward for Dad getting No.1?"

"Yes... um..." The little guy thought for a while and continued, "A can of milk powder!"

"No more!"

After finishing speaking, he pouted, as if he was extremely heartbroken.

"Haha, a can is fine!"

Immediately Ling Yun honked the horn for a long time, just to make them angry and save their face.

Don't they hate when people honk at them?
Ling Yun insisted, and played a tune!At the next turn at the intersection, Ling Yun made a beautiful drift, throwing them off in an instant.

"Oh..." The little guy looked at the car behind, pouted, a can of milk powder was gone!

The few sports cars that were thrown away were not convinced, and stepped up the accelerator to chase Ling Yun madly.

Ling Yun looked at them through the rearview mirror, smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and signaled the little guy to sit down and increase the accelerator immediately.

The red-haired boy was extremely surprised, his sports car couldn't catch up with Ling Yun's Bentley?

He wasn't dreaming, the turn just now was drifting, right?
"Papa, they are so stupid."


"I'm chasing you! Aha."

Ling Yun stepped on the gas again, turned without pressing the brakes, a series of drifts, the whole road was Ling Yun's performance.

The traffic police are after him...

Knowing that the few sports cars that could not catch up with Ling Yun stopped on the road, the red-haired boy said to himself: "I saw the Jiangbei car god, haha, we finally have a car god in Jiangbei, we have to find him!"

As he spoke, he jumped up excitedly.

Immediately, he called a number: "Hey, Brother Jie, good news..."

If Ling Yun was here, he would definitely be able to hear that the person the red-haired boy called was from Brother Jie!
It was the son of Jiangbei Guoan Senior High School, Gao Yunjie!
"Do you know who the other party is?" Gao Yunjie asked excitedly.

"I haven't checked yet, but we remember his license plate number, it's..." the red-haired boy said, and he forgot it!
"What is it?"

"Brother Jie, I... I forgot!"

"You pighead!" Gao Yunjie complained speechlessly.

The red-haired boy asked a few friends next to him and said that he couldn't remember clearly: "Brother Jie, there is a camera! I will definitely be able to investigate it today, so don't worry!"

Gao Yunjie nodded and said hello!Just hang up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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