Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 556

Chapter 556

After Anqing called Chen Li, the rest of the Yuexia Charity Foundation arrived soon!

"Hello there!"

It turned out to be Yang Fugui, a classmate of Lingyun University.

An Qing didn't know her, so she responded politely!
And Yang Fugui didn't recognize An Qing, he just felt familiar, because An Qing always wore masks in public places!

"Yang Fugui?"

"You are Ling Yun?"

"Ha ha!"

The two old classmates chatted as soon as they met!

It turned out that Yang Fugui was arranged by Chen Li. Before Ling Yun said, students who don't have a job can arrange it!
This is not
Yang Fugui got this job very smoothly. After graduation, this job is the most comfortable for him!

When he found out that Ling Yun was the big boss, Yang Fugui's jaw almost dropped in shock!
"She's your daughter? Call uncle!"

Yang Fugui looked at Qianqian, touched his pocket with his right hand, embarrassed, there was no gift, and the little guy didn't care, turned around and took out a lollipop and gave it to Yang Fugui!
"Thank you kid, you're so cute, you're already a child star." Yang Fugui accepted it with a smile!
Ling Yun asked An Qing and Yang Fugui to deal with those verification issues together, and he went to the old dean!
The little guy just plays with a bunch of kids!

"What's your name?" The little guy took out a lollipop and said to a five-year-old boy.

This boy is a little boy!

Xiaotian said: "Grandma called me Tiantian!"

"Little Tiantian, call me sister!" the little guy patted his head and said.

Xiaotian definitely wouldn't do it, but for the sweet lollipop, he agreed: "Sister!"


The little guy is happy, he has accepted another little brother!

The seven or eight-year-old chubby can't stand it!

"How old are you?"

"How can you be a sister, you are the youngest here!"

As soon as the little guy's eyes lit up, he beat up the little fat guy without saying a word!

His fat body can't beat him?
It's time for a dog!

"Don't cry, don't cry!" The little guy ran to comfort him again, imitating Ling Yun's way of touching his head.

After getting along easily...

She is the eldest sister of the orphanage!
Every child is given candy, and the most important thing is, whoever is not convinced, she haha ​​fists!
The unconvinced children suddenly trembled. Thinking about the miserable situation of Little Pangdun, none of them dared to say anything!
There is an elf child who is curious about the pocket of the little guy, and can take a lollipop out of it every time?

Loaded so much?

Not yet!
Seeing the volunteer beauty approaching, the little guy asked, "Sister and aunt! How could she not see?"

The volunteer beauty patiently explained to her...

The invisible child is four years old and is born with a disability, named Xiaomei!

After listening to the words of the volunteer beauty...

The little guy sniffed and his eyes were red: "It's so pitiful!"

He asked again: "Then where is her daddy?"

The volunteer beauty patted her head and replied with a smile: "They are orphans, where are their parents!"

"Huh?" The little guy didn't understand!
Why no parents?

"Then how did they come here?" The little guy became curious again!

The volunteer beauty couldn't laugh or cry, and explained to her for a long time!

After hearing this, the little guy burst into tears!

The beauty volunteer was dumbfounded. If An Qing came, wouldn't you think it was her who hit her?

"Don't cry, little princess, don't cry!" The beauty volunteer was in a hurry!

Hearing this cry, like Sissi's, An Qing panicked and ran over immediately!

"What happened?"

"Sister, it's none of my business!!" The volunteer beauty explained embarrassingly, and the little guy ran over immediately when he saw An Qing, and shouted loudly: "Ma Ma, Sissy is obedient, don't make me an orphan! Wow!"

An Qing knelt down, picked her up, and replied with a smile: "Why would you think so, neither mom nor your dad will give up on you!"

"Yeah!" The little guy stopped crying and hid quietly in his arms.

"But, you must be obedient." An Qing's eyes lit up and she said, now is a very good opportunity for education, so don't let it go.

"Sissy, be obedient!" The little guy replied seriously.

"Yeah!" An Qing was also happy, and immediately kissed her!

"Ma Ma, they are so pitiful!" The little guy showed sympathy, and his tone was a little choked up again!
"So, we have to help them, right?"

"Sissy also gave them a lot of candy!"

"Not enough, it costs a lot of money!"

"Money?" The little guy's eyes lit up!
He took out a check from his pocket, it was the one that was torn into two halves, the amount was 100 million signed by An Qing himself!

"Huh? Isn't it Xiaoxue's?" An Qing asked!
It always feels weird, but I can't say it!

"Ma Ma, is it still useful?" The little guy looked at the check, and he was in a bad mood!
"Yes!" An Qing laughed!

This is hers!
Just write a new one!

Then he continued to ask: "Cissy, is this money a donation?"

The little guy scratched his head and didn't understand: "Hmm? What is a donation?"

An Qing didn't ask any more questions, and said directly, "Sissy, just give them the money, right?"

The little guy nodded seriously, this is her new little brother!
After explaining clearly to the little guy, An Qing had to continue to work again. She and Uncle Wang and his wife just got to know a little bit, and tried to distribute the subsidy funds in the afternoon.

And the little ones are playing games organized by volunteer beauties!

Aha lol!
At the entrance of the orphanage, a group of gangsters came, no doubt, it must be called by Manager Lu!
The little guy ran out with short legs and wanted to close the door, but the beautiful volunteers couldn't stop him!

"Open the door!"

A young man with green hair roared, holding a wooden stick in his hand!

The little guy just ran out the door, blinking!
And the thin-faced gangster at the back looked so weak that he recognized Cici as their gang leader. Brother Qiang had already explained that Sici's photo was also posted in the gang, everyone must remember, and This green-haired guy is a rookie who just joined the gang.

Manager Lu got out of the car leisurely and shouted, "Work!"

The thin-faced gangster slapped him straight away!
Manager Lu circled in circles!


After reacting, he said angrily: "You hit me? Hit me again if you have the guts?"

Not only Manager Lu, but also the volunteer beauties and children present were stunned by this scene!

what's the situation?
Your own people beat your own people?
Clap your hands, little guy, watching a show!ahh lol?
The thin-faced gangster said angrily: "You bastard, I have never seen such a request!"

After speaking, he slapped Manager Lu several times!
Manager Lu was furious, but he didn't fight back, and continued: "Do you dare to hit me again?"

"Try your mother!!!" The thin-faced gangster kicked him away!
This cheating fool thing!
Their gang leader is here, if the current brother Qiang finds out, he will lose his skin even if he doesn't die!

The little guy was grinning from ear to ear, and saw someone getting kicked in the butt again!

"Boss, I made a mistake. Didn't we come to the orphanage to make trouble?" the green-haired gangster said.

Thin-faced bastard raises his hand and is just a slap...

The other gangsters all recognized the little guy, and they didn't dare to breathe!

The beautiful volunteer's mouth twitched!
How did you come here?

Can't the dark path be robbery?

It's broad daylight!

The thin-faced bastard is quite handsome. Where is she from, from?Or from it?In an instant, she blushed from neck to ear in embarrassment.

The little guy watched the thin-faced gangster come over with his eyes hooked, with a natural expression on his face.

The volunteer beauty shook her head, thinking of something, then froze in place, at a loss, and even forgot to call someone.

(End of this chapter)

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