Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 557 Candlelight Dinner

Chapter 557 Candlelight Dinner
The thin-faced gangster bowed his head, smiled at Qianxi and said, "Master, we don't know that idiot!"

The thin-faced gangster has a good brain, so hurry up and get rid of Manager Lu!
Volunteer beauties are stunned!


What a helper!

Little princess messed up?

This idea flashed in my mind! !
The little guy looked at him in place, scratching his head, as if he had never seen him before?
Is it a bad guy?
Not like that, the little guy learned to touch his chin and think.

A while
The little guy rolled his eyes, and said in a childish voice, "I'm the eldest sister."

Thin-faced gangsters are ashamed, their leader is really different, they are calm and composed at a young age!

"Yes Yes Yes"

A group of gangsters came over, each one worried, for fear that the little guy would get angry.

"Is he really a bad guy?" The little guy pointed to Manager Lu outside the door. He didn't understand that he was a bad guy. Why didn't her father beat him?

I don't understand why these gangsters listen to her, but she is not afraid.

The gangsters didn't make a sound, and the children in the orphanage all complained to the little guy.

"Sister, it's him who bullies grandma!" Xiao Pangdun said angrily.

Eyes can kill, Manager Lu has been killed hundreds of times by Xiaopangdun.


Five or six children nodded. Manager Lu gave them a bad impression.

Manager Lu outside the door murmured that it was not good, how could the gangsters he had found know that child and still listen to her, suddenly a bad feeling came to his heart.

Following the advice of the children in the orphanage, the little guy asked the thin-faced gangster to beat up Manager Lu again, and the latter dared not speak harshly again.

The volunteer beauty was dumbfounded, and the little princess was an asshole!

A small disturbance ended in this way, and the image of the little guy's big sister became taller in the hearts of the children.

After finishing her work, An Qing took the little guy to find Ling Yun.

"Ma Ma, what is Papa doing?"

"Little fool, you ask me, who should I ask?"

"Sissy knows."

"Then tell me, what is he doing?"

"Papa must be bragging!"

Knocking on the old dean's study, An Qing asked outside: "Is Ling Yun in?"

"Come in!"

"Aha! Papa!" The little guy saw Ling Yun sitting on the sofa.

His hand pressed the head of the old dean, like a massage!

An Qing asked strangely: "The dean has relapsed again?"

"Ahem!" The old dean just squinted, and she heard An Qing's words.


"Dean, my ancestral craftsmanship is not bad!" Ling Yun said with a smile.

"That's right, young man, the medical skills are so good at such a young age, the future is limitless." The old director praised, his eyes were still squinted, and Ling Yun continued to massage his head.

Since the old dean didn't believe Ling Yun's prescription, he had no choice but to fool around like this. Just like what Qianqian said, Ling Yun was bragging just now, and the old dean almost regarded him as crazy.

After leaving the old dean's study, An Qing asked: "Ling Yun, are we going back now?"


"I'm worried that those from the Li Group will come again!"

"I told the old dean that if anyone makes trouble, please call me, and I will come over as soon as possible!"

An Qing immediately rolled his eyes at him, and said, "How many times have you been connected to your mobile phone?"

Ling Yun rubbed his nose and stopped talking. He didn't give it to himself, but to Ye Fei. If you need anything, you can just ask Ye Fei.

After saying goodbye to the children in the orphanage, the little guy spoke, asking Ling Yun to help her new recruits see a doctor when she was free. Ling Yun and An Qing couldn't laugh or cry, and the little guy happily snuggled into An Qing's arms , Deep drowsiness hit.

in the villa

An Qing touched Qianqian's head, patted it lightly, and said softly, "Baby, wake up!"

"Bad Mama!"

The little guy muttered dissatisfiedly, without opening his eyes.

An Qing smiled, and continued to shout with love on her face: "Xiaoxue drink your grandma!"

The little guy turned over, and after a while: "Ah!"

Immediately no sleepiness!

Standing up and looking around, he said aggrievedly, "You're bad!"

"Okay, it's my fault!" An Qing smiled and hugged her into her arms.

It was past seven o'clock, Ling Yun delayed making dinner in order to let Qianqian get enough sleep!
before the dinner table

The little guy clapped his hands, happy!

Ling Yun made a candlelight dinner tonight, and turned off all the lights in the room, making the family very warm.

Suddenly, the little guy stopped eating and ran up to the second floor. An Qing looked at Ling Yun, hoping for an explanation...

And Ling Yun shrugged with a smile, of course he knew what Qian Qian was going to do, but he didn't say anything, An Qing would know later anyway.

After a while, the little guy went downstairs holding a box of heavy things, sweating profusely and panting.

An Qing asked strangely: "What is it, you don't care about eating, and you have to take it out now?" After speaking, she looked directly at the box in Qianqian's hand.

"Aha, baby!" The little guy held the box and asked An Qing to open it.


An Qing's mouth was wide open, and when she opened it, it was shiny, it was a diamond! !


"Little baby, why are there so many diamonds?" An Qing immediately lost her composure. Could this be robbing a bank?

She had seen the biggest red diamond before, but what about the others?From there, I feel that their father and daughter are so mysterious.

"I bought it." The little guy said truthfully, but she didn't lie, she bought the other ones from the street stalls on the side of Bi Shui Xing and Wuhun Continent respectively, and she especially liked the shiny ones.

"Ling Yun, kiss me quickly..." An Qing rubbed her eyes, still not believing, so many diamonds?How much is it worth?

"Don't doubt it, it's true." Ling Yun replied with a smile.

Immediately, the little guy and An Qing took out the biggest one while eating and admiring it!
The refracted light is reflected on the dining table, which is really beautiful!
"This meat is for Ma Ma!"

"This green vegetable is for Papa!"

The little guy is standing on a chair and serving them food!
An Qing's heart is as sweet as drinking honey!
Ling Yun asked: "Why am I Qingcai?"

The little guy said confidently: "I won't eat it, Ma Ma won't eat it, here it is..."


Lingyun is in chaos! !
An Qing chuckled and said, "Then how do you explain this piece of meat?"

"Ma Ma wants to eat more meat." He said and gave her another two pieces.

Just when An Qing was feeling elated, the little guy continued: "If you get fat, you won't be able to run."

"Haha!" Ling Yun couldn't bear it any longer, pinched her cheek and said, "What good does it do you to laugh at me?"

Seeing how wonderful An Qing's face was, the little guy curled his lips and didn't reply.

After eating, the little guy saw An Qing dressed up again, and asked, "Ma Ma, where are you going?"

An Qing looked in the mirror before taking a bath tonight, and found that her skin was not very good, so, after washing, she used some skin care products. The little guy didn't understand, thinking it was makeup.

"At home, I don't go anywhere!" An Qing replied speechlessly, it was almost nine o'clock, why did she still want to play?
"Aren't you going?"

"Papa said just now, go out and play later, Mama, if you don't go, just help Sissy look after the gems!"

"Your father really said that? Why didn't I know?" An Qing asked back, feeling a little lost in her heart. If it was true what Sissi said, why didn't she tell her?
(End of this chapter)

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