Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 558

Chapter 558

Seeing An Qing's sad face, the little guy felt guilty!

An Qing immediately noticed this!

Immediately grabbed the little guy's braids, and said with a smile: "Okay, you have learned how to cheat your mother!"


The little guy scratched his head in embarrassment, and thought to himself, how could he be discovered?

This method can't cure Qianqian, An Qing's face turned black, and she was tricked by her daughter!

Following Ling Yun's example, he first hugged her, pressed her on the bed, and then scratched her feet!
"Aha, aha, bad!! Aha..."

"Are you still naughty? Are you cheating on your mother?" An Qing laughed.

"Bad... Mama!"

After a few minutes, the little guy's mouth was dry from laughing!

"Ma Ma, let's ask Papa to go out together, shall we?"

"Why, it's so late?"



Two mothers and daughters, you say what I say!No matter how the little guy acted like a baby, An Qing just wouldn't go!
An Qing was surprised, why did Qian Qian pester her tonight, not Ling Yun!
"Sissy, what is your father doing on the first floor?"

"watch TV!"

"Why aren't you together?"

"do not like…"

An Qing was speechless, is it true or not, children don't like watching TV?

It's not that the little guy doesn't like watching TV, she watches those family ethics dramas now, and doesn't like cartoons anymore, and what Ling Yun shows is cartoons, unless those cartoons are like the stories Ling Yun tells, she will watch them.

The next day
The little guy consciously woke up with An Qing on time, happily finished his breakfast, and went to work with them with a baby bottle in his hand!
On the way!

An Qing and the little guy were chatting and laughing in the back seat, and suddenly An Qing shouted, stop!

Ling Yun reacted quickly, and immediately stopped firmly!

"what happened?"

After Ling Yun finished speaking, An Qing put down Qian Qian, opened the car door and ran out without answering Ling Yun's words.

"Sissy, stay in the car!"

Ling Yun also followed to see what An Qing saw.

An Qing ran to a tree, and the woman leaning against the tree was overjoyed, her face was pale and her head was covered with sweat.

When she saw An Qing coming, she said very weakly: "Please, hurry up, take me to the City Maternity and Children's Hospital."

An Qing reacted and looked around, and was startled: "You, are you alone?"

It's unimaginable that such a pregnant woman would come out to take a taxi by herself.

My husband just left for work, and my stomach hurts so much, I'm about to give birth, please send me to the Municipal Maternity and Children's Hospital, ah, I can't do it. "The pregnant woman said intermittently, while she was talking, she looked at An Qing with pleading eyes, as if she was afraid that An Qing would not send her off.

"no problem."

When Ling Yun came here, he nodded immediately. He couldn't just ignore death, so he immediately asked An Qing to help the pregnant woman sit in the back row, then he started the car and drove towards the hospital.

The little guy was very curious in the car, and didn't ask any questions. He just took out a tissue to help wipe off his sweat.

"Please, please hurry up, I feel that I may give birth soon, I really can't wait." The pregnant woman leaned on An Qing's shoulder and said weakly.

"No problem, don't worry, I will definitely send you to the hospital as soon as possible." Ling Yun nodded and accelerated the speed of the car at the same time.Release the divine power to relieve the pain of pregnant women.

If An Qing wasn't here, he would be able to get to the hospital right away, where he would have to drive slowly!
"Ah, I, I'm going to give birth, I can't do it, I can't do it. The hospital, hasn't the hospital arrived yet?"

The pregnant woman seemed to be a little confused, she kept yelling loudly, and still tightly grasped An Qing's hand.

"Ling Yun, can you drive faster!" An Qing was also very anxious, going to the Chi hospital would probably kill both of them.

Ling Yun also knew that she was about to give birth, and was trying to figure out a way. Time stood still?

too expensive!
Can't afford those merit points!

Stopped to deliver her?The follow-up is very troublesome, he is still a man.

holy light?Divine power?
It's no use either!
She is neither injured nor ill!
"Papa, speeding car!" said the little guy.

Ling Yun's eyes lit up instantly!
He can race fast, look at his head, An Qing was confused by it, but Sissy is smarter!

Ling Yun stepped on the accelerator and increased the speed to the fastest speed. An Qing's expression was not good. The little guy was not worried at all, and was busy comforting An Qing and the pregnant woman.

An Qing came back to her senses, only to find that Qianqian hadn't fastened her seat belt: "Sit down quickly and fasten your seat belt!"

The little guy curled his lips and sat down quietly, but he couldn't pull the seat belt with his little hands.

After a few big turns and drifts, the little guy was dizzy!

An Qing also tried her best to protect the pregnant woman, and even more desperately grabbed Sissi to prevent her from touching other parts of the car.

This scene was once again seen by Gao Yunjie's club squatting here, and Ling Yun's license plate number was also seen clearly.

When they arrived at the hospital, Ling Yun and the little guy were in the car and did not follow An Qing in.

"Papa, Mama is angry."

The little guy didn't wear a seat belt just now, so An Qing's anger probably hasn't disappeared by now...

Seeing that Ling Yun didn't speak, the little guy said again: "Papa?"

"Good coax!"

"Bo!" The little guy acted coquettishly, his eyes almost narrowed in laughter.

"It's useless to pop a few!" Ling Yun shook his head! !
"Then you hug me!" The little guy is smart, knowing that Ling Yun is hugging her, she definitely doesn't need to be spanked!
Seeing An Qing coming out, Ling Yun immediately grabbed the little guy and patted her butt casually a few times!

"Sissy, Dad can only help you like this!"

Ling Yun continued to pat, it was painless!

The little guy chuckled: "Woooo..."

An Qing heard the voice and came over immediately, dumbfounded! !

What's going on?
"Stop, Ling Yun, why are you hitting my baby?" An Qing stared at Ling Yun, seeing that Ling Yun didn't let go, An Qing became anxious and immediately stopped him.


"I taught you a lesson!"

"What do you mean?" An Qing asked puzzled.

"Don't wear a seat belt, are you angry now?"

"I'm not angry, why did you hit her, really." An Qing gave Ling Yun an angry look.

But Ling Yun and the little guy were dumbfounded, the little guy's eyes turned red instantly, and it was her father's fault to slap Ling Yun!
"Don't cry, mom will teach him a lesson for you!"

"Well, bad daddy!"

Ling Yun touched his nose, he didn't expect this to happen, so he changed the subject immediately.

"Is the situation okay? Has her husband notified her?"

"Notified, is there a nurse to take care of her, and her husband has asked for leave, and will be here soon!" An Qing replied, she did a good deed, she was so happy, she kissed Ling Yun who was sitting in the back seat when she was excited.

The little guy piled up An Qing, and said angrily, "Ma Ma, don't bully my papa!"

An Qing said that she helped teach Ling Yun a lesson, but when the time came, she couldn't bully her anymore.

Seeing that An Qing still didn't let go, the little guy piled up again, mumbling: "No kissing!"

(End of this chapter)

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