Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 560: Beach 2

Chapter 560: Beach 2
after a while

The little guy yelled: "Papa, Mama bullied me"

She finally understood, An Qing just teased her, grandma?


There wasn't even juice, the glass she brought was for Ling Yun.

What made the little guy furious the most was that An Qing kissed Ling Yun again in front of her. She was so angry that her face turned red and she couldn't move.

"Grow up quickly, no one will be able to bully you in the future." Ling Yun replied.

The little guy's eyes lit up, yes!

When she grows up, no one can bully her anymore, laughing and thinking about eating more in the future!
"Here you are!" An Qing smiled, and still gave her her exclusive milk powder.

after a while

The little guy was dug out by An Qing, it's not good to stay in it for a long time, it's easy to get sick if it absorbs the moisture.

"Ma Ma, can I go there?" The little guy pointed to the sea!
"No." An Qing refused straight away, so she definitely couldn't let her go.

"Ma Ma, you hug me..." the little guy acted like a baby.

An Qing had no choice but to hold her to try the sea water.

"Ling Yun, Ling Yun!" An Qing shouted.

Ling Yun, who was on the beach, was startled, thinking that something had happened.

"What's wrong? Surprised!" Ling Yun gave their mother and daughter a white look.

But An Qing ignored it, and instead said excitedly: "Our daughter can swim!" After speaking, she felt incredible.

The little guy can also dive and swim!
Ling Yun nodded and explained: "Of course, our daughter is a genius, I taught her."

Ling Yun said without blushing, as if it was the truth.

The little guy didn't explain it either, she was groping slowly with the ability of the artifact skirt, anyway, she couldn't drown in the sea anyway.

"No, I want to show off!" An Qing became excited, and kissed Ling Yun again.


"Where's Sissi?"

"Where's our daughter?"

"Ling Yun, look for it quickly!"

An Qing's face turned pale, she looked around, and then dived down to look again, immediately panicking her.

Ling Yun pulled An Qing up, and then picked up the little guy, he was too naughty, how could he scare An Qing.

"This is it!"

"She's behind me, look..." Ling Yun replied with a smile, and then lifted the little guy in the air.


The little guy didn't know anything, so he was picked up by Ling Yun.

"It scared me to death." An Qing's eyes were red, she hugged the little guy, still clinging tightly, the feeling just now was like losing the little guy, it was uncomfortable.

"Ma Ma, Ma Ma!" The little guy comforted quickly.

"Let's go ashore, don't play here anymore." An Qing's eyes showed worry, she looked around and found that the big waves were getting bigger and bigger, which was very dangerous.

The two of Ling Yun were at the beach and played with the little guy for a long time.

On the way, Ling Yun went to the toilet. When he came back, he found that the little guy's eyes were red, and there were many tourists and staff gathered around him. The scene was chaotic and mixed with crying.

The little guy rubbed his eyes in An Qing's arms, and said to Ling Yun who came over: "Papa, I'm gone... I'm gone..."

Ling Yun was speechless, why couldn't he speak clearly?
"An Qing, what happened there?" Ling Yun pointed to the crowd, frowning, the beach where he and Sissi stayed was trampled, there were several sand sculptures, the little guy liked it very much , like a mini city!
Little one crying?
Could it be because the sand sculpture was destroyed?
Thinking of this, Ling Yun became a little unhappy, his face turned black!

It took An Qing a long time to reply, with a slightly worried tone: "Ling Yun, just now there was a playful child who approached the shore and was swept away by a sudden huge wave. The child's parents are worried."

"I don't see... I don't see... my little brother is really gone!" The little guy pointed to the sea, blinking and blinking his beautiful red eyes!
An Qing repeated the teaching: "It's the little brother!"

"Little Brother Guo!"

"..." An Qing was powerless to reply!

"Papa, his papa is crying, so pitiful."

"Yes, tell him to be playful!" Ling Yun replied, while pulling their mother and daughter up, outsiders saw it as a gossip mentality!
"You, you won't be able to see your father and mother after you're more playful." An Qing hugged her and said funnyly, and poked her on the forehead to let her have a long memory!
"Sissi is obedient!" The little guy put his arms around An Qing's neck in an instant, and lay quietly in her arms.

"I beg you, please help me go to the sea, my child! My child...the child can still be saved!"

A woman knelt on the beach and kowtowed to the tourists around her!And tourists pointing fingers, it seems that they are also under consideration.

"Someone has already gone down to look for it, we'll wait on the shore!" A female tourist pulled up the woman who was kowtowing.

A family of three women, a typical happy family. Taking advantage of the good weather today, the couple brought their eight-year-old child Xiao Ming to Hutian Beach. Who knew that such a thing would happen.

"Phew! My poor child!" The woman sat paralyzed on the beach, lost in thought.

"Look, someone has landed!" A tourist shouted excitedly.

Everyone sees...

Big disappointment!
Only him alone, that means the child has not been found!

The child's father didn't come back, so there was only one hope left, and everyone prayed.

"Papa, they are so pitiful!" The little guy held back the tears from the corners of his eyes, and his mouth crooked!
An Qing's eyes were also red, she sniffed, and wiped away the little guy's tears without saying a word.

Seeing Ling Yun's indifference, the little guy said again: "Papa, why don't you come back to him? He knew he was wrong, and he cried again in a numbness. It's so pitiful to have no children..." The baby's voice was childish, and the more she spoke, the more she choked up stand up.

"You also know that parents will be very worried when the child is gone? So in the future, don't be playful like others, learn more from your mother!"

Ling Yun left this sentence behind and found a staff member, but he didn't know what they were talking about.

There is a sound of motorcycles on the beach!
It's Ling Yun!
The motor yacht he was driving was heading towards the open sea at high speed!

Seeing that it was him, An Qing almost jumped out of her mind!
The little guy was clapping his hands and shouted, "Come on, Papa!"

Feeling very happy, her father made a move, no problem, no worries.

It's the complete opposite of An Qing's attitude!

"I hope this young man won't disappoint everyone!"

"Give all my future luck to that child!" A Buddhist tourist folded his hands and prayed, praying non-stop.

The staff looked at the doubts in their hearts and made it clear that Ling Yun was helping to find the child before going out.

Everyone gave thumbs up and nodded in praise. There are still many good people in the world. They basically belong to the powerless kind, either they can't swim, or they can't drive a water motor boat.

(End of this chapter)

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