Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 561

Chapter 561
Time passed by every minute and every second...

An Qing seemed to have passed a century!

Not seeing Ling Yun coming back, she felt uncomfortable, and kept covering her heart, her face began to turn pale.

The little guy laughed loudly: "Papa is coming back soon!"

Where is An Qing in the mood to listen to her jokes?

After a while, Ling Yun's shadow appeared on the sea, and there were two more behind him, the child's father and Xiao Ming.

"I'm back, I saw it!"

"found it?"

"Great, I knew the child would be fine."

"Thank you! Thank you!!" The woman was so excited that she knelt down again.

Immediately, everyone cheered, sweeping away the gloomy atmosphere before!

The little guy looked at An Qing, touched the corner of her eyes, and asked, "Ma Ma, what's wrong?"

"It's okay!" An Qing immediately smiled through her tears, embarrassing herself in front of her daughter again.

Ling Yun directly drove the jet ski to the shore, and after getting off the car, the woman's family on the third floor cried with each other in their arms. The child had already been rescued by his father, but the two of them were swept farther and farther away from the shore by the huge waves.

After refusing their thanks, Ling Yun walked towards An Qing.

An Qing rushed forward desperately, hugging him and crying.

"Ling Yun, I'm so scared!"

"Don't do this in the future, I'm afraid you'll leave our mother and daughter behind!" An Qing actually cried like a child, and Ling Yun was at a loss for a moment, even the little guy was exaggerated.

"I...! Well, I promise you." Ling Yun was helpless, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, a princess hugged An Qing, and brought the little guy back under the sun umbrella.

in the sun

Ling Yun's shirtless body is full of temptation. I didn't notice it before, but now I look carefully, this little boy of Ling Yun actually has muscles, abdominal muscles, and mermaid lines that make even women jealous.

The little guy pestered An Qing to buy her toys, some toy excavators, specially for children to dig sand pits!
Ling Yun played sand sculpture with her again, the little guy was very dirty, like a mason.

An Qing took out her mobile phone to take pictures of their father and daughter, one after another, laughing while filming, and the eccentric little guy even made faces for An Qing.

The whole afternoon was spent at Hutian Beach. The little guy was tired and didn't sleep. He insisted on touching his head with Ling Yun. An Qing was speechless!

Touch your head?

Besides feeling good, what's the use?


After the little guy was relieved by Lingyun's divine power, he was revived instantly with full blood!

On the way back!

"Don't dance, don't dance!" An Qing is drunk, why is she still so energetic?
The brain is not enough, didn't she want to sleep just now?He also said that his feet hurt!

What now?
Jumped the old high!
I am more excited than when I first heard about going to play.

At this moment, after five o'clock in the afternoon, just as she was off work, An Qing's cell phone rang.


"Sister Qing, where are you? Something happened to the company." Andy on the opposite side was full of urgency and seemed extremely nervous.

"What's wrong with the company?" An Qing felt a lump in her heart, secretly thinking that the Li Group is the one doing the trouble, right?
"Downstairs in our company, there is a person playing with fire and setting himself on fire, and many policemen have come." Andy said with a look of fear, probably her heart is numb at the moment.

"Ah, we'll be there in a while, we'll talk about it when we meet!" After hearing this, An Qing felt uneasy, hung up her phone in a hurry, and asked Ling Yun to drive to Yuexia Entertainment Company.

Ling Yun frowned, dead man?
There's no need to make such a big fuss, right?
It's not easy!
Ten minutes later, the company arrived, and the first floor was crowded with people. There were many people watching the show, and a cordon was pulled up.

An Qing immediately found Andy and asked what was going on.

It turned out that just after get off work, a man who seemed to be drunk was on the first floor of their company, causing trouble.

"Are you the person in charge of Yuexia Entertainment Company?" A male policeman came over and asked An Qing.

Ling Yun took a step forward: "I am!"

"Please sign it!" The male policeman looked Ling Yun up and down, feeling unbelievable. It is rumored that Yuexia Entertainment Company has a lot of background, how could it be a young man?

Ling Yun brought it over and was about to sign it. An Qing patted it and said angrily, "Why don't you take a look? Just sign it casually!"

Ling Yun is speechless, do you have to tell her that with a sweep of his consciousness, he can understand everything clearly?

"Don't fight!"

The little guy said.

Let Ling Yun ask An Qing to sign it, it's not a big deal anyway.


An Xiaoxiao came down from upstairs. She went upstairs to look for An Qing just now, but the people upstairs were about to get off work and told her that An Qing had gone to play.

As a result, I saw it when I went downstairs!

"Why are you here? Don't you have to go to work?" An Qing asked while browsing the files.

The male policeman was dumbfounded, are these sisters?
"Sister! I'm a policeman!!" An Xiao said angrily, biting the word police very deeply.

"Look at my brain." An Qing stroked her forehead in embarrassment.

"Qi Qian, do you miss Auntie?" An Xiaoxiao asked with a smile, wiggling her pigtails.

The little guy said: "Think about it!"

"Haha, I don't believe it!" An Xiaoxiao shrank her head and stuck out her tongue.

"No, hum!" The little guy also became angry.

An Qing finished browsing and found that there was no problem. After signing her name, she asked An Xiaoxiao, "Are you off work?"

"What's wrong, sister? Why do you care about my coming?" An Xiaoxiao was startled.

"What are you thinking, when did I not care about you?"

"Only since you have this baby!!!" An Xiaoxiao smiled and patted Sissy's head, so cute, the little guy was furious and helpless.

An Qing rolled her eyes and said, "I won't quibble with you. If we can get off work, we'll go back to have dinner. We've been in Jiangbei for so long, and we haven't come to our villa to recognize our way!"

"Sister, let's go to Yuexia Hotel. The food there is delicious. My colleague took me there once." An Xiaoxiao suggested.

Immediately afterwards, he added: "No ordinary person can go there, I have a card, and it belongs to my colleague!"

"Either you go by yourself, or go back to eat with us?" An Qing said angrily, isn't Yuexia Hotel belong to their family.

Besides, the food there is delicious, but it can't compare with Lingyun's.


(End of this chapter)

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