Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 562 The Show-Off Sissy

Chapter 562 The Show-Off Sissy

An Xiaoxiao shrugged when she heard the words!

It's a pity not to go to Yuexia Hotel, but she can go with her colleagues at night!

Ling Yun thought for a while, it seemed that he hadn't been to Yuexia Hotel for a long time, so he said, "An Qing, let's go to Yuexia Hotel, look..."

As he spoke, he pointed to the excited little guy!

As soon as he heard that he could go to the Yuexia Hotel, the little guy immediately jumped up, and it was just their family when he returned to the villa, how boring!
An Qing looked at An Xiaoxiao's expectant eyes, and nodded: "Andy, let's go together, it's rare for your president to speak."

andy's mouth is so big!
Yuexia Hotel?
That's number one in the city!

She didn't expect to be blessed. She heard from many colleagues that the threshold is getting higher and higher, even if you have money, you may not be able to eat.

"Sister, you go first, I will report to the superior!"

"Yeah!" An Qing nodded, and there was no need to wait for her, anyway, she knew that An Xiaoxiao had a Beetle.

On the car heading to Yuexia Hotel, An Qing asked, "Ling Yun, is there any room left at this time?"

Ling Yun didn't answer, the little guy said: "Papa has...a beautiful house!"

He added: "Aunt Chen said it!"

"Puchi, that's an exclusive private room!" An Qing patted her head and explained.

Andy thought to himself, what kind of exclusive private room?
It won't be packaged all year round, right?

How much will that cost?

I was shocked in my heart, what a pride.

Ling Yun was speechless, it was so difficult to find a parking space!

No matter how you say it is your own territory!
He had no choice but to park indiscriminately, and when he arrived at the entrance on the first floor of the Yuexia Hotel, An Xiaoxiao also arrived, which was really fast enough.

The group is waiting for Ling Yun!
Seeing Ling Yun approaching, the little guy shouted, "Follow me!"

And An Xiaoxiao took out an ordinary membership card, ready to make a fuss.

Who knew that when the security guard saw the little guy, he nodded and bowed to say hello.

An Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded!
An Qing smiled: "Xiao Xiao, follow up!" After finishing speaking, she walked in, no one dared to stop them, and An Xiaoxiao was stunned again.

The little guy ran to the front desk, he was small, and said in a childlike voice: "Sister, sister..."

The waiter at the front desk was still the same as before. After seeing the little guy, he asked, "Boss, are you coming to eat again?"

"Yes, sister, where is Aunt Chen!"

"The manager is busy, I'll arrange someone to take you up there!"

The little guy shook his head and pointed to the back!

The beautiful waitress was startled, it was Ling Yun!

"You are busy, I can go up by myself, no need to call!" Ling Yun said lightly.

The corner of An Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched, her mind was in a mess!

next month?

Under the moon!

They are the same boss!

Andy's situation is similar to that of An Xiaoxiao's, and he is excited. It turns out that he belongs to the president!

After watching Ling Yun and the others leave, the waiter gasped, feeling a lot of pressure, Ling Yun's president's aura was too great.

After many days, they saw the handsome president and boss in their hearts again, and the front desk clerk even secretly sent a letter to WeChat Moments to show off!
Ling Yun took them to the sixth floor. An Xiaoxiao came here for the first time, looking around like a child from a village.

"Brother-in-law, I want a top-ranked membership card!" An Xiaoxiao said coquettishly from behind, in a very coquettish tone.

Ling Yun quickly interrupted, goosebumps almost came out, and immediately agreed: "Okay! You can ask Chen Li later."

An Xiaoxiao wanted to ask again, but Ling Yun added, "Your sister knows me!"

He didn't know that the membership card was gone now!
After arranging them to sit down, Ling Yun went to the kitchen to cook by himself, and even taught the chef a few more dishes!
"Tsk tsk! Little boss!" Andy joked.


The little guy rolled his eyes and asked curiously: "Ma Ma, why am I a small boss? And no salary?"

"The boss just doesn't get paid!" An Qing replied with her hands spread out.

The little guy scratched his head, confused!
Andy said: "Sister Qing, you can hide it from me!"

"Isn't it just a hotel?" An Qing replied speechlessly.

An Xiaoxiao took a white look and asked, "Sister, you've got it, so you can be content!"

An Xiaoxiao is almost envious of An Qing, her daughter is so cute, her career is on track, and Ling Yun is so handsome!

Although I seriously doubt that he Bao Xiaosan!
But on the whole, it is still relatively ideal. Will there be a man on Blue Star who will steal it?

Chen Li came up and chatted with An Qing. Anyway, An Qing is also the boss's wife, so she would say hello no matter what.

"Chen Li, I'll ask for a Zijin membership card for my sister!" An Qing asked.

And An Xiaoxin was excited, and she would be able to show off in front of her colleagues in the future!

"Why don't you ask Ling Yun, there are no more ordinary membership cards here!" Chen Li shrugged and said truthfully.

"Ah!" An Xiao was so petty!
It felt like Ling Yun was perfunctory to her, adding to his bad image.

An Qing cast a helpless look at An Xiaoxiao.

If not, there is no way.

It is also impossible for Ling Yun to change out!

The little guy jumped down, tugged An Xiaoxiao, and motioned her to lower her head, she had something to say.

"Auntie, Sissy has it!" After she finished speaking, she looked like I was very good!
It seems to be saying, quickly ask me for it!

An Xiaoxiao asked amusedly, "What's there?"

"Ka...ka..." the little guy said inarticulately, but he couldn't express himself.

An Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up, and she asked again: "Cissy has a membership card?"

"Yes!" The little guy nodded seriously.

Chen Li smiled and patted her head, and went out to get busy without saying anything!

And An Qing didn't believe it, and said, "Qi Qian, come back and sit down, and wait for Dad to cook something delicious."

The little guy curled his lips and ignored her, but continued to brag to An Xiaoxiao!
"Auntie, Sissy doesn't cheat money."

"Huh?" An Xiaoxiao couldn't figure out what the little guy meant.

Then he planned to tease her: "Then what are you lying to?"

"Cheat ice cream!" The little guy replied immediately, then thought for a while, and laughed out loud!
"Haha, how stupid!" An Xiaoxiao covered her mouth and laughed wildly.

The little guy patted An Xiaoxiao's thigh, stared at her, and said, "No, it's not a lie, Sissy wants ice cream!"

"Not buying!"

"Hmph! I have a card!" The little guy touched his pocket, his eyes turned gloomy.

Even though the Zijin membership card that the little guy took out was only slightly exposed, the bright-eyed An Xiaoxiao still saw it.

"Ka...ka...ka..." An Xiaoxiao was excited and incoherent, pointing at the pocket hesitantly.


That pocket where she kept her Zijin membership card?

How can you be so capricious, that card is said to cost tens of millions!

The little guy immediately took it back, triumphantly!

"Qi Qian, Auntie treats you to ice cream!" An Xiaoxiao immediately grabbed her with a smile and hugged her.

An Qing's brain is not enough, what's the situation?
(End of this chapter)

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