Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 565 Father-daughter union

Chapter 565 Father-daughter union
An Qing laughed and hugged her!
The little guy said again: "Ma Ma, will grandma bring me a gift?"

"You must be indispensable, little money fan!" An Qing said with a smile.

When meeting for the first time, there must be gifts, and there will be many!

Just wait for the fun, little guy!

As soon as I heard it!
She just started licking her mouth and wondering what those presents would be.

The first thing that comes to mind is ice cream!
Also drunk!

Came to Jiangbei from Shanghai all the way, brought ice cream as a gift?

How can it be!

The little guy is really innocent in his heart!
"You're drooling? What are you thinking?" An Qing's face turned dark.

"Aha, don't say it!" The little guy sucked in his saliva, licked his mouth, and shook his head desperately!

"Sissy, don't think about it, mom told you, it's a rag doll!"

An Qing said seriously, she guessed it!

Children are nothing more than toys and dolls!
Her mother came here for the first time and reunited for the first time after many years. The gift must be a meaningful doll.

Hearing no, the little guy was full of disappointment. What An Qing said to her later gave her some thoughts!

Seeing Ling Yun coming downstairs, he started to think of ways to pester him.

"Papa, order takeaway!"

"Aren't you full?" The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched!
"Mama said it!"

"Really? I can ask her!" Ling Yun tapped her nose lightly, smiling meaningfully.

If not?

That's spanking!

The little guy rubbed his butt, and became confident: "Mama said it!"

An Qing didn't know who to WeChat with. She also heard the conversation between their father and daughter. She nodded and said, "It's my idea. Didn't the family run out of ingredients? The supermarket forgot to buy them just now, so you understand!"

After speaking, he cast an ambiguous look at Ling Yun, and the latter seemed to be shocked!
The little guy also took the opportunity to say to Ling Yun: "Papa, I want two ice creams!" After speaking, he pointed at An Qing and pushed her on top of her!

Right now Ling Yun is a little worried, ordering takeaway online?
He has no money in his account.

Open your mouth and ask An Qing, let her transfer?
Too shameful!

Immediately looking at the little guy, Ling Yun rubbed his chin, an idea came to his mind!
Ling Yun definitely didn't believe that buying ice cream would be An Qing's idea, so he whispered in Sissi's ear, "Do you want to eat ice cream?"

"Ma Ma said, you want two!" The little guy rolled his eyes!
"Well, two, do you have any money?" Ling Yun asked back.

The little guy was dumbfounded!

She really didn't have any, Beibei took all those Huaxia coins, and the 3000 yuan she earned recently was given to the little brother in the orphanage!

Now she is so poor!

I feel wronged even thinking about it!
Seeing her shaking her head, her eyes seemed to be reddened, Ling Yun comforted: "You don't need to pay, Dad will teach you..."

Then Ling Yun told the little guy his thoughts, and the latter laughed out loud after hearing it!

Ling Yun went to the kitchen, and came out again, holding a bowl of dark vinegar in his hand.



The little guy nodded, took the vinegar from Ling Yun's hand, and was walking towards An Qing!

An Qing watched their father and daughter for a while, and when she saw Sissy approaching with a smile on her face, she asked curiously, "What is in Sissy's hand?"

"Ma Ma, this is medicine!"

"What medicine?"

"I can't say it!" The little guy shook his head, and immediately said: "Ma Ma, let's play a game and see if Papa's medicine can cure you!"

An Qing has black lines all over her head!

Why is she sick?

Then chuckle, it's a game anyway, let's see what tricks their father and daughter play!
"How to play?" An Qing asked.

"Papa said that this medicine is super effective. If it is cured, you will give us one thousand, if it is not cured, we will give you two thousand!"

An Qing thought, is there such a good thing?
After she drank it, and said directly that it was not cured, wouldn't the 2000 yuan be yours?

Immediately, he pretended to be calm and replied: "Okay! sense of taste seems to be out of order, can it be cured?"

The little guy looked at Ling Yun who was sitting on the sofa, and Ling Yun covered his mouth and nodded while snickering.

The little guy also nodded, handed over the bowl of vinegar, and said in a milky voice, "Yes, come and drink the medicine!"

An Qing took it, took a sip, her teeth shuddered, and she said with a look of disgust, "Oh, isn't this vinegar?"

"Aha, it's cured, Mama will give us 1000 yuan!" The little guy was so excited that he stomped his feet!

An Qing was so angry that she refused to admit defeat!
After calming down, he said again: "Can it be cured? Other diseases!"

The little guy looked at Ling Yun again, got the latter's nod and replied: "Yes, it can cure all diseases, as Papa said!!"

An Qing said with black lines all over her head, "I have amnesia, can it be cured?"

The little guy aha laughed: drink medicine! "After finishing speaking, he handed over the bowl of vinegar!
The corner of An Qing's mouth twitched and she instinctively replied, "Isn't this the vinegar I just drank?"

"Aha, the illness is cured, and Ma Ma owes us 2000 yuan!" The little guy almost narrowed his eyes when he smiled, and just like that, 2000 yuan was in hand, no need to be coquettish, no need to sell ice cream!

An Qing wanted to cry but her mouth was crooked in anger, she had to calm down!
Play another game, and I will definitely be able to offset all the debts!

"The last one is sick, can it still be cured?"

The little guy stopped looking at Ling Yun, and nodded directly: "Yes!"

Anyway, she believed Ling Yun's words to death, this bowl of medicine can cure all diseases!
"I can't hear! Can it be cured?" An Qing triumphantly pointed at her ears and shook her head.

The little guy scratched his head, she seems to have forgotten the words!

At this time Ling Yun also came over and said, "We can't cure this!"

The little guy was lost when he heard this, did she just reply wrongly?If I had known it earlier, I would have seen her father's attitude. I regretted it, and the money was gone again!


Ling Yun then said: "Let's refund you three thousand." Then he started to fumble for his wallet!

An Qing's face was filled with joy, and she said with a beaming smile, "Okay, okay! Refund me three thousand!" As soon as she said that, she reached out her hand to ask Ling Yun for money!

As soon as this action came out, she was dumbfounded!


She was tricked again.

Are their father and daughter united?
She was so angry that she trembled, it was all a routine, it was impossible to guard against.

Ling Yun couldn't help laughing and said: "For 3000 yuan, please forward me on WeChat!" After speaking, he took the bowl of vinegar to the kitchen and poured it out!

The little guy rubbed his head, and it took him a long time to realize that he was recovering from his illness, and then he burst out laughing!
Not surprisingly, An Qing transferred 3000 yuan to the Lingyun, then flicked the little guy's forehead, and went to take a bath, feeling very greasy, sweating a lot, and a bit smelly, it's the Lingmi that has worked!Before leaving, don’t forget to remind Lingyun to order takeaway!

Ling Yun was sitting on the sofa, and the little guy asked for a share of the spoils!
It's asking for money!
Ling Yun said flickeringly: "If you order takeout at night, you will be charged two hundred for an ice cream!"


The little guy has a big mouth!

Standing on the sofa with a dazed look!
Immediately Ling Yun helped her calculate the cost, one ice cream piece online was 100 yuan, and if I ordered four, the online fee was 100 yuan, or the delivery fee was [-] yuan!

Add up exactly one thousand and one hundred!

(End of this chapter)

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