Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 566 Mother and Daughter Meet

Chapter 566 Mother and Daughter Meet
Surprise the little one!
Two hundred for an ice cream?

So expensive?
In memory, 100 yuan can buy much better!
Immediately after hearing that Ling Yun bought four for her, she couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear!
So much so that she didn't listen to what Ling Yun said later!

"1000 yuan is not expensive anymore, but you get [-] yuan, so you have no money!" Ling Yun Youyou explained, and he calculated the origin of every sum clearly, and it was exact!
The little guy was dumbfounded again!

Didn't you get three thousand?Little brains are not enough.

She doesn't know if 3000 is not much, but how could it be possible to spend it on just four ice creams!

The child took all the three thousand as hers.

Seeing that the little guy was confused and in a daze, Ling Yun explained again: "3000 yuan, shouldn't Dad get [-] yuan for his idea?"

The little guy nods!

"The first two diseases are all due to you, one disease is [-], you get [-], and the last one is caused by Dad, you get [-]!"

"So, divide it up, add five hundred to five hundred, and you will get one thousand! Do you understand!"

After listening to the little guy, he suddenly realized that the money had to be divided!

Then hook your fingers!
"Aha, my papa really didn't lie to me!"

I don't know if she is right or not, so I just laughed!

Ling Yun smiled lightly and said, "Of course, how could Dad lie to you?"

"Yeah!" The little guy kissed Ling Yun's cheek and smiled!

After An Qing came down, she asked again: "Ma Ma, does five hundred plus five hundred equal one thousand?"

"Baby, so smart!"

An Qing was slightly startled!
Ling Yun's head was full of black lines, meeting An Qing's eyes, he said embarrassedly: "I just taught her math!"

Now the little guy has no doubts at all, sitting on the sofa, waiting for the ice cream!
An Qing asked Ling Yun what happened to her skin!
There was a noise outside the door

An Qing has mixed feelings in her heart!
The little guy was bouncing around, clamoring to open the door, creaking!

Ling Yun drove it, how tall is she?You can't let her use that ability.

"Aha. Granny."

As soon as the little guy saw that it was Gongsun Qing, he ran over and hugged her feet, raised his head and looked at her eagerly.

And the latter chuckled: "How is Sissy recently?"

An Guomin was taken aback!
When did they meet?

It looks very familiar!
"Papa and Mama accompany me every day, so happy!" The little guy shook his body and said excitedly.

"Ahem!" Ling Yun coughed dryly twice: "Are you tired? Come in, both of you."

Ling Yun doesn't even know what to call him anymore!
An Guomin's mouth twitched!
Secretly thought, Ling Yun is still rude!

"Sissy, have you forgotten your grandpa after meeting your grandma?"

"Oh! Grandpa, you are here!" The little guy replied lightly, with a slightly surprised expression on his face!

An Guomin and his wife can't laugh or cry!
The little guy motioned Gongsun Qing to bow her head, and Ling Yun knew what she wanted to do!

"Sissy, I'll ask for it once I get in the house!"

"Oh!" The little guy pursed his mouth, and said again: "Grandma, Ma Ma...waiting for us inside, inside."

"Okay, let's go in right away!" Gongsun Qing was carrying a backpack, and An Min took all the luggage behind her!
"Brat, you wouldn't come here and help me, anyway, I'm your father-in-law!" An Guomin called to stop Ling Yun who was about to enter the living room!
Ling Yun stopped, touched his nose, and turned around to drag him with a suitcase.

For An Qing's sake, Ling Yun should stop fussing with him so much, An Guomin is also right, he is An Qing's father, his father-in-law!
"Ma Ma, guess who's here?" The little guy ran up to An Qing, trying to cover her eyes mischievously, insisting on letting her guess.

An Qing pretended to be thinking hard, and then replied: "It's so difficult, won't Qianqian give mom a little hint?"

"Reminder? She looks like Mama!"

"Haha, I see!" An Qing smiled!

And the little guy let go of An Qing's eyes, and said with a smile: "Ma Ma is so amazing!"

She always felt that something was wrong, so she poked her forehead!
Her mother didn't seem to say who it was!


She realized that she had become stupid, and she scratched her head and giggled.

An Qing stood up and turned her head, looking straight at Gongsun Qing, but An Guomin's Ling Yun and intuition didn't bother her.

Gongsun Qing was very young, An Qing was still taken aback, the two mother and daughter looked at each other affectionately, Gongsun Qing cried out with tears in her eyes: "Daughter!"

"Mom..." An Qing's heart softened, and she couldn't stop her tears.

For a moment, the two of them embraced tightly, and a thousand words could not be worth this late hug.

To An Qing's surprise, why is her mother still so young?
Stand with her like two sisters!
The little guy quietly watched them talking, and his eyes began to look up and down Gongsun Qing's backpack.

After a while, he ran to An Guomin's place again and poked their luggage.

An Guomin looked at Ling Yun with doubts, and the latter shrugged. He knew it but didn't want to explain.

His daughter was looking at what presents they brought!
Seeing that their mother and daughter were almost reminiscing about the old days, Ling Yun went to make a few cups of tea!

"Mom, drink tea!" Ling Yun handed a cup to Gongsun Qing.

Gongsun Qing responded, and looked at An Qing and Ling Yun with a smile. The more they looked, the more they matched each other!
An Min's mood is crooked!

Tea is given to him!
But nothing was said!
An Qing didn't blame Ling Yun either, because she knew that Ling Yun loved Qianqian very much. Her father had hurt her before, and Ling Yun's ability to do this really surprised her. If it was her, she would definitely not forgive her.

The little guy was sitting at the door of the living room, playing games with the little piggy, and looking out of the door from time to time.

Has the takeaway arrived yet?

She is so hungry!
An Min tasted the tea, and the taste was not bad, although he didn't understand the craftsmanship!

Then, while holding tea, he got up and walked around.

The living room was spotless!

The so-called do not sweep a room, why sweep the world.

Ling Yun made him look at him with admiration again. The information from the previous investigation shows that this villa belongs to Ling Yun, and his daughter has to go to work, and Ling Yun does not do anything, so Ling Yun must clean the house. An Guomin is very satisfied with this.

The door was not closed, and the SF Express delivery boy came in with two big bags.

The little guy was so excited that he ran out of the living room, followed the delivery guy in, and never took his eyes off the two bags.

"Lingyun, what did you order?" An Guomin asked curiously.

"Ingredients, the family has run out."

After thanking the delivery guy, Ling Yun locked the door.

He also took out an ice cream from the bag and said, "Here you are."

An Qing's eyes widened, this father and daughter!

Actually bought four.

"Sissy, it's too late, I can't eat that much, I'll help you store the ice cream in the refrigerator for you to eat tomorrow."

The little guy shook his head and replied: "Don't let it go, finish eating right away!"

An Qing had no choice but to ask Ling Yun for help, maybe he will have a good idea!

Ling Yun whispered something in the little guy's ear, and she nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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