Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 569

Chapter 569
The owner of Tianhai Pavilion, Duan Wuya, swallowed a pill, and his heart was trembling.


His black battle armor was scratched by his claws. Sure enough, the beasts of the abyss are extraordinary!
"Thank you, Brother Dao!" said Duan Wuya, the owner of Tianhai Pavilion.

King Feichen nodded!
He said again: "There are dangers everywhere here, we must all work together."

Everyone heard the words and had no opinion.

"Damn it, you're still so crazy after death!" Duan Wuya, the owner of Tianhai Pavilion, walked to the black claw leopard's body, kicked and cursed at the same time.


The paws of the black-clawed leopard attacked the owner of the Tianhai Pavilion again, Duan Wuya was so shocked that everyone else was not calm!
"Attention, it's not dead!" The demon Tiangang said with a sudden change of expression.

Everyone's scalps were numb, they had never seen such a strange thing before!

Because they confirmed that this black-clawed leopard is dead, but...

Now it stands up with its eyes closed and fights with the owner of Tianhai Pavilion, Duan Wuya!
Is it a puppet?
As soon as this thought came out, they shook their heads. How could someone make a puppet just after the black clawed leopard died?

This is so weird!

Could it be that the master of Jiuyou Abyss really exists?
While fearing in their hearts, they also strengthened their vigilance.

"Everyone, don't look!" Sanxiu Boar shouted, his tone was still very flustered!

"What's the matter?" Mozu Tiangang frowned, why did so many things happen?
When he looked at Ji Wushuang, he was dumbfounded!

How could his Nascent Soul have such terrifying power?

Immediately, he also shouted: "Stop him, don't let him expose himself!"

Liu Taizong didn't say a word, directly with Feichen Dharma King and Sanxiu Shanzhu, the three of them had a tacit understanding, and they shot together to trap Ji Wushuang's popular Nascent Soul!
The three golden spell lines made Ji Wushuang unable to move, and he sighed heavily.

His plan has been seen through again!
It's all because of that damn boar, why are his eyes so sharp!
However, he was also sneering. With such a big commotion, all the vicious beasts nearby would rush over after hearing it, right?
By the time!

Let them shed a layer of skin even if they don't die, let them chase and feed!
How about not paying a price?
Ling Yun controlled the Black Claw Leopard and the owner of the Tianhai Pavilion, Duan Wuya and the demon Tiangang played for a while, and their fingers were tired.

As the two of them combined their martial arts, the head of the Black Clawed Leopard was picked out, and its body was frozen again.

Ling Yun no longer manipulated it, but let the beasts from the Nine Nether Abyss play with them. He had business to do.

"Hoohoo, damn, this monster has finally stopped moving." Duan Wuya, the owner of the Tianhai Pavilion, put away his spear and looked at the black clawed leopard with lingering fear. His tone seemed relaxed, but his eyes never moved away from the corpse.

"Come and help!" Sanxiu Boar shouted.

words fall
He was startled!

A hurricane blew quickly like a thunderbolt, mixed with terrifying power, and it was as powerful as a bamboo!

In an instant

The few of them could hardly stand still and lost control of Ji Wushuang!
A burst of dust rose up all over the sky, making them all close their eyes, and they could only release their consciousness to observe.

Immediately, they frowned deeply, and began to panic again. What made them even more angry and frightened was that Ji Wushuang had disappeared!
Liu Taizong asked: "Ji Wushuang?"

"It should be the hurricane that rescued him!" The demon Tiangang opened his eyes, and an evil look began to look into the depths.

"I don't think so, I clearly saw that he disappeared out of thin air!" Sanxiu Wild Boar was sweating, at the moment when the hurricane hit, he could clearly see that he disappeared!
"No, the beast is attacking, get out quickly, leave Ji Wushuang alone!" Dharma King Feichen yelled, and with a sweep of consciousness, he was almost scared to pee, and the beasts surrounded him densely.

The Mozu Tiangang soared into the sky, towards the ferocious beasts that appeared in all directions, and suddenly slapped out his unique skill of cold ice palm.

The air is freezing!
Obviously he was not reconciled to letting Ji Wushuang escape!

The bursts of animal howls can break the ice in the air, making the demon Tiangang frown!
What kind of effort?
Lion Roar?
So awesome?
Mozu Tiangang hurried down to discuss countermeasures with them.

"Tiangang, don't waste your true energy, what we are thinking about is not killing them, but how we can get out of trouble!" Sanxiu Boar said with a face full of fear, not because he was afraid, but because he had to be afraid, densely packed beasts, just now It's just one, and it took a long time to fight with one, it's too abnormal, now?

It is estimated that there is a wave of beasts!

Otherwise, how could there be so many!

If you don't run away, you will die in their mouths!

Dharma King Feichen raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile, "The ferocious beasts can only be on the ground, we can fly up to the sky, and then look for Ji Wushuang!"

When everyone listens, this attention is okay!

Nine Nether Abyss cannot fly high, because the higher the altitude, the more miasma. What I hate the most is that it is not ordinary miasma!

And the low-altitude flight can't be too long, it's too strenuous, and there are too many taboos in the Nine Nether Abyss!

A sound of wolves howling!

Dharma King Feichen, who was about to step into the sky, suddenly changed his face!
Cursed: "Damn it, this is going to put us to death."

Everyone looked at the flying wolf in the sky, their faces were ashen!
Sanxiu Boar sat slumped on the ground, secretly thought!



Mozu Tiangang tried his best to calm himself down, there must be a way!
"Let's get together, I have a large defensive formation." Liu Taizong took out a jade slip from the storage ring, black and red, it can be seen that it is a high-end product.

Everyone's eyes lit up!
They turned around together, and Liu Taizong did not disappoint everyone. The moment the beasts came up, the defensive formation bounced them all away. The effect of force is relative, so the few beasts that rushed forward were all shocked to death.

Dharma King Feichen asked with a smile: "Senior Taizong, this formation is so powerful, how long can it last?"

This is what he cares most about right now!
And Liu Taizong frowned, sighed and replied: "It's not up to me to decide, haven't you noticed? This formation requires spirit stones and magic cores!"

Only then did everyone nod their heads carefully, as if they had suddenly realized!

No wonder it's so awesome!
It actually cost two good things, but it was worth it to save their lives!

The only regret is that they have collected all the spirit stones and magic cores on their bodies, and it is estimated that they can only last for one day!
Right now, they just hope that these ferocious beasts can leave as soon as possible, and stop going out to play blindly!

They can't afford it!

It really confirmed that sentence, Jiuyou Abyss is the tomb of the Twelve Realms Immortal Emperor!
Will the beast leave?
will not!

Without Ling Yun's retreat order, they would have been waiting for the formation, even if they died, the Nine Nether Abyss has long been regarded as their home, and now someone is trying to destroy their home?
How can you let it go?

The order Ling Yun gave them before was to devour them.

Seeing the ferocious beasts, they squatted around, staring at them fiercely, without any intention of retreating. Everyone's faces were pale and fidgeting!

Is this the rest of their lives?

(End of this chapter)

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