Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 570 Reshaping the Flesh

Chapter 570 Reshaping the Flesh
Ling Yun doesn't know what they are thinking at the moment, and this is not what he cares about.

Outside the Nine Nether Abyss!
Ling Yun was dressed in black, standing lightly in the air, and he was wearing a disposable mask over his mouth. He grabbed Ji Wushuang's Nascent Soul with his hand, and suddenly smiled evilly, his eyes were very complicated!

It made Ji Wushuang tremble when he saw it!

Where did this pervert come from?
Why did he come out in an instant?

There are a lot of questions in my mind!


Ling Yun just pinched it lightly as if he was playing!
Who knew that Ji Wushuang was screaming so badly, Ling Yun was also speechless, wouldn't it really be that painful?

Should not be!

He just pinched it so lightly!
"Too weak, you owe me money, I can't let you die, or I will lose money." Ling Yun complained fiercely!
Ji Wushuang let out a big breath, feeling like he had narrowly escaped death, so that he was at a loss as to what Ling Yun said later.

Regarding Ling Yun's first sentence, he did not open his mouth to refute. He was indeed very weak under Yuan Ying.

His mind keeps spinning!

Who is the man in front of him?
Why catch him?

How are the Mozu Tiangang and the others doing now?

I don't know him, but he seems to know me, and still withdraw money?
Don't miss his money!
Ji Wushuang began to think that Ling Yun was crazy!
"Don't think so much!" Ling Yun gave him a blank look, usually the Nascent Soul doesn't move, just thinking wildly, Ling Yun sees this a lot!
"That... that... senior... hello!"

Ji Wushuang trembled, feeling joy and fear in her heart!
The joy is that he was rescued, but the fear is that he doesn't know what Ling Yun will do to him!


Seeing that Ji Wushuang wanted to continue, Ling Yun quickly interrupted!
"see this!"

A photo suddenly appeared in the sky!
Ji Wushuang was very pleasantly surprised when she saw it. It was a photo of Qianqian and Ji Wuxue!
"Xiaoxue, is she okay?" Ji Wushuang seemed to want to cry, looking at the photo affectionately, without moving away for a long time.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, the domain master in front of him was fake, right?
You said you cared so much about Ji Wuxue, why did you keep staring at Mrs. Ghost in the photo!
"Ahem, my saliva is drooling!"

"Ah!" Ji Wushuang regained consciousness, his face full of embarrassment, he is a Nascent Soul, where is the saliva coming from?
"Hey, for Xiaoxue's sake, let me give you a fortune!" Ling Yun said lightly, making Ji Wushuang look confused!

"This..." Ji Wushuang looked at a body in front of him, which was exactly like him, and his heart was really turbulent.

Ling Yun in front of him could actually reshape his physical body instantly.


It's too perverted, what kind of show operation is this?

"Go in and see if it suits you. If it doesn't suit you, you can change it yourself. I don't have time!" Ling Yun pointed at the body and said nonchalantly.

"Ah... oh... oh!"

Like a fool, Ji Wushuang still nodded in a daze.


The two words really shocked Ji Wushuang, this body at least has the body of a real immortal, and once again refreshed his three views!
If he hadn't witnessed Ling Yun fabricating it on the spot, he wouldn't have believed such a thing to death.

"Insufficient materials, that's all!" Ling Yun looked disgusted after finishing speaking, thinking that fabricating this physical body was a big failure in his life.

"Thank you so much!" Ji Wushuang burst into tears of gratitude!
"Can't your cultivation be restored in a year?"

It was Ling Yun who asked Ji Wuxue about this later. She thought Ji Wuxue didn't know, but Ji Wuxue knew and told Ling Yun.


"How can time be so punctual!" Ji Wushuang replied speechlessly.

Ling Yun has a deep understanding of this point!
"The physical body is a true immortal, but your cultivation?" Ling Yun was curious again. Ji Wushuang, who has reshaped his physical body, is no longer an immortal emperor. Why?

"I'm careless, if I knew I would be rescued, I wouldn't use the forbidden technique!" Ji Wushuang had a heartbroken expression, as if he had a heart attack, and his face could still be pale.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched!
Dare he just revealed that he used a forbidden technique!
He wants to study what kind of forbidden technique, so fun?
Being arrogant, he was embarrassed to speak up again, and he did it like Ji Wushuang's forbidden technique. How embarrassing!
Suddenly Ling Yun's head lit up!
He seems to have a elixir to restore the sequelae of the ban!
Immediately he shook his head, isn't the sequelae of the forbidden technique just a severe trauma to the soul?
A single Xiuhun brand cigarette can do it, then he looked at Ji Wushuang and said: "I have a way to restore your soul, but..."

As he said that, his eyes flashed!

"You must let me see the forbidden technique, this is the condition."

"That's it?" Ji Wushuang asked uncertainly. It is very difficult to repair the damage to the soul. Most of them are cultivated slowly by themselves, and the other is to eat some immortal grass and elixir related to the soul.

Even the elixir for repairing the soul was heard by legends!
Now Ling Yun said there is a way?

He still didn't believe it very much, but he had expectations in his heart.

"Otherwise? What else do you want?" Ling Yun seemed displeased!

Ling Ji Wushuang shuddered violently!
He doesn't talk too much!
Immediately he responded immediately: "Okay!"


I saw Ling Yun shaking out a cigarette, signaling him to smoke it!
Ji Wushuang didn't understand, scratching his head, Ling Yun rolled his eyes at him, and demonstrated one himself, and before he knew it, he started to enjoy it!

Ji Wushuang looked at the fluttering Ling Yun, his eyes began to shine, and he swallowed, thinking to himself what is this thing?
"That's it!" Ling Yun came back to his senses and gave her another look, demonstrating what he learned!
Not watching him smoke!

Ling Yun was unable to complain!
"Damn it, it's really fixed!!" Ji Wushuang scolded himself fiercely, and he was fucking addicted to it.

Ling Yun stared at him, patted his head, and said displeasedly: "What is the name of the ghost!"

"Sorry, I'm so excited!" Ji Wushuang smiled awkwardly, still in a state of shock in his heart, he was about to cry, who is this pervert?
Why are you so awesome?
Everyone is a lumbar disc, why is he so prominent?
"Your cultivation has returned to the early stage of the Immortal Emperor, and you should be able to fight them!" Ling Yun held his chin and said in a deep voice.

Ji Wushuang replied sadly: "They?" Then he smiled wryly: "If they are still in Jiuyou Abyss at this moment, I can't take revenge!"

"Joke, you give you the right, all the beasts listen to you, can you play them badly?"

"What?" Ji Wushuang suspected that there was something wrong with his ears, or that there was something wrong with Ling Yun's brain!
The beast listened to him?
Is it possible?
At that time his face was black!
"This is my back garden." Ling Yun couldn't help but pat Ji Wushuang on the head again.

These bastards are too stupid!

He even wondered if Ji Wushuang's IQ was also low because of her skills.

Ji Wushuang's mouth widened in surprise!
back yard!
"I...I!! Definitely..." Ji Wushuang reacted tremblingly.

Stormy waves are not enough to describe the fluctuations in his heart!

(End of this chapter)

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