Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 575 Jade Street

Chapter 575 Jade Street

The little guy has been communicating with Xiaobai...

The so-called communication was that she was talking to herself, while Xiaobai the dolphin just yelled and nodded.

An Guomin was speechless while listening, and didn't bother, most of them were talking about things he didn't understand!
What... Continental... Auntie... Dragon... and fire, it sounds like an American science fiction movie.

Until An Qing came over and took her away who was reluctant to part with her: "Sissy, quickly put on your little backpack and go play!"

"Huh! Really?" The little guy forgot Xiaobai in an instant, his face was full of excitement, and he could go play again!

Where is her daddy?

"Ma Ma, is Papa going?" The little guy scratched his head and asked.

"Puchi, didn't you let him make money just now? Why are you so stupid?" An Qing laughed and flicked her forehead!
"Ah!" The little guy lost all interest in an instant, did her father go to work just now?

"Are you going or not? Or just stay at home and watch the house?"

"No, no, I'm going!" The little guy shook his head, two of them, she must follow one.

Ling Yun went to work, she couldn't let An Qing leave her behind.

Putting on the small backpack happily, the little guy followed An Qing to the playground!
Also drunk, three adults accompany one child!

What a roller coaster, haunted house!
The little ones are asking to come and play on the side!
An Guomin and An Qing's father and daughter were so frightened that they couldn't stand the excitement!

For lunch, they all settled it outside. The little guy didn't have much appetite at all, so he ate a little. The milk he drank was not good, and his face was full of disgust.


At An Guomin's request, a group of them went to Yushi Street in Jiangbei!
Just to see if there are any unexpected gains, after all, the company An Min opened sells jade and jewelry!

Recently, his company's supply is in short supply, and Myanmar does not provide him with supply. He is having a headache for this matter!

At this time, Gongsun Qing planned to come to Jiangbei to see An Qing, but he could only nod his head helplessly. He didn't have to do business, and his relatives had to accompany him. This was what he realized after the incident between An Qing and Qianqian last time.

Yushi Street in Jiangbei is quite chaotic!
Misfits, thieves, gangsters, gamblers, almost all of them are here.

The senior gangsters of the daughter's gang have recognized the little guy a long time ago, and secretly protected him.

An Guomin frowned, as if the group of them were being targeted, and they were suddenly very nervous, and they didn't know what the other party's purpose was!
What purpose can there be!
It's not because the little guy has a big background, Brother Qiang said, the main purpose of their gang is to save a hair in their own territory, and the others will wait to collect the corpse!
So Brother Shan, the high-level gangster who is in charge of the daughter gang on Yushi Street, is now worried, and I pray to God and Buddha, I hope the little guy will leave quickly!
If something happened and a hair fell out, it would be the end of his life.

The little guy looked at those low-level stones curiously all the way!

An Qing refused to let her go down again, not for the baby, for fear that she would fall and hurt herself.

After hearing what the people around him said, An Guomin said, "No wonder there are so many people today. It turns out that a batch of rough stone goods came recently and they are still doing activities!"

"Dad, let's go and see other businesses later to see if we can get some rough stones. Your company must be taken by others, right?" Although An Qing is not in Shanghai, she will know more about An Guomin's company. .

Especially recently, TV reports have come out!

"Sure enough, it's my daughter. That's right. I think it's the same. It's probably caused by foreign companies and the Song family. They want to annex our company. Hmph! No way!" An Guomin gritted his teeth and replied.

The little guy also imitated: "Hmph! No way!" He said and waved his little fist.

"Haha, you little one, what do you know?" Gongsun Qing patted the back of her head funny!

The little guy shouted angrily!

"Ma Ma, I'll go down too!" The little guy started to restless, moving around in An Qing's arms all the time!

An Qing frowned!
Pretend to be angry and put her down, and said: "I won't hug you later, if you want it, whoever wants it!"

The little guy didn't know if he heard it or not, so he pushed aside a few people and watched a stone gambling shop!
The onlookers are all looking at Jieshi!
The master machinist is an old craftsman with rich experience. He quickly adjusted the machine and began to grind on one side of the stone with a grinding wheel.

Stones like the one in his hand are usually cleaned from one direction to see if they can get green.

The master mechanic was watching while wiping, concentrating on it.

A lot of spectators gathered next to them, chattering there, including An Qing and the others who also came, there was no way, the little guy was watching this with excitement.

Everyone watched quietly, no one dared to make a sound, and the master mechanic was about to start grinding.

I only heard the little guy pouting before polishing, "Nothing!" After speaking, he spread his little hands, which is really cute.

Everyone has heard these words, but no one cares about a child's words, they are all patiently waiting for the result, while the owner of the stone is waiting anxiously, as if he has used up all his wealth for this stone, his face is covered with sweat .


As the master mechanic slowly polished it, everyone could see it clearly, without any color at all, and the owner of the stone was even ashamed!

There is nothing in this stone, and the little guy is right.

The owner of the stone, his name is Zhu Ping'an, 38 years old this year, the owner of a small jewelry company, but it is about to go bankrupt, and he was set up by his deadly rival.

Seeing a tear stream from the corner of his eye, the little guy tiptoed over, tugged at his trousers, handed him a tissue, and comforted him, "Don't cry, don't cry!"

After finishing speaking, he smiled innocently!
An Qing came over and said to Zhu Pingan, "I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, your daughter? She's so cute!" Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly, and it was obvious that his smile was forced!


I heard from the master mechanic that the stone cost him 300 million yuan, but the bamboo basket fetched water in vain, and he lost everything.

The little guy tugged at Zhu Pingan again, and said in a low voice, "Big Shumai, Sissy tells you, this, that's it, so green!"

After finishing speaking, he praised me for being amazing, which made them dumbfounded!
The little guy first pointed to a stone in a certain stall, and then walked over to touch it. That look made several women die.

An Qing caught her back speechlessly, and said, "Don't make trouble, be good, I'll treat you to ice cream later!"

Although he heard that there was ice cream, the little guy nodded and said at the same time: "Mama, Sissy didn't make trouble!" After speaking, he showed innocent little eyes!
An Guomin stepped forward to look at the stone that Qianqian had stroked, and shook his head slightly.

The little guy went to talk to Zhu Pingan again, and said softly, "Big Shushu, so green." Littlefinger was still pointing at the stone.

Everyone covered their mouths and smiled...especially when they heard her say green...

It feels like he Zhu Pingan is wearing a cuckold, which also makes people laugh.

An Qing said with a smile: "Tongyan Wuji!"

An Guomin didn't understand. He didn't think it was a coincidence that she and Beibei settled down in Shanghai before, but now how he looks at this stone, it doesn't look like green. It's strange.

(End of this chapter)

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