Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 576 Full Green

Chapter 576 Full Green
I wish you peace and no anger! !

Instead, he began to think deeply. He remembered that the old man in the village said that children are very spiritual. If someone, especially children, keeps asking you to do one thing over and over again, then there must be some kind of arrangement somewhere!
Then he walked up to the stone, looked at the price, and said nothing!

I handed over a bank card directly, which is the final principal.

Shouted: "Buy it!"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, secretly said!
Could it be that he wished peace and couldn't afford to lose?
Already crazy?

An Qing frowned, and persuaded: "Sir, my daughter is talking nonsense, don't listen to her, just in case...cough! I mean, if you don't get green, don't blame us!"

"Hey, what a big deal, isn't it just 80? I wish I could lose!" Zhu Pingan said, but his heart was still not calm enough.


He jumped into the sea!Let his relatives and friends fish for him in the sea.

Betting green?
He turned over and invited his relatives and friends to Haidilao for a meal.

The little guy pouted: "You're bad!" He stared at An Qing.

At this time, An Qing's hand was held, and she turned her head to look, she blushed immediately, and her heart was pounding, although she knew Ling Yun so well, she was still quite shy in front of so many people all of a sudden!
Ling Yun came over after finishing his work in the company!

The little guy jumped on Ling Yun's feet, he was laughing and talking a lot.

It was probably to show off to Ling Yun the playground he went to in the morning!
An Guomin was quite surprised that Ling Yun came. He simply thought that An Qing had informed her, but An Qing thought it was her parents who had informed her, so she didn't ask much at all.

"Sir, is this stone still available?" The stall owner asked Zhu Ping'an.

Zhu Pingan hesitated for a moment, but still nodded heavily. For some reason, he believed in Qian Qian.

Ling Yun smiled slightly at him and said, "Sir, your face is so red!"

"Little brother, don't bully me, I'm very unlucky!"

"Bad? Since my daughter talked to you, your fate has changed!" Ling Yun's words full of deep meaning not only puzzled Zhu Ping'an, but also puzzled An Qing and the others.

The little guy broke the embarrassment, kissed Ling Yun and said: "Baba, stone, stone, what Qianqian saw, so green, so green!!"

"Yeah!" Ling Yun also kissed her heavily, and praised: "Sissy is really amazing, she has learned how to make money, haha!"

An Qing was speechless... What are their father and daughter doing?So many people are watching!
An Guomin and Gongsun Qing came and said: "There is nothing good here, let's go and look elsewhere!"

An Guomin took a rough look at the surrounding stalls, and found that the stone materials were not good, so he suggested to take a look inside.

The little guy quit, curled his lips and shouted: "Don't go, don't go!"

Ling Yun chuckled lightly, and replied: "I know what you're thinking, just watch it for a few more minutes!"

An Qing naturally obeyed Ling Yun, so An Guomin and Gongsun Qing also watched for the time being.

People around were still pointing and pointing, but Zhu Pingan kept praying in his heart.

The master machinist carried the stone onto the stage, splashed water and began to wipe the surrounding area!

And Ling Yun suggested: "Master, why don't you cut off one-tenth of the surrounding area first?"

The master raised his eyebrows lightly, looked at Zhu Pingan, and Zhu Pingan nodded.

The old master is a part-time worker, and he started working again after hearing this.

He was very fast, and within a few minutes, he cut out the windows on all four sides of the stone one after another, completely exposing the overall situation inside the material.


There was a sound of exclamation all around, everyone had different expressions, and at the same time looked at the little guy with different eyes.

"There are greens on all sides!" Zhu Pingan heaved a long sigh of relief, with a relaxed smile on his face, and the pressure on his body was reduced. Even if there is not much green in it, he can still pay back his capital.

Immediately he was startled secretly, is that child really his luck today?
And there are Ling Yun's inexplicable words!

Could it be that his great luck has really come, and thinking about it, he is a little excited.

The corner of An Qing's mouth twitched, is there really green?


This child slapped her mother in the face!
An Guomin's face was brilliant, he really shouldn't treat Qian Qian like an ordinary child.


It would be great if he bought it!

Gongsun Qing also felt that Qianqian was very different. Does she have any abilities?
She knows that Ling Yun is not an ordinary person, and she hides it so deeply, it is likely that Qian Qian is too!
"Big brother, don't cut it, I'll offer 150 million!" A fat middle-aged man walked in and said to Zhu Ping'an.

And there are a few bodyguards behind him, obviously they are not young.

At this time, the little guy jumped up and said: "It's so green!"

Zhu Pingan's heart that had just been shaken immediately became firmer, shook his head, and said very tactfully, "Excuse me, sir, I also run a jewelry company, and I need this jade very much! I'm sorry!" After finishing speaking, he bowed politely. bow.

The middle-aged man smiled, nodded to him, expressing his understanding, then sighed and left. He still needs to buy more jade to go back, so he doesn't have much time to waste here.

As the machinist continued to cut, a complete piece of green came out, which was the size of a football!

It really confirms what the little guy said, so green!

Shock everyone's eyes!
I wish Ping An, as the biggest winner, naturally smiled and laughed, life is really full of ups and downs!

The master machinist was also happy for him, and cut a lot of stones for Zhu Pingan. This is the best and largest of all the stones he has cut for Zhu Pingan. It is conservatively estimated that there are 4000 to [-] million stones!
An Guomin's face was pained, as if his things were taken away, uncomfortable.

Gongsun Qing kept joking with a smile: "Old man, what's wrong with you?"

An Guomin's face darkened even more when he heard this.

"Papa, is it very valuable?" The little guy asked curiously, because she saw Zhu Ping'an smiling happily!
Ling Yun replied: "It's okay!"

The little guy pouted and said: "It's okay!"

An Qing has convinced their father and daughter, so what is it?

One knife is poor, one knife is rich!
Zhu Pingan in front of him is already rich, earning tens of millions in a few minutes!

It seems that her daughter has taken a fancy to it!
She felt very uncomfortable, why didn't they believe Sissy's words.

Tens of millions!
Just when Ling Yun and his group turned to leave, Zhu Pingan came over and said happily, "I want to thank you for stopping by, so I want to invite you to dinner!" His face was filled with happiness.

Ling Yun tactfully refused, and eat?

The little guy has such a picky mouth, he definitely won't go!

Besides, An Guomin said that he didn't have time, and he was right, he was in a hurry to buy rough stones!
I wish you peace, it's a pity that I didn't invite the little guy to dinner, as a thank you!
I don't even know the little guy's name or where he lives, so I can't thank him even if I want to thank him in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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